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Yanjun Jiao and Colin Jones University of Quebec at Montreal

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1 Yanjun Jiao and Colin Jones University of Quebec at Montreal
9/9/2019 Cloud processes simulated by the Canadian Regional Climate Model along a cross-section in the Pacific Ocean Yanjun Jiao and Colin Jones University of Quebec at Montreal

2 Cross-section of the GCSS Pacific Cross-section Intercomparison (GPCI)
Focus on the cloud (stratiform, shallow and deep convection) and precipitation processes Seasonal mean of June-July-August 1998 Comparison with observations and reanalysis CRCM4 domain in PS projection Modification to the model physics of CRCM4 The eddy diffusivities calculation of the ECMWF. A switch to turn off the shallow convection. The trigger function of shallow convection (DTRH). The cloud base mass flux closure=f (w*). Variable cloud radius of the deep convection=f(wLCL). Variable minimum cloud-depth=f(TLCL). A dilute updraft ascent. Xu-Randall cloud scheme. Evaporation of falling large scale precipitation. Sponge zone (9 grid points) GPCI 2D domain (5ºS-45ºN,160ºE-120ºW) GPCI cross-section (13 points) ISCCP cloud cover (JJA 1998)

3 ERA40 CRCMM CRCM4 Vertical profile of the cloud cover ISCCP CRCMM CRCM4 Seasonal mean total cloud cover simulated by the original CRCM4, modified CRCM and the observation from ISCCP

4 Vertical profile of the relative humidity
ERA40 CRCMM CRCM4 Vertical profile of vertical velocity (Pa/s)

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