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NetxInvestor Advanced Class.

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Presentation on theme: "NetxInvestor Advanced Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 NetxInvestor Advanced Class

2 Website Access and Client Security
Security of your client’s personal information should be your number 1 priority! IDs and passwords should be given to the client verbally. They should not be ed to the client. They should not be left on a voic . They should not be given to anyone except the client.

3 Levels of User ID Access
NetXInvestor Level Full access to account information and documents EDelivery Only Level Full access to documents only

4 Paperwork Requirements
Electronic Delivery Request form All information must be completed at the top of the page All accounts that are to be linked together must be listed on page one and again on page two. Each account owner must sign next to each of their account numbers on the second page. Accounts with multiple account owners or authorized persons, must have signatures of everyone

5 Changes for existing IDs
NO CHANGES TO EXISTING IDS, WITHOUT PAPERWORK! Adding new account to existing ID Complete top of form to match existing information (MMN & DOB) Give existing ID New account owner should sign the form Any other account owners with accounts linked to ID should sign the form at least once

6 Changes (continued) Remove account from existing ID (example: Clients are divorcing or separating, or just wants their own ID without being linked to someone else’s ID) Complete new form with accounts to be linked to new ID Write a note in the margin asking to delete all other existing IDs

7 Changes Organizations/trust accounts where authorized person/trustee changes New form signed by new authorized person/trustee Write note in margin to remove all other existing IDs Client wants to start receiving paper statements again Have client sign LOI asking for paper statements. The letter should mention the $2 fee for each statement mailed. Client can ‘de-enroll’ by accessing his account on line and un-checking the paperless option. No paperwork is needed for this.

8 Changing Email Address
Complete a new Electronic Delivery Form Give new address and mark box Give existing ID Obtain at least one signature from each account owner that has an account linked to the ID Best Practice – FHC about the address change

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