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BY: Nico, Kishan, and Bianca

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1 BY: Nico, Kishan, and Bianca
The liberal party BY: Nico, Kishan, and Bianca

2 History of the liberals

3 Why is the party leader a suitable premier?

4 Why is the local leader a suitable representative?
She is a career woman whos been living in Coquitlam for 30years with over 3 decades of experience in financial services. She has been involved in the community and non-profit organizations in the tricities for a very long time. She has helped housing and homelessness. She also has worked with youth and families. In addiction , she has experience when it comes to mental health and restorative justice. In conclusion, she has right the mix of financial knowledge and experience with community. All of these make her a suitable representative that will have a strong voice in the government, strengthen the economy, and bring positivity to civilian lives.

5 News article

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