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Redesigning the Student experience: A Guided pathways framework

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Presentation on theme: "Redesigning the Student experience: A Guided pathways framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Redesigning the Student experience: A Guided pathways framework
STOKE: clap, snap, stomp

2 Redesigning the Student experience
Goals of this brief workshop: Gain a better understanding of the need to redesign the student experience to produce equitable outcomes Gain a better understanding of the “Guided Pathways Framework” Change our thinking from: “Are students ready for SMC?” to “Is SMC ready for our students?” Guido

3 Redesigning the Student experience
In this workshop, we invite you to: hold a student perspective visualize the ideal think big get excited We ARE going to change things and get better Maria-In order for us to achieve the outline goals, we invite you to… -have empathy for our students and their experiences while attending SMC -not necessarily what you see as “realistic”-moonshoot thinking -We ARE going to change things and get better at what we do on our journey to an equitized college

4 Redesigning the Student experience
Assumption of our common ground: All of us: believe in the value of education and learning want our students to succeed and succeed equitably are advocates of open access believe SMC can do better Guido

5 Redesigning the Student experience
All of our inquiry should be data-driven and student-centered Guido: So we want to share with you some of what we find to be the most compelling data suggesting the need for a redesign. But we also want us to put a human face on the numbers.

6 Redesigning the Student experience
Elements of the Guided Pathways Framework are not necessarily “new” SMC and institutions around the country have been using some of the elements: cohort model, contextualized & applied learning, targeted & proactive advising, block scheduling, course sequencing, … Guido: In that video, what is stated by the students the value of services offered in many of our “special programs” and in Counseling 20 and Counseling 12. So that really shouldn’t surprise us. Maria: If I may also add, the guided pathways framework is also just one step in redesigning the student experience to equitize the college. Because as stated earlier our ultimate goal in redesigning the student experience is to produce equitable outcomes for all of our students.

7 Redesigning the Student experience
The innovation of the Guided Pathways Framework is strengthening these elements and bringing them “to scale” For an institution of 30,000 students, this means transformational change to “business as usual” Maria: The innovation … So that the ideas and practices become the STANDARD (the DEFAULT) student experience and not just for the few.

8 Case of Georgia State university
The graduation rate at Georgia State University was 31% in the early 2000s This is typical for an urban, regional 4-year state university GSU is a: Commuter school Over 50% of students at “below college level” Many students taking less than full load GSU looked at their data and said: “this is not okay”.

9 Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity – GSU + Clearinghouse Graduation Data
Guido: The red bar is the graduation rate in 2003 by race. The blue bar is the graduation rate 13 years later. The green bar is the graduation rate (including outside of GSU) for their students in 2016. The average SAT score of the incoming GSU student DROPPED by 20 points during this time. In 2003: 60% white, 30% African American, and just under 10% Latinx. In 2016: less than 50% white, 40% African American, and about 10% Latinx. Students had less money available for them in 2016 than they did in 2003. No new funding from the state; no large tuition increases. This is a story about an institution looking at itself. GSU has achieved equity via vast improvement across the board.

10 Case of Georgia State university
GSU looked internally and made systemic/structural changes to their institution. Many of the changes they made form part of what is now referred to as the “Guided Pathways Framework”

11 Guided pathways framework: 4 Pillars
Clarify the Path for Students Help Students Get on a Path Help Students Stay on a Path Ensure Students are Learning Guido: GIVE HANDOUT

12 Guided pathways framework
Clarify the Path for Students All programs are mapped (with the students’ goal in mind) to transfer and career and include these features: Detailed information on target career and transfer outcomes Course sequences, critical courses, contextualized or complementary general education courses, embedded awards, and progress milestones Mathematics and other core coursework are aligned to each program of study Guido

13 Guided pathways framework
Help Students Get on a Path These supports are required to ensure students get the best start: Multiple measures to assess students’ needs and potential careers First-year experiences to help students explore careers, fields, and majors Full program educational plans Contextualized, integrated academic support in gateway and critical courses K-12 partnerships focused on career/college program exploration Maria

14 Guided pathways framework
Help Students Stay on a Path Keep students on path with these supports: Ongoing, proactive academic counseling Technological tools for students to easily track their progress Systems/procedures to identify students at risk and provide needed supports Maria

15 Guided pathways framework
Ensure Students are Learning Utilization of these practices to assess and enrich student learning: Program-specific learning outcomes Project-based, collaborative learning Applied learning experiences Inescapable student engagement Faculty-led improvement of teaching practices Systems/procedures for the college and students to track learning outcomes Intentional development of critical thinking skills Guido

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