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Site Operating Permits (SOPs) Initial, Revision, and Renewal Applications
Brandon Marsh, P.E. TCEQ Air Permits Division 2019 Environmental Trade Fair & Conference
Title V Permitting Overview
Who needs a Title V permit? What is the Title V permitting process? Where do I access Title V permit documents?
Who Needs a Title V Permit?
Major Sources Other Sources
Major Sources Major Sources as defined by 30 TAC §122.10 ≥ 100 TPY PTE
≥ 25 TPY total HAPs ≥ 10 TPY single HAP Lower thresholds for nonattainment areas Major Sources 30 TAC §122.10(13): Major source definitions 30 TAC §122.10(13)(A)(ii): combination of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) Examples of lower thresholds for nonattainment areas: 100 tons per year (TPY) VOC or NOx in any ozone nonattainment area classified as “marginal or moderate” areas 50 TPY VOC or NOx in any ozone nonattainment area classified as “serious” 25 TPY VOC or NOx in any ozone nonattainment area classified as “severe” PTE = potential to emit
Other Sources “Affected Sources” under acid rain rules
Solid waste incineration units Specific non-major sources listed by EPA Other affected source categories are subject to the Title V program whether they are major sources or non-major sources: Sites with acid rain permit units (electric generating units); Sites with solid waste incineration units required to have a Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA) 129(e) permit; Non-major sources subject to section 111 or 112 of the FCAA that the United States EPA has designated as no longer exempt from Title V; or Non-major source categories designated by EPA. Additional Information: - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website: - TCEQ Title V overview: TCEQ PDF of non-major sources subject to 30 TAC Chapter 122:
Title V Permit Overview
Who needs a Title V permit? What is the Title V permitting process? Where do I access Title V permit documents?
Application Submittal
Permitting Process TV Project Type Application Submittal Technical Review Permitting Process Overview: A company determines that the site needs a Title V permit or an effective Title V permit needs to be revised or renewed. An application is submitted. The TCEQ begins the technical review process with the applicant. A working draft permit (WDP) is prepared. The WDP is posted for public comment and for EPA review. The effective permit is issued following the public comment and EPA review periods. Final Issuance Public Comment/ EPA Review Working Draft Permit
Project Types Initial: New Title V permit §122.201
Renewal: Every 5 years for effective Title V permits Revisions: Changes to an existing Title V permit § § Project Types: Initial Permit Issuance: 30 TAC § Required for new sites or sites that will become subject to 30 TAC Chapter 122 as a result of changes at the site. Renewal Title V Permit: 30 TAC § Required every 5 years for sites for that have an existing Title V permit. Administrative Revision: 30 TAC § Corrects typographical errors, updates change of ownership, adds more frequency monitoring or reporting, adds a state-only requirement. Minor Revisions: 30 TAC § Does not violate any applicable requirements. Does not involve significant changes to existing monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in the permit. Does not require or change a case-by-case determination of an emission limitation or other standard. Does not seek to establish or change a permit term or condition for which there is no corresponding underlying applicable requirement, and the source is not avoiding an applicable requirement to which the source would otherwise be subject. Is not a FCAA Title I modification. Significant Revisions: 30 TAC Chapter § Changes to the permit that do not qualify as administrative or minor revisions. Relaxation of reporting or recordkeeping permit terms or conditions. Change to a permit shield or a new permit shield is also a significant revision. §
Application Due Dates Initial Renewal Revisions
