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Depolarization-evoked firing activity of hippocampal bipolar neurons that have been dissociated from F344/NSlc and Hiss rats. Depolarization-evoked firing.

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Presentation on theme: "Depolarization-evoked firing activity of hippocampal bipolar neurons that have been dissociated from F344/NSlc and Hiss rats. Depolarization-evoked firing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Depolarization-evoked firing activity of hippocampal bipolar neurons that have been dissociated from F344/NSlc and Hiss rats. Depolarization-evoked firing activity of hippocampal bipolar neurons that have been dissociated from F344/NSlc and Hiss rats. A, Representative sets of action potential traces recorded for F344/NSlc and Hiss hippocampal bipolar neurons during 800 ms injections of 45 pA (top) and 95 pA of current (bottom), for a membrane potential of −80 mV. B, Input–output relationship for the number of action potentials elicited versus the injected current for F344/NSlc (open squares; n = 4) and Hiss (filled circles; n = 5). C, Spike amplitudes of the first (left) and last (right) action potentials elicited versus the injected current for F344/NSlc (n = 4) and Hiss (n = 5) hippocampal bipolar neurons. D, Half-width of the first action potentials and spike decrement for F344/NSlc (n = 4) and Hiss (n = 5) hippocampal bipolar neurons elicited by 45 pA (left) and 95 pA of current injection (right). The spike decrement was calculated as the percentage of the last spike amplitude divided by the first spike amplitude. Means ± SE are shown. *p < 0.01, **p < 0.01 versus F344/NSlc. Tomoji Mashimo et al. J. Neurosci. 2010;30: ©2010 by Society for Neuroscience

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