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P6.0 Information to NCARPO

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1 P6.0 Information to NCARPO
Strategic Prioritization Office of Transportation (SPOT) NCDOT Division of Planning and Programming July 2019

2 Jason Schronce, P.E. SPOT Manager Prioritization Office (SPOT) (919) Austin Chamberlain Prioritization Office (SPOT) TOP3S / GIS Support (919) Sarah E. Lee Prioritization Office (SPOT) Non-Highway Modes (919) Justin Green, P.E. Prioritization Office (SPOT) Highway Mode (919)

3 P6.0 Schedule

4 P6.0 Schedule Changes SURPRISE - STIP schedule extending to 3 years
(a one-time change) Draft STIP to be released January 2022 P6.0 submittal window will still open early October 2019 Will discuss schedule with Workgroup on August 5th to determine how to use extra time in P6.0 schedule

5 P6.0 Key Dates 2019 Completed: June 6th – Anticipated BOT approval of P6.0 scoring June – Webinars with all partners to review P6.0 scoring changes Known Dates: October – SPOT Online opens for project entry (testing with P6 data) October – SPOT On!ine tutorials of submittal of all modes posted on Prioritization Resources website November – SPOT On!ine regional workshops with all partners to assist with individual project entry and testing needs

6 P6.0 Key Dates 2019 TBD by Workgroup Discussion:
P6.0 Carryover deletions / modifications due P6.0 Highway Mobility Area-Specific Weights are due at close of submittal window P6.0 Highway Modernization Area-Specific Weights are due at close of submittal window P6.0 Primary Route Requests due to Mobility & Safety by close of submittal window Regional Impact and Division Needs Local Input assignment periods

7 Submittal Pointers

8 Submittal Checklist Read Submittal Guidance Documentation per mode
Create/Enter project in SPOT On!ine “Submit” button after project entry Status = single green check Complete Identified Needs form Screen 8 in SPOT On!ine Status = double green check Provide Complete Streets form (location TBD) Provide cost estimate documentation (if applicable…)

9 STI Law Eligibility Definitions
 Mode Statewide Mobility Highway Interstates (existing & future) NHS routes (July 1, 2012) STRAHNET ADHS Routes Uncompleted Intrastate projects Designated Toll Facilities Aviation Large Commercial Service Airports ($500K cap) Bicycle-Pedestrian N/A Public Transportation Ferry Rail Freight Service on Class I Railroad Corridors Regional Impact Other US and NC Routes Other Commercial Service Airports not in Statewide ($300K cap) N/A Service spanning two or more counties (10% cap) Vessel or infrastructure expansion Rail service spanning two or more counties not in Statewide Division Needs All County (SR) Routes Federal-Aid Eligible Local Roads All Airports without Commercial Service (General Aviation) ($18.5M cap) All projects ($0 state funds) All other service, including terminals and stations Replacement vessels All other service, including terminals and stations (no short lines)

10 Other Fund Contributions
Benefit/Cost and Funding Leverage Timing of other fund contributions Other Fund contributions at the time of submittal get double impact: Lower “Cost to NCDOT” and Funding Leverage

11 New General Data Fields
Included in a Plan (and associated Name/Date) Original Submitter Organization that submitted the original project SPOT will provide historical cross reference for your use on Carryover and Holding Tank projects

12 Highway Definitions – Facility Type & Access Control

13 Highway Logical termini
Easiest method is looking at NCDOT AADT web map Any project types where logical termini does not matter? Modernization Access Management What are not logical termini? County or jurisdictional boundaries Water crossings / Bridges Low volume intersections (in respect to the corridor)

