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The Arms Race and the Space Race

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Presentation on theme: "The Arms Race and the Space Race"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Arms Race and the Space Race
The Cold War The Arms Race and the Space Race

2 Arms Race to the Space Race

3 Atomic Bombs “Little Boy,” US, 1945 USSR, 1949 “First Lightening”

4 Hydrogen Bombs, H-Bomb Thermonuclear weapons 1000xs more powerful
US 1952 USSR 1953

5 ICBM US- Atlas Missile, 1957 Soviets develop the R7 in 1958

6 Satellites Sputnik, USSR, 1957

7 Satellites Explorer 1-- US, 1958

8 Arms Race to the Space Race
NASA- 1958 Mercury Program 1961 Freedom 7 Shepard 1st American in space 1962 Friendship 7 Glenn orbited the Earth Gemini Program Apollo Program 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing

9 NORAD- North American Aerospace Defense Command
(Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, CO)

10 Korea 1950- 1953 Mission: Containment First UN issue
Troops from 21 countries 90% US First fight against communist aggression

11 Korea Short Version Cause- North Korea invaded South Korea
Course- Pusan-- UN troops pushed South Inchon-- MacArthur/ Marines land Yalu-- Drove N.Korean troops border Chinese troops invaded th Parallel-- UN troops pushed back Stalemate

12 Korea Short Version Issues: Results:
Use nucs? (We’re not winning fast enough!) Attack China?? (They’d invaded to help N. Korea) Results: Election of Eisenhower Cease- fire/ Truce DMZ at 38th Parallel 3Ds

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