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Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

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1 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, April 24th, 2019
*Good Things* Opening Warm-up: Literacy Wednesday! Please get your article and complete your Magnet Response by skimming the article, completing your response, doing a self & peer evaluation, then making any necessary changes and turning it into the basket. Work Session: Magnet Summary Response to tiered article about the One-Child Policy in China Finish Lesson 28 – Tech Workers & Time Zones: Indian’s Comparative Advantage 28.6 – Beginning to Think Globally – pg. 415 & Global Connections – pg – whole class Begin Partner Lesson 30 – China: The World’s Most Populous Country Essential Question(s): How will the end of the one-child policy affect China? What factors give some countries like India a comparative advantage in the global IT revolution? How does a country meet the challenges created by a large and growing population? SSWG 6b 4b Closing Cool-down: What does the Rate of Natural Increase tell us about the population of a place? Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Partner Lesson 30 – China: The World’s Most Populous Country Textbook – pgs

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