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The Post War Boom Chapter 19.

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1 The Post War Boom Chapter 19

2 Challenges Housing crisis Redefining the family Economic problems
-1945/6-shortage Redefining the family Whose in charge?Women have been out of the home Economic problems “I need a job”

3 No recession really occurs
Roosevelt Dies Truman has trouble with Congress Truman honorable, self-confident and able to make difficult decisions

4 Social Upheaval 1947; Jackie Robinson-color barrier in professional sports-National League-baseball & Larry Doby-first black player American League-baseball July 1948; Truman desegregates the military, ends discrimination in government hiring Truman barely wins re-election “Give ‘em hell,Harry” Raises min. wage to $.75 from .40

5 The New America (Life in the ’50s)
More white collar jobs-office jobs for business Social conformity The end of polio-Dr. Jonas Salk The Baby Boom 1 baby every 7 seconds 4,308,000 in 1957

6 Women-Not happy with their lives
Homemakers were popularized everywhere-(Was it to get them back home?) More women than ever working-teaching,nursing, office support-paid less than man Divorce rate goes up.

7 Fun Time 3-D comics and movies S.I. And Reader’s Digest
Drive-ins-theaters for cars Cruising







14 Popular Culture Television-black and white New types of movie stars
Stereotyped everyone New types of movie stars Sex Symbols Beat movement-weary of establishment Sub-culture

15 Television Sets from the 1950s










25 Beat Generation Jack Kerouac

26 Rock ’n’ Roll Began as “black music”
Chuck Berry, Bill Haley & the Comets, and… ELVIS PRESLEY-The King Called “the devil’s music” by a lot of adults

27 Chuck Berry


29 Little Richard

30 Elvis Presley

31 Ricky Nelson

32 Bobby Rydell Frankie Avalon


34 The Big Bopper

35 Ritchie Valens




39 Miles Davis

40 Nat “King” Cole

41 Lena Horne

42 Willie Mays

43 Hank Aaron


45 Mexican--Hired hands, allowed into US to harvest crops
Braceros Mexican--Hired hands, allowed into US to harvest crops Many stayed- others hundreds of thousand more came to US Illegally

46 Felix Longeria Was killed in action in the Philippines in 1945.
According to his family, a funeral home in the South Texas town refused to hold his funeral services because he was Hispanic.

47 National Congress of American Indians
Goals: ENSURE for native Americans the same civil rights that white Americans had ENABLE Native Americans on resevations to retain their own customs

48 TERMINATION POLICY In 1953, the federal government announced that it would give up responsibility for Native American tribes Transported to urban areas Program a failure-abandoned in 1963

49 USS HORNET ---Trip April 28th---Thursday
Cost $50-- $25 Deposit-Non Refundable Leave 5:30 AM---Back 7:00 PM Lunch is provided Cameras and backpacks allowed Dress warm and cold for weather IF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL-YOU WILL BE ARRESTED AND YOUR PARENTS WILL HAVE TO COME AND GET YOU.

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