14 SIT SBF (% Reduction) SW REG DIV
1 - Widen Existing Roadway 1.0 NCSTM CALC 1A - Widen Existing Roadway - Add lane to Freeway 1.1 10 1B - Widen Existing Roadway - Widen 2 lane roadway to 4 lane divided - Rural 1.2 55 1C - Widen Existing Roadway - Install two-way left turn lane on a two-lane roadway 1.3 20 1D - Widen Existing Roadway - Widen 2 lane roadway to 4 lane divided Superstreet with Partial Control of Access - Urban 1.4 15 1E - Widen Existing Roadway - Widen 2 lane roadway to 4 lane divided with Partial Control of Access - Urban 1.5 1F - Widen Existing Roadway - Widen 4 lane divided roadway to 6 lane divided - Urban 1.6 2 - Upgrade Arterial to Freeway/Expressway 2.0 40 3 - Upgrade Expressway to Freeway 3.0 25 4 - Upgrade Arterial to Superstreet 4.0 35 CMT 5 - Construct Roadway on New Location 5.0 5A - Construct Roadway on New Location - Freeway Bypass 5.1 5B - Construct Roadway on New Location - Superstreet Bypass 5.2 5 5C - Construct Roadway on New Location - Multi-Lane Highway Bypass 5.3 6 - Widen Existing Roadway and Construct Part on New Location 6.0 6A - Construct Roadway on New Location - Freeway Bypass 6.1 6B - Construct Roadway on New Location - Superstreet Bypass 6.2 6C - Construct Roadway on New Location - Multi-Lane Highway Bypass 6.3 7 - Upgrade At-grade Intersection to Interchange or Grade Separation 7.0 8 - Improve Interchange 8.0 9 - Convert Grade Separation to Interchange 9.0 10 - Improve Intersection 10.0 10A - Improve Intersection - Roundabout 10.1 11 - Access Management 11.0 12 - Ramp Metering 12.0 13 - Citywide Signal System 13.0 14 - Closed Loop Signal System 14.0 15 - Install Cameras and DMS 15.0 16 - Modernize Roadway 16.0 17 - Upgrade Freeway to Interstate Standards 17.0 18 - Widen Existing Local (Non-State) Roadway 18.0 19 - Improve Intersection on Local (Non-State) Roadway 19.0 20 - Convert Grade Separation to Interchange to Relieve Existing Congested Interchange 20.0 21 - Realign Multiple Intersections 21.0 22 - Construct Auxiliary Lanes or Other Operational Improvements 22.0 23 - Construct Grade Separation at Highway / Railroad Crossing 23.0 90 24 - Implement Road Diet to Improve Safety 24.0 25 - Improve Multiple Intersections along Corridor 25.0 26 - Upgrade Roadway 26.0

15 Highway Identifying corridor intersections in SPOT On!ine
Extremely important for the cost estimation tool to give predictable results.

16 Aviation Requesting component costs Requesting Source of Cost
ROW, Utilities, Construction Requesting Source of Cost New Location and Airport Sponsor fields Work with your Airport Project Manager (APM) at the Division of Aviation Project pre-screening, FAA purpose Correct SIT (expanded capital eligibility) Inclusion in Airport Layout Plan Partner Connect Project Request Number (PRN) Cost

17 New to P6.0 Remove P5.0 system plan goal requirement (for eligibility as a capital project) Expand eligibility to include projects that increase the capacity of the airport and/or modernize the airport Prescreening process – Division of Aviation to assist in screening and vetting projects prior to Prioritization submittal to ensure a better chance of meeting FAA approval of purpose and need

18 P5.0 Specific Improvement Types
Runway Length/Width Runway Length: Taxiway Extension Runway Widening Pavement Strength - Runway Pavement Strength - Taxiway Pavement Strength - Apron Taxiway Requirements Aircraft Apron / Helipad Requirements Corporate and T-hangar Taxiway: Construction General Aviation Terminal Building: New Construction General Aviation Terminal Building: Construct Addition to Existing General Aviation Terminal Building: Construct Terminal Access Road General Aviation Terminal Building: Construct non-revenue terminal public parking Hangars Fuel Facilities Other: Not otherwise defined in system plan objectives *Additional SITs for P6.0 – see next slide

