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Simulated Conversation Application for Health

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1 Simulated Conversation Application for Health
Health Behavior Research Cluster serious game project

2 Adolescents perceptions on health and social concerns to guide the development of a Risk Reduction Mobile Application Research Team: Three community partners: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Coastal Plain; Juntos, Together Transforming Lives ECU faculty from: Nursing, Human Dev & Family Science, Marketing, Addictions & Rehab Studies, and Instructional Technology Qualitative Descriptive study; Theory of Triadic Influence Adolescent focus groups (n=5; 49 adolescents) from 4 rural, underserved counties (Halifax, Greene, Wayne, Lenoir). 65% Black, 22% Latino

3 FINDINGS Adolescent Decision-making in the rural south
Family as Nexus Assets/Deficits Unlevel Playing Field Beginning from a place of greater deficiency Threats to Safety and Security Violence, bullying and racism Manuscript submitted to J. Child & Family Studies (Feb. 2019)

4 Why a Smartphone App? 420 minutes per day on screens!
Out of the average 458 minutes spent with media every day, adolescents spend only 38 minutes of that time reading printed media. (Rideout, Foehr, & Roberts, 2010) Leveraging this media familiarity and ease of use has the potential to greatly improve learning outcomes for adolescents who are familiar with technology. 420 minutes per day on screens!

5 The Design The Android, smartphone-based, application will present users with a simulated chat-like narrative where their choices are used as cause and effect teaching moments. Each “Chat” or DM (direct messages) can be themed to differing knowledge goals and themes. The app-based nature of the game allows for sensitive and difficult subjects to be broached in a private and safe manner. The chats and themes are adapted from real-life stories with learning goals designed by subject matter experts. An authoring tool will allow for rapid updating of SCAH content.

6 Possibilities? The content is dynamic and will parse users’ previous interactions. Content can be replayed. Players receive feedback on their interactions. Knowledge and learning goals imparted through narrative and “directed self-discovery” Trophies earned for player interactions with the content. The shell application is content agnostic. ANY kind of conversation and or narrative can be designed beyond health topics.


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