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EOY Presentation Georgina Corral

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1 EOY Presentation Georgina Corral
Restorative, Harmony, Deliberative, Consistency, Relator April 26th, 2018 2 Semesters in Student Life

2 Service Attending Staff Meetings:
Having short and structured meetings is very effective. In addition to this, going over what is going to be discussed during the meeting. I believe that my customer service is one of my strengths I see it as a success every time I have friendly, genuine encounters with students. I feel good knowing that I did everything in my power to help them, and it’s nice when they are genuinely grateful. Time Management Hacks: Doing least favorite subjects first to get them over with faster. Utilizing Calendar on my computer to plan out what my week looks like.

3 Leadership True Color: Blue
I am relationship-oriented and impulse-oriented. I have a strong desire to influence others so that they lead more significant lives. I often work in the arts, communication, education, and helping professions. I am adept at motivating and interacting with others.

4 Leadership True Color: Orange
I am bored and restless with jobs that are routine and structured BUT I LOVE WHEN I GET SENT ON BUSINESS TRIPS! I am satisfied in careers that allow me independence and freedom This is why working in a lab appeals to me I learn by doing and experiencing rather than by listening and reading I am fun lol Campus-wide Event: Women in Stem Panel Event This event is inspiring because I have a lot of fears and insecurities when it comes to my future in STEM, and it helped to listen to women that have gone through it all

5 Community A social issue I am passionate about is universal access to education. I value education a lot, and I believe that everyone should have the right to an education regardless of sex, race, religion, socioeconomic status, or physical or mental disabilities.

6 Engagement Fall Retreat Winter Training STEM Speaker Series
Women in Engineering Alternative Spring Break Service Trip Top 3 take-aways: Surround yourself with people that have similar goals/values to yours and that support you instead of bring you down. Overcome Imposter Syndrome because I deserve everything that I have worked for. Seek support when you need it. You’re only hurting yourself if you don’t ask for help when you need it. Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people doubt their accomplishments and fear that they’ll be exposed as a “fraud”. It’s the notion that one isn’t qualified enough for something that they clearly are qualified for. “Imposters” have the tendency to credit their successes to luck.

7 Closing Thoughts Being a part of Student Life has made me more comfortable with myself. I’m thankful for having this position because I can help students to the best of my ability I love helping students, especially when they’re shy and older because they usually are the ones that appreciate us the most. I’m also thankful for having a job with two great, understanding bosses who I have a great relationship with. This position has taught me that it’s completely okay to ask for help, ask for time off, ask for more time for an assignment, etc. My old job took a toll on my mental health, but this job helped me understand that it’s okay if you need a break.

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