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How to use this template

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1 How to use this template
Please note: This template has a variety of slides for your use: four title slides, three chapter slides, five text slides, two graph or image slides, and three end slides. To select what slide you would like, click on the drop down menu beside “new slide” button in the top left corner, and pick the corresponding slide. To insert text, simply double click on the text box and start typing. Please be aware that copying and pasting text may change how the font looks. It is better to type directly onto the slide. Also note that larger fonts (size 14+) work better for presentations than smaller sizes. This template uses the font Arial, as PowerPoint users will experience technical difficulties if using UBC’s official fonts. If desired, images can replaced by going into the “Master” view and applying your own image. Please ensure you have the rights to an image before using it. The following slides are here for visual reference only. Please delete or edit as needed for your own presentation. If you have any questions about how to use this template, please contact UBC Communications and Marketing at

2 Insert title here Insert subtitle here Insert name and position here

3 Insert title here Insert subtitle here Insert name and position here

4 Insert title here Insert subtitle here Insert name here

5 Insert title here Insert subtitle here Insert name and position here

6 UBC at a glance 61,113 students (Vancouver: 52,721; Okanagan: 8,392)
13,189 international students from 155 countries 12,841 degrees granted in 2015 306,000+ alumni in 140 countries 15,190 faculty and staff $2.3 billion annual operating budget $600 million per year in research funding for 8,766 projects 180 companies spun off from UBC research $12.5 billion in economic impact

7 Insert chapter title here

8 UBC at a Glance 65,012 students (Vancouver: 55,887; Okanagan: 9,125)
16,188 international students from 156 countries 13,237 degrees granted in 2017 325,000+ alumni in 140 countries 16,089 faculty and staff $2.6 billion annual operating budget $658 million per year in research funding for 8,973 projects 207 companies spun off from UBC research

9 Insert chapter title here

10 UBC at a glance 65,012 students (Vancouver: 55,887; Okanagan: 9,125)
16,188 international students from 156 countries 13,237 degrees granted in 2017 325,000+ alumni in 140 countries 16,089 faculty and staff $2.6 billion annual operating budget $658 million per year in research funding for 8,973 projects 207 companies spun off from UBC research

11 Ubc at a glance 65,012 students (Vancouver: 55,887; Okanagan: 9,125)
16,188 international students from 156 countries 13,237 degrees granted in 2017 325,000+ alumni in 140 countries 16,089 faculty and staff $2.6 billion annual operating budget $658 million per year in research funding for 8,973 projects 207 companies spun off from UBC research

12 Insert title (delete graph below and insert own chart or image)



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