Before site operation begins Initial 6 – 18 months before permit expiration Renewal Application Due Dates: Initial application from 30 TAC § (b)(1) If the site is a new site or a site that will become subject to the program as the result of a change at the site, the owner or operator shall not operate the change, or the new emission units, before an abbreviated application is submitted under this chapter. The executive director shall inform the applicant in writing of the deadline for submitting the remaining information. Renewal application from 30 TAC § (2) for a permit renewal, at least six months, but no earlier than 18 months, before the date of permit expiration Administrative Revisions from 30 TAC § no later than 30 days after each permit anniversary for changes that occurred over the previous 12 months Minor revision application from 30 TAC § (a)(2) a minor revision application containing the required information must be submitted before the change is operated Significant revision from 30 TAC § (a) a significant revision application must be submitted before the change is operated Minor – Before operation of change Significant – Before operation of change Revisions
Operating Changes in Permit Application
Date application is submitted Initial Minor – After completed application is submitted Significant – After TCEQ issues revised permit Renewal Changes at a site as represented in the application may be operated at different times depending on the type of change: Initial applications from 30 TAC § (b)(1) If the site is a new site or a site that will become subject to the program as the result of a change at the site, the owner or operator shall not operate the change, or the new emission units, before an abbreviated application is submitted under this chapter. The executive director shall inform the applicant in writing of the deadline for submitting the remaining information. Renewal applications from 30 TAC § the permit holder may operate the changes at a site in accordance with this subchapter with minor revision included, the changes may be operated before the issuance of the renewal as outlined in 30 TAC § (a) with significant revision included, the changes shall not be operated before the issuance of the renewal as outlined in 30 TAC § (a) Minor revision from 30 TAC § (a) changes at a site requiring a minor permit revision may be operated before issuance of the revision Significant revision from 30 TAC § (a) changes requiring a significant permit revision shall not be operated before the permit is revised Administrative Revisions from 30 TAC § (a) may be operated before issuance of revision Minor – After completed application is submitted Significant – After TCEQ issues revised permit Revisions
Example: Timely Renewal Submittal
Permit Renewal Submitted: 10/01/2023 Is the renewal timely? No 09/25/2022 – 09/25/2023 Initial may be required 30 TAC § (2): for a permit renewal, at least six months, but no earlier than 18 months, before the date of permit expiration Effective Date of Initial Permit or Last Renewal
SOP Content Permit Face General Terms and Conditions
Special Terms and Conditions Attachments Appendices Permit Face: Company, Site, Area Name Location North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code description Issuance Date General Terms and Conditions Special Terms and Conditions can include: Emission Limitations: site-wide state and federal rules Additional monitoring requirements NSR Authorizations: standard permits, certifications, etc. Compliance requirements Risk Management Plan Protection of Stratospheric Ozone Temporary Fuel Sources National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Consumer and Commercial Products Alternative Requirement Permit location: on/off site Permit Shield Acid Rain Permit Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) requirements Attachments Applicable Requirements Summary: unit specific Additional Monitoring Requirements: Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM), Periodic Monitoring (PM) Permit Shield: negative applicability NSR Authorizations: PSD, Non-Attainment, GHG, Minor NSR, PBRS, site-wide and unit specific Compliance Schedules Alternative Requirements: TCEQ and EPA Appendix A: Acronym List Appendix B: Major NSR Summary Table and Associated Major NSR permitting documents
OP-REQ1 Form General Terms and Conditions Special Terms and Conditions
State Site-Wide Federal Site-Wide Acid Rain CSAPR NSR Authorizations Based on OP-REQ1 answers. General Terms and Conditions Special Terms and Conditions can include: Emission Limitations: site-wide state and federal rules Additional monitoring requirements NSR Authorizations: standard permits, certifications, etc. Compliance requirements Risk Management Plan Protection of Stratospheric Ozone Temporary Fuel Sources National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Consumer and Commercial Products Alternative Requirement Permit location: on/off site Permit Shield Acid Rain Permit Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) requirements
