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Archaeometry using Ion Beams

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1 Archaeometry using Ion Beams
Dragos Alexandru MIREA - Department of Tandem Accelerators IFIN-HH Days, 21 December 2016, Măgurele

2 Ion Beam Analysis Rutherford BackScattering
Energy of scattered protons or He give light element composition and elemental depth profiles sample 1-4 MeV proton beam or 1-6 MeV He beam PIXE/PIGE Characteristic X-ray emission Simultaneous part-per-milion detection of trace elements from Li to U Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis Foreward recoil of target atoms (particulary good for H profiling) Nuclear Reaction Analysis Nuclear reactions give characteristic gamma rays and particles from light nuclei 17 September 2019

3 PIXE Analysis Collaboration with A. Dragoman from Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology In-Air PIXE preferred due to the sample’s dimensions 3 axis positioning system with sample holding capacity used Proton beam used, 3MeV, ~10nA (IBA chamber) NIST? Nu, nu avem standarde cu aceeasi matrice. Am incercat un NIST 1412, erori mari. Necesar un standard cu aceeasi matrice. De ce elemente? Asa s-a cerut. Minimum 2 points on each surface. Maximum 6 on the same sample 2 points on each identified pigment – Red, White and Black 17 September 2019

4 Archaeological site Căscioarele (CL)
Călărași county, Căscioarele Archaeological site dated to Neolithic Age (~1500 – 1800 BC) Photo source: Google Maps Photo source: Google Maps Multiple artefacts discovered. 35 samples sent to IFIN-HH for PIXE analysis Pigment and ceramic paste characterisation 17 September 2019

5 Pottery samples analyzed
17 September 2019 Photo credits: A. Dragoman

6 Pottery samples results
percentage Photo credits: A. Dragoman percentage percentage 17 September 2019

7 Pottery samples results
white red paste percentage Photo credits: A. Dragoman percentage percentage 17 September 2019

8 Results overview White pigment Beam penetrated Concentration (%)
the pigment layer Concentration (%) Red pigment Elements 17 September 2019

9 Conclusions A succesfull test for the In-Air PIXE system developped at IFIN-HH A new opportunity for collaboration opened Samples analyzed in safe conditions, returned to owner undamaged Two types of pigments identified. White mainly implies calcite and other calcium white compounds, quartz varieties, kaolinite, even monohidrated calcium oxalates. Red is dominated by iron oxides (hematite in a possible mixture with magnetite, denoting a specific thermal treatment), and by silicon dioxide varieties Results presented at 5BSA in Sinaia, September 2016 by A. Dragoman 17 September 2019

10 Perspectives A good resolution obtained, but Si-PIN detector unable to separate Si from Al Si + Al ?? 2 new SDD X-ray detectors to be installed for IN-AIR PIXE analysis resolution 130 eV resolution 127 eV Photo credits: 3MV Tandetron Team 17 September 2019

11 Perspectives The current laser positioning system for samples needs improvement New laser positioning system to be installed Photo credits: 3MV Tandetron Team Photo credits: 3MV Tandetron Team 17 September 2019

12 Perspectives The current video survailance system
New IP 3MP video camera to be installed Photo credits: 3MV Tandetron Team Photo credits: 3MV Tandetron Team 17 September 2019

13 In-air Particle Induced X-ray Emission
Presented in 2015 IFIN-HH Young Researcher’s Annual Session (actual presented slide) Desired experimental setup: 2 new X-ray detectors a plexiglass ermetic chamber an ultra fast valve a He flow system (homemade) a high resolution video camera for microPIXE experiments a Faraday cup for in-air beam current measurment

The 3MV Tandetron Team Andrei Radu, Burducea Ion, Chelărescu Dana, Mirea Dragoș, Morărescu Cezar, Ravar Mădălina, Rugină Andrei and Straticiuc Mihai Wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Contact & Collaboration: Beam Time: 17 September 2019

15 17 September 2019

16 Pottery samples results - Back-up
Photo credits: A. Dragoman 17 September 2019

17 Pottery samples results – Back-up
white red paste Photo credits: A. Dragoman 17 September 2019

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