19 P6.0 Specific Improvement Types
105 - Runway Approach: Land SIAP: Clearing/Survey GA Terminal Bldg: Non-Revenue Terminal Public Parking 110 - Runway Approach: Obstruction SIAP: Site Development GA Terminal Bldg: Water/Sewer Utilities Construction 205 - Runway Safety Area: Land ILS Localizer / Glideslope 210 - Runway Safety Area: Construction Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Lighting: Install Taxiway Edge Lighting, Vault 305 - Runway Protection Zones: Land/Obstruction Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) SIAP: Install Approach Lighting Lighting: Install Apron Edge Lighting 505 - Runway Length: Benefit Cost Analysis Taxiway: Environmental Assessment Lighting: Relocate Taxiway Edge Lighting 510 - Runway Length: Environmental Assessment Taxiway: Design Lighting: Relocate Apron Edge Lighting Taxiway: Land 515 - Runway Length: Land Airfield Signage: Install Taxiway: Preliminary Engineering 520 - Runway Length: Preliminary Engineering Airfield Signage: Install (Lighted) Taxiway: Construction Approach Lighting: Install MALS/MALSF/MALSR 525 - Runway Length: Design Apron / Helipad: Environmental Assessment 528 - Road/Infrastructure Relocation Approach Lighting: Rehab/Replace MALS/MALSF/MALSR Apron / Helipad: Design 530 - Runway Length: Construction Apron / Helipad: Land 535 - Runway Length: Taxiway Extension Approach Lighting: Install ODALS Apron / Helipad: Preliminary Engineering 540 - Runway Widening ARFF: Eligible Fire Suppression Equipment 605 - Pavement Strength: Runway Apron / Helipad: Construction ARFF: Personnel Fire Protection Turn Out Gear 610 - Pavement Strength: Taxiway Apron / Helipad: Security Lighting 615 - Pavement Strength: Apron Apron / Helipad: Security Fencing Hangars: Construction 805 - Runway Edge Lighting: Install System Corporate And T-Hangar Taxiway: Construction Hangars: Access Road 810 - Runway Edge Lighting: Electrical Vault Perimeter Fencing: Construction 815 - Runway Edge Lighting: Pilot Control Lighting GA Terminal Bldg: New Construction Fuel Facilities: Construction GA Terminal Bldg: Upgrade Existing Other: Not Defined In System Plan Objectives 825 - Runway Edge Lighting: Relocate GA Terminal Bldg: Addition To Existing SIAP: Feasibility Study GA Terminal Bldg: Terminal Access Road SIAP: Land

20 Bicycle/Pedestrian Requesting component costs
Preliminary Eng. / Design, ROW, Utilities, Construction Requesting Source of Cost Bike/Ped Cost Estimation Tool Breakdown of how to calculate local match (to include PE/Design) New Project Sponsor field Big P6.0 changes to prepare for Manual points of interest Types of connections to other bike/ped infrastructure (Existing, Committed, or Planned) Bundling of multiple project types and/or across geographies Reminder that POs will be requested to process Carryover projects in SPOT On!ine

21 Safety Benefit (based on new Facility Type)
Bicycle SIT Pedestrian Score New Bicycle/Pedestrian Bridge, New Bicycle/Pedestrian Tunnel, Rail-Trail, Shared-Use Path / Multi-Use Path 1, 2 New Pedestrian Bridge, New Pedestrian Tunnel, Rail-Trail, Shared-Use Path / Multi-Use Path 6, 7 7 Buffered Bicycle Lane, Contra-Flow Bicycle Lanes, Separated Bike Lane, Sidepath 2 Sidepath, Sidewalk 6 Bicycle Lane 3 Sidewalk Widening, Trail Improvement 9 5 Paved Shoulder 4 Crossing Island, Curb Extensions, Streetscape / Corridor Improvements 8,9 Bicycle Detection / Actuation, Bicycle Signal, Curb Raddi Revisions, Hybrid Beacon, Intersection Markings / Signage, Lighting, Mid-Block Crossing Accessible Pedestrian Signals, Curb Ramp, Lighting, Marked Crosswalk, Mid-Block Crossing, Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, Pedestrian Signal, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon 8 Shared Lane Marking ("Sharrow"), Signage Bicycle Corral, Bicycle Parking, Bicycle Share / Micro-Mobility Share, Bicycle Wheel Channel, Wayfinding Wayfinding 1