Check form footer for date
OP-REQ1 Form Initial and renewal applications - required Revision applications – only if site-wide changes Answer ALL questions for SOP applications, unless instructions indicate otherwise Check form date Check form footer for date OP-REQ1 Form: Required for initial and renewal applications. Required for revisions when site-wide terms and conditions are being updated or added. Questions are step-by-step and not all will be answered. Check the form date, especially for renewals and revisions, to ensure that most recent form is being used. TCEQ – (APDG 5733v44, Revised 03/19) OP-REQ1
Example: 30 TAC Chapter 111 Vents
Prompts to skip forward Site-wide terms are determined based on OP-REQ1 answers. Questions A.1. – A.4. determine terms for vents at the site subject to 30 TAC §
Example: Special Terms and Conditions
Site-wide terms are determined based on OP-REQ1 answers. Questions A.1. – A.4. determine terms for vents at the site subject to 30 TAC § Determined by OP-REQ1 Questions 1 - 4
Attachments Applicable Requirements Additional Monitoring
Permit Shield NSR Authorizations Appendix B Additional attachments include: Compliance Schedules Alternative Requirements TCEQ approval letters EPA approval letters Appendix A: Acronym List
Applicable Requirements: OP-UA Forms
Submit for initial, renewal, and revision applications 63 unit-specific forms and generic OP-UA1 form Follow all form instructions Check form date to verify most recent Check form footer for date OP-UA forms: Determine unit-specific applicable requirements If no unit attribute form exists for a specific unit with applicability, the unit may be submitted on the generic OP-UA1 form Submit with initial applications. Review renewal applications to determine if questions and/or attribute codes have been updated. Review for revision applications and submit based on the type and scope of the revision. TCEQ-1003 (APDG 5702v29, Revised 12/18) OP-UA2
Example: OP-UA2 MACT ZZZZ Engines
Codes determine applicable requirements OP-UA forms have specific codes and instructions based on the regulation and type of unit. Table 2a: Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines HAP Source: AREA = the site is an area source of HAPs as defined in 40 CFR §63.2 Brake HP: = stationary RICE with a brake HP greater than or equal to 250 HP and less than 300 HP Construction/Reconstruction Date: = commenced construction or reconstruction on or after December 19, 2002, but before June 12, 2006 Nonindustrial Emergency Engine: NO = RICE is not a residential, commercial, or institutional emergency engine as defined in 40 CFR § Service Type: NORMAL = normal use Stationary RICE Type: 4SRB = 4 stroke spark ignited rich burn engine
Example: OP-UA2 Requirements
Applicable requirements are unit and regulation specific Applicable requirements are determined based on TCEQ Decision Support System:
Example: Forms for SOP Renewal
Permit Renewal Issued 11/25/2014 No changes at site, no OP-UA forms submitted Is this acceptable? Maybe: MACT ZZZZ updated 02/27/2014, OP- UA2 updated 12/2018, and flowchart updated 02/20/2018
Attachments Applicable Requirements Additional Monitoring
Permit Shield NSR Authorizations Appendix B
Additional Monitoring: OP-MON Forms
Evaluate for initial, renewal, and revision applications Rule-by-rule, pollutant-by-pollutant APDG 5241: Periodic Monitoring APDG 5824: Compliance Assurance Monitoring CAM and PM are evaluated on a rule-by-rule and pollutant-by-pollutant basis Air Permit Review Reference Guide, APDG 5241, Periodic Monitoring: Air Permit Reviewer Reference Guide, APDG 5824, Compliance Assurance Monitoring: OP-MON forms for Title V permit applications:
Periodic Monitoring Does the rule contain sufficient monitoring?
Does the rule have sufficient monitoring frequency? If ‘NO’ to either of the above, then Periodic Monitoring is required 30 TAC Chapter 115, Subchapter B, Division 2: Vent Gas Control Does the rule contain sufficient monitoring? § (1)(A)(i) requires monitoring of exhaust gas temperature immediately downstream of a direct-flame incinerator Does the rule contain sufficient monitoring frequency? § (1)(A) requires continuous monitoring and recording If periodic monitoring is not included in an application, but required, the permit reviewer will inform the applicant. Periodic monitoring exemptions are outlined in 30 TAC § (b) A more detailed example, requiring periodic monitoring, for 30 TAC Chapter 111 is presented on the next slide.
