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Facilities Services Department Meeting September 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilities Services Department Meeting September 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilities Services Department Meeting September 2017

2 Facilities Services Department Meeting Staff Senate Updates
Satisfaction Survey Valley City State University

3 Employee Satisfaction Survey
Valley City State University Fall 2016

4 Updated Format Shorter Open-ended One constant
Shorter – our through process was that a shorter survey would encourage people to particiapte Open ended – encourages more thought provoking answers versus a sliding scale or multiple choice One constant – are you happy at your job question - to be able to compare apples to apples

5 Themes arising from this survey
Fall 2016 Expectations Communication Finding efficiencies March 2015 Salary Communication Workload Attitude/Morale December 2015 Staff/Faculty divide Campus Appearance Training opportunities Communication

6 Goals of Broadband Group Meeting
Discussion of survey results Conversation about common themes Brainstorm actionable ideas for improvement

7 Differing Expectations
Concerns Campus appearance Professional attire Office coverage Phone coverage What’s done when short staffed Customer service SS discussed differing areas of campus and the expectations each office held. For example: the ES and business offices are ALWAYS staffed because there is an expectation for that. However, a one-person Marketing office, for example – is not. The needs of each office differ, as do supervisor expectations. We can’t solve these issues with one new policy change.

8 Steps toward improvement: Differing Expectations
Discussions held with President Mason Further discussion with cabinet Cabinet members met with their areas Discussion through shared governance One example: increased student coverage in FS

9 Communication Positive Concerns “Communication between staff and faculty as well as the students. Everyone seems to be vested in the people around them.” “Communication and people working together to get things done." “Decisions to be made and communicated need to be done in a timely way.” “Need to be better about communicating with faculty and staff.” We did feel there was an improvement from previous years’ surveys on communication but we can always improve.

10 Steps toward improvement: Communication
CIFF minutes after each meeting Open communication during budget reduction process Administration held meetings for input from campus Visioning sessions Strategic plan meetings Open meetings with Tisa Shared governance helped formulate the budget reduction process. Shared gov – opportunity to share ideas/concerns directly with Tisa.

11 Finding Efficiencies Positive Concerns “We have people who are creative and have great ideas for ways to improve our campus.” “Momentum to be bigger and better while remaining true to the craft we own.” “A lot going on at the same time. Hard to focus and know what the main priority is.” “Doing more with less.”

12 Steps toward improvement: Finding Efficiencies
Ideas were brought forward through the budget reduction process Example: DYK postcards digitized

13 I am happy at my job. December 2015 data Fall 2016 data

14 Thank you for your participation.
55% was our overall percentage from the past 5yr, but here is the breakdown from Year to Year. Thank you for your participation.

15 Facilities Services Department Meeting Project Updates Presented by:
FS Management Valley City State University

16 Project Updates: Housing Student Center Heat Plant
McCoy Mechanical Roof Repair- complete McCoy Window Painting- on hold, dependent on Contractor’s availability Student Center Safety Valve Installation West End Chiller Installation Emergency Generator Heat Plant Training on 10/4 and 10/5- emergency generator, coal unloading, gas boiler

17 Project Updates: Activated Carbon Plant McFarland Roof Lighting
RFP advertisements have been published- 30 days to submit proposals. McFarland Roof 3rd floor elevator area- work to begin next week. Lighting Graichen State Fleet Parking Lot Power House Library Mall

18 Facilities Services Department Meeting FS ANCHOR AWARD Presentation:
Jay Komrosky August Presented by: FS Management

19 “Jay’s position is a very flexible one that has him going in many directions when called upon.  It can be watering the flowers and the lawns in the evening, to helping find a breaker that has blown in the building, locking up the buildings, helping with disorderly people in the cafeteria.  Situations where people have been drinking or won’t leave a building and causing problems in the parking lot.  Calling the police when necessary and many other tasks that are on his daily schedule. (It is) just a good feeling knowing someone has your back when called upon.  Thanks for being there Jay”

20 Facilities Services Department Meeting Important Dates

21 Upcoming events: 9/26: VCSU Celebration- Best School & Enrollment (WEAR VCSU APPAREL) 9/30: Out of the Darkness Walk 10/6-7: Ployhar Band Festival 10/8-14: Homecoming Week & Festivities 10/12: Department Meeting 10/17: SkillsUSA Leadership Conference 10/26: Red River Valley Veteran’s Band Concert

22 Facilities Services Department Meeting QUESTIONS?

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