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Respite Planning And Funding Options

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1 Respite Planning And Funding Options
Carolyn Harris Respite Coordinator Simcoe Community Services

2 A Show Of Hands Ice Breaker for Respite Planning Presentation
Everyone in the room please put your hand up Put your hand down if… • You have had a week without your children in the last 12 months • You have had a weekend to yourself in the past 6 months • You have read a book in the last month • You have gone to a movie, play, concert, or something similar in the last month Are your arms getting tired… put your hand down if… • You have watched an entire tv series week after week without missing an episode • Been out to a restaurant (not fast food) for dinner or lunch without children • You have visited with a friend in the last 2 weeks • Been out for a walk or to the gym in the last week For those of you with your hands still up, do you feel tired? Is your arm sore? Did you need to support your arm? Many people take these activities for granted. With very little planning, they can go anytime. They feel less stress planning these activities. Their arms are less tired. Meaning, they need less support around taking time for themselves. They can refresh and re-charge more often. Leading them to have more energy and drive to accomplish daily activities.

3 What Is Respite? Respite care is a service that promotes active living and provides temporary relief (short break)from the physical and emotional demands involved in caring for a family member. Respite creates greater opportunities for all family members to live actively and participate in community activities. Allowing caregivers time for themselves.

4 Who Needs Respite? Simply put, we ALL need respite in our lives We ALL need a break from life’s demands. The difference is… In some cases, extra support is required to assist in allowing caregivers time off to focus on other responsibilities

5 The Need For Respite is Natural
New parents Senior caregivers Working parents or parents in general Grandparents parenting again Families with a family member who requires extra supports. (Mental health, intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities etc.) Even vacation time and days off are respite for employees

6 Are You Taking Care Of Yourself?
Look at guide, do activity #1

7 How To Make A Respite Plan
Regular, predictable respite has been shown to be the most beneficial for overall family and caregiver health. (Think of an employee who can’t wait for the weekend or the countdown to their vacation. Knowing it is coming can provide the strength within to get us there) Determine when you need respite Determine what you plan to do during your time off Determine who will provide the support you need Choose where the support will be provided Choose how the support person will provide the most beneficial respite to you and your family member. Go to guide, page 3. Do activities 2 & 3

8 Who Are Your Supports? Do you have a partner to share responsibilities? Other family members? Other natural supports : School? Daycare? Recreation? Child’s friends? Hired supports? Guide page 5 “types of support” Do activity #4 identifying natural supports.

9 Hiring Supports Recreation with or without extra supports Camp
Respite workers Guide page 9. Activity #5

10 What is is a provincially driven program that provides a free service to families who have a family member with an intellectual and/or physical disability who are looking to connect with a respite/direct support provider. CHAP (Community Helpers for Active Participation) assist children and adults to be more independent, access their community and provide more opportunities to reach their potential.

11 What is
Go to to register provides profiles (similar to a resume) of self-employed screened CHAP advertising in your area The service to connect families is free of charge and there are a variety of skilled CHAP to choose from. Once the family interviews and selects the CHAP(s) of their choice, it is the family who is responsible to arrange payment for the CHAP services. Generally CHAP set their fees between $15 & 20/hr depending on the person’s support needs, the duties required and the CHAP’s skills and experience. You do not need to be receiving a specific funding to use the service.

12 What Services Will It Provide Me?
FINDING A RESPITE/DIRECT PROVIDER (CHAP) The family registration form provides an avenue to apply to the CHAP program in order to be connected to the CHAP advertising in your area. The Coordinators will also provide information to families on how to interview perspective CHAP, how CHAP are screened. APPLY FOR FUNDING The home page of provides an avenue to link to a variety of funding options. Special Services at Home Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities Respite Funding Adult/Child Passport Respite Enhanced Funding Access 2 card

13 What is the CHAP Program?
Services provided by screened CHAP include: Respite Mediation/ 1:1 supports/Direct Support Teaching/Modelling Life Skills Tutoring/homework help Community Connections/Social Relationships Camp support Recreation support Job Coaching/Volunteer Support CHAP stands for: Community Helpers for Active Participation.

14 Getting The Most From Hiring A CHAP
The triple win (WIN, WIN, WIN) to lasting relationships How can a CHAP assist your family member to become more actively involved in family responsibilities? Enjoy being a parent from the sidelines with other parents and grandparents Increasing social roles and connections.

15 Respite Funding There are a number of respite funding options for you to research. Not every option will be suitable for your family. Please refer to your respite funding guide in your package Go to guide, page 11 and review cost of respite and budgeting.


17 THANK YOU How to contact us? Empower Simcoe
Carolyn Harris, Respite Coordinator ext

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