Example: Periodic Monitoring
(a)(1)(F) does not specify monitoring frequency (a)(1)(F) specifies monitoring options Compliance with subparagraphs (A)-(C) of this paragraph shall be determined by applying the following test methods, as appropriate. The highest reading obtained shall determine compliance with the appropriate visible emission limit: CEMS as described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph; Test Method 9 (40 CFR 60, Appendix A); Alternate Method 1 to Method 9, Light Detection and Ranging (40 CFR 60, Appendix A); or equivalent test method approved by the executive director of the Texas Air Control Board (TACB) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Example of required periodic monitoring for a vent without a CEMS subject to 30 TAC Chapter (a)(1)(C) 30 TAC Chapter 111 contains requirements for the control of for visible emissions and particulate matter 30 TAC §111(a)(1)(F) provides monitoring and test methods to determine compliance 30 TAC §111(a)(1)(F)(i) would provide sufficient monitoring if a CEMS is being used 30 TAC §111(a)(1)(F)(ii) – (iii) does not provide a monitoring frequency for the given test method options Periodic monitoring is required. PM is required!
Compliance Assurance Monitoring
Does the unit have an emission limitation? Does the unit have a control device? Is the unit a major source PRE control? If ‘YES’ to ALL of the above, then CAM is required** ** Certain exemptions to CAM requirements exist Emission Limitation: lb/MMBtu, ppmv, gr/drscf, etc. Control Device: SCR, scrubber, combustion device, baghouse, etc. Major pre-control: greater than or equal to 100 TPY of a pollutant PRE-CONTROL ** There are exemptions to CAM (federal regulations proposed after November 15, 1990, regulations that specify a continuous compliance determination method, etc. as stated in 40 CFR §64.2(b)) even if an emission unit meets all three criteria.
Example: Compliance Assurance Monitoring
Turbine = lb NOx/MMBtu Pre-control = 150 tpy NOx Control device = SCR CAM is required Unit is a gas-fired turbine that limits NOx emissions by using selective catalytic reduction (SCR) In this case, the emission limitation is for 30 TAC Chapter 117 A CAM exemption does not exist for 30 TAC Chapter 117 Unit requires CAM
Example: Monitoring Options
APDG 5824: Compliance Assurance Monitoring NOx CEMS: CAM-NO-002 NOx lb/MMBtu SCR: CAM-SC-003 and CAM-SC-004 Inlet gas temperature and injection nozzle flow rate Pre-approved monitoring options may be used for CAM and PM requirements Review CAM and PM detailed guidance for more information Applicant must provide a deviation limit for the options selected Deviation limit may be in the emission limitation values Deviation limit may also be specific process parameters Some pre-approved options may require 2-parameter monitoring (gas temperature and nozzle flow rate in the example) Case-by-case CAM or PM may be submitted providing justification or supporting documentation for the request. NOx = nitrogen oxides CEMS = continuous emissions monitoring system
Attachments Applicable Requirements Additional Monitoring
Permit Shield NSR Authorizations Appendix B
Permit Shields Permit shields document negative applicability
Requested on OP-REQ1 Documented on OP-REQ2 Only for potentially applicable regulations Regulatory basis where an emission unit is not subject to a regulation Permit shields are considered for initial, renewal, and significant revision applications Documented in a minor revision, but not granted TCEQ permit shield guidance can be found at the following link: During a significant revision, permit shields are only granted for units being revised. Permit shields may be removed during minor revisions, but are not granted in a minor revision. The lack of a permit shield request does not alleviate the requirement of the applicant to submit potentially applicable requirements that do not apply (OP-REQ2). Negative applicability determinations are required; however, a permit shield must be requested.
Example: OP-REQ2 Form §63.400(a): New and existing cooling towers (CT) operated with chromium-based water treatment chemicals OP-REQ2: CT is not operating with chromium based water treatment chemicals. The facility is a chemical plant that is a major source of NOx, CO, VOC, and HAPs. The applicant has indicated on page 80 of the OP-REQ1 form that a permit shield is being requested. The site is existing and has an industrial cooling tower. 40 CFR §63.400(a) The provisions of this subpart apply to all new and existing industrial process cooling towers that are operated with chromium-based water treatment chemicals and are either major sources or are integral parts of facilities that are major sources as defined in § MACT Q potentially applies since the cooling tower is an existing unit at a site that is a major source of HAPs. However, chromium-based water treatment chemicals are not used, so the applicant has provided a negative applicability determination on form OP-REQ2. The OP-REQ2 submittal and the OP-REQ1 provide the basis for the permit shield attachment in the permit document.
