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Local Employment Dynamics:

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1 Local Employment Dynamics:
6/02/2014 Local Employment Dynamics: Utilizing Quarterly Workforce Indicators for Detailed Worker and Industry Characteristics Earlene Dowell LEHD Program Center for Economic Studies U.S. Census Bureau

2 Outline The hierarchy What is LED and how can I use it?
6/02/2014 Outline The hierarchy What is LED and how can I use it? LED Public-use Data and Web Tools Live Demonstration and hands-on activity Introduction to Job-to-Job Flows

3 Center for Economic Studies
6/02/2014 Center for Economic Studies CES was established in 1982, designed to house longitudinal business databases The Longitudinal Household-Employer Dynamics (LEHD) program is a subgroup of CES CES partners with stakeholders inside and outside the Census Bureau to improve measures of the economy and people of the United States through research and the development of innovative data products CES also facilitates the research of others through the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) program Currently 23 open RDC locations with 7 new locations coming soon

4 CES Data Products and Data Tools
Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) Tabulations on establishments, firms, and employment with unique information on firm age and firm size Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database (SynLBD) Beta version of synthetic microdata on all U.S. establishments TOOLS BDS Visualization Tool Visualize BDS data across multiple dimensions Geographic – Thematic Map Cross Sectional – Bar Charts Time – Time Series Virtual RDC – Through Cornell University Experimental synthetic data product 21 million establishment records covering all sectors for the years 1976 – 2000 Contains the establishment's synthetic 3–digit SIC code, first year, last year, annual payroll, annual employment, and multi–unit status Contains no geographic or firm-level information

5 BDS Visualization Tool Census.Gov/CES/
6/02/2014 BDS Visualization Tool Census.Gov/CES/ Go Live Job Creation

6 LED vs LEHD Local Employment Dynamics Partnership
Partnership between Census Bureau and States States voluntarily submit quarterly data Core data from UI Wage Records and QCEW reports Additional records from OPM and other Federal sources Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program Creates linked employer-employee database Releases public-use data products Develops web tools for data dissemination

7 Where Do the Data Come From?
6/02/2014 Where Do the Data Come From? Local Employment Dynamics Partnership Begun in late 1990s with a few states Some states have time series back to 1990 Not currently producing data for Wyoming, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands

8 Admin. Records & LED Infrastructure
6/02/2014 UI* Wage Records OPM* Economic Survey Data Linked National Jobs Data Firm Data Jobs Data Person Data Business Register Federal Records Demographic Census/Survey Data QCEW* QCEW = Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages UI = Unemployment Insurance OPM = Office of Personnel Management Public-Use Data Products… Job data cover over 95% of private employment and most state, local, and federal jobs Data availability: , start year varies by state, rolling end date

9 Why Are LED Data Special?
100% Coverage of UI Covered Jobs Firm Characteristics crossed with Worker Characteristics Detailed Geography Data Currency Accessible via powerful and easy-to-use tools Flexible outputs: PDF reports, Excel tables, high-quality images, and shapefiles

10 LED Data Products Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI)
Employment, Job Creation, Job Destruction, Hires, Separations, Turnover, Earnings By industry, county, and worker characteristics LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) Employment-Residence connections Detailed geography + firm/worker characteristics Job-to-Job Flows (J2J) Data on job transitions broken down by origin/destination industry and geography and worker characteristics Flows between jobs Flows to/from nonemployment Ongoing beta release of data Job-to-Job Explorer application forthcoming this fall

11 Choosing Among LED Data Products
What do you want? Potential Drawbacks Data Product Employment, hires, separations, turnover, or earnings by detailed firm and person characteristics; quarterly time resolution; relatively short data lag No geography below county; no residential information QWI Employment for detailed or customized geography; residential patterns of the workforce; relationship between worker employment and home locations Annual time resolution; less detailed firm/person characteristics LODES Transitions between jobs by timing and firm or worker characteristics; transitions to/from nonemployment No worker characteristics by firm characteristics (except geography), no geography below states* J2J *Data product is still under development.

12 Choosing Among LED Data Access Points
Data Product Explore the data, answer questions, or get visualizations Bulk data for use in analysis process/software Live queries for building web applications QWI QWI Explorer LED Extraction Tool Raw data download Census Bureau API LODES OnTheMap OnTheMap for Emergency Management Raw data download Future development J2J Job-to-Job Explorer (forthcoming) Future Development

13 6/02/2014 Data Tools


15 Recognized by United Nations as a major U.S. statistical innovation
OnTheMap Recognized by United Nations as a major U.S. statistical innovation Where do workers live? Where do residents work? What are the commuter flows of a particular area? Analyze/report by worker demographics: age, earnings, race, ethnicity, educational attainment, and sex Analyze/report by firm characteristics: NAICS Sector, firm age, and firm size annual data 50 states available (plus DC) User-selected areas Based on Census Blocks Disclosure protection Flexible Inputs/Outputs

16 6/02/2014 Getting Started OnTheMap.CES.Census.Gov

17 Area Profile

18 Home Area Comparison

19 Distance/Direction

20 Destination

21 Inflow/Outflow

22 Paired Area

23 Selection and Base Map Tabs
6/02/2014 Selection and Base Map Tabs

24 OnTheMap for Emergency Management
Hurricanes, Floods, Winter Storms Disaster Areas Wildfires Demographic & Economic Data Comprehensive Reports Real-time Data Updates Easy-to-use & Interoperable Historical Event Archive Flexible Analyses & Visualizations New Public Data Service for Emergency Preparedness & Response

25 Real Time

26 DR-4211

27 6/02/2014 Vulnerabilities

28 Economic Migration All Educational Background

29 Economic Migration Bachelor’s Degree or Higher

30 Job-to-Job Explorer (forthcoming)
6/02/2014 Job-to-Job Explorer (forthcoming)

31 6/02/2014 Guided Entry

32 6/02/2014 Are Hires To Jobs In Tennessee Coming From Nonemployment Or Another Job? MHires – Hires into workers main job J2JHires – Hires following a separation NEPersist – Hires following a spell of persistent nonemployment

33 Job-to-Job Hires to 20 Industries in Tennessee by Year/Quarter Q2 Series 2000 - 2015

34 Job-to-Job Hires in Healthcare and Social Services

35 Web Addresses for Tools
LED Extraction Tool QWI Explorer OnTheMap OnTheMap for Emergency Management

36 Takeaways The LED Partnership provides unique workforce information and analysis tools at a relatively low cost LED data products (QWI, LODES, J2J) can give insight into local and regional economies and labor markets LED’s web tools provide free, 24/7 access to a basic analytical platform for the data

37 Useful Links QWI Explorer
6/02/2014 QWI Explorer Video Walkthrough: Example Scenarios:

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