22 Ferry Requesting component costs Requesting Source of Cost
ROW, Utilities, Construction Requesting Source of Cost New Location field Work with Cat Peele at the Ferry Division Project needs to submit Cost

23 Public Transportation
Requesting component costs Preliminary Eng. / Design, ROW, Utilities, Construction Requesting Source of Cost Breakdown of how to calculate local match (to include PE/Design) New Location and Project Sponsor fields Data clarifications: Most requested data is *annual* values (existing and additional trips, revenue hours, system hours) Additional values are projected for 10 years (2029) Guidance provided on all calculations (additional trips, service population around stops, facility data) Reminder that POs will be requested to process Carryover projects in SPOT On!ine

24 Rail Requesting component costs Requesting Source of Cost
ROW, Utilities, Construction Requesting Source of Cost New Location field Work with the Rail Division Project needs to submit Correct STI category Cost New in P6.0 – ability to draw lines in SPOT On!ine for Freight and Passenger corridor projects

25 Specific Improvement Types
1 - Freight rail infrastructure improvement or construction (line) 2 - Freight rail infrastructure improvement or construction (point) 3 - Highway-rail crossing improvement (point) 4 - Passenger rail station improvement or construction (point) 5 - Passenger rail service (line) 6 - Other passenger rail improvements (point)

26 Rail Rail SIT 3 Always choose to submit your Rail crossing project as a Rail SIT 3 (Highway- rail crossing improvement) Highway SIT 23

27 Identified Needs Form for P6.0
Purpose: Capture “Why” project is submitted Info used to assist project scoring, cost estimate and NEPA/SEPA (if funded)  feeds Purpose & Need Required for all projects (all modes) Worked w/ Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Team to develop Keep form as simple as possible but capture requested info Now integrated into SPOT On!ine Divisions (CDEs & DPEs) ultimately responsible for all forms Completing forms = joint effort; Divisions will work with you on who initially fills out each form

28 Identified Needs Form for P6.0
One tip on Category of Need (Highway)

29 Tools on Prioritization Resources Site
Project Database Guidance and Submittals by Organization Local Input Points by Organization P6.0 Highway Testing Spreadsheet P5.0 Highway Projects for Area-Specific Weight Testing Spreadsheet Complete Streets Project Sheet *NEW* Bike-Ped Cost Estimation Tool (spreadsheet) Future spreadsheet and SPOT Online tutorial videos

30 SPOT Panel Q & A

31 SPOT Panel Q & A Why was my project listed as a Regional Impact project but funded as a Division Needs?

32 How STI Works 40% of Funds 30% of Funds 30% of Funds
Statewide Mobility Focus  Address Significant Congestion and Bottlenecks Selection based on 100% Data Projects Programmed prior to Local Input Ranking Regional Impact Focus  Improve Connectivity within Regions Selection based on 70% Data & 30% Local Input Funding based on population within Region (7) Division Needs Focus  Address Local Needs Selection based on 50% Data & 50% Local Input Funding based on equal share for each Division (14)

33 SPOT Panel Q & A My TAC doesn’t want to allow cascading of Statewide projects to Division Needs, how can I prevent a project from cascading?

34 SPOT Panel Q & A I’ve always been confused about the Corridor Cap, can you explain in simple terms?

35 (Jason, Sarah, Austin, Justin)
Contact Information Jason Schronce, P.E. SPOT Manager Prioritization Office (SPOT) (919) Sarah E. Lee Non-Highway Modes (919) Austin Chamberlain TOP3s / GIS Support (919) Justin Green, P.E. Highway Mode (919) (Jason, Sarah, Austin, Justin)

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