Attachments Applicable Requirements Additional Monitoring
Permit Shield NSR Authorizations Appendix B
NSR Authorization References
Major NSR Authorizations Minor NSR Authorizations Permits by Rule NSR authorizations must be effective for Title V issuance. Major NSR Authorizations PSD, non-attainment, and GHG Permits Minor NSR Authorizations Case-by-case and Standard Permits Permits by Rule (and historic standard exemptions) All Title V applications must have an NSR authorization to be issued. NSR authorization references are revised as needed, but are always required as an attachment.
NSR Authorization References by Emission Unit
OP-SUM and OP-SUMR forms Each unit must have authorization Minor NSR permit Major NSR permit Standard permit Permit-by-rule Units may have more than one NSR authorization reference: Minor NSR permit & PBR § & PBR §
Attachments Applicable Requirements Additional Monitoring
Permit Shield NSR Authorizations Appendix B
Appendix B: Major NSR Summary Table
Incorporated by Reference (IBR) TCEQ formats table based on NSR MAERT Applicant identifies MRRT requirements from NSR special terms and conditions TCEQ reviews requirements and appends to SOP Incorporated by Reference (IBR) TCEQ formats table based on NSR MAERT Applicant provides associated requirements from special terms and conditions (STC) - Monitoring and Testing - Recordkeeping - Reporting TCEQ reviews requirements and appends to SOP MAERT = maximum allowable emissions rate table MRRT = monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, and testing
Appendix B: Major NSR Summary Table
Working Draft Permit TCEQ Permit Reviewer Applicant Send deficiencies
Review Responses Prepare WDP Prepare PA/PNAP Address deficiencies Provide appropriate forms Review WDP Certify updates prior to PA/PNAP TCEQ: - Send deficiency list - Review responses - Prepare working draft permit Prepare PA/PNAP PA = public announcement for minor revision applications PNAP = public-notice-authorization package for initial, renewal, and significant revision applications Applicant: Addresses deficiencies Provides appropriate forms Reviews the working draft permit Certifies updates represented in the WDP prior to public announcement or notice Publishes notice Posts signs
Public Notice Public notice Public announcement
Initial, Renewal, Significant Revision Applicant publishes notice 30-day public comment period 45-day EPA review starts after notification of publication Minor Revisions TCEQ posts online 30-day public comment period 45-day EPA review starts with public comment period
EPA Review Concurrent with public notice or public announcement
Stops if comments are received Begins again after comments are addressed EPA review is started once TCEQ is notified that the public notice has been published. EPA review generally begins between 5 days and 2 weeks after the notice is published
Final State Action TCEQ issues permit 60-day public petition period
EPA may receive valid petition TCEQ resolves granted objections Permit, permit record, or both may be modified Permit Record = permit application file, statement of basis, other supporting information
Company, Site, Area, Location Permit Number, Effective Date
Final State Action Company, Site, Area, Location Permit Number, Effective Date
Title V Permit Overview
Who needs a Title V permit? What is the Title V permitting process? Where do I access Title V permit documents?
Accessing Air Permit Documents
TCEQ campus: Hard copies, films, etc. Central File Room Online – Title V or NSR by RN, permit #, name Central Registry Central Registry Regulated Entity Search Link: Central Registry Name/Customer Search Link: Central Registry Permit Number Search Link: Central File Room Online Link: Online – Detailed documents, project files, final actions CFR Online
Central File Room Online
Central Registry Central File Room Online Information needed: Company, Site, etc. name Permit or registration numbers Program type: NSR, Title V, etc.
TCEQ Records Online services/welcome-to-tceq-records-online CFR Online: Detailed online search function. Project files, correspondence. Final actions NSR, Title V, etc. Detailed Guidance
Site Operating Permits (SOPs)
Brandon Marsh, P.E. General (512) 239 – 1250
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