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Destin Elementary School

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1 Destin Elementary School
New Parent Orientation

5 Pillars Be For The Student Positive Professionalism Communicate Effectively Be a Team Player Be Coachable Contact Information Updates I believe very strongly in everyone knowing what is expected of them. And as a part of this I believe we should share with you what you should expect from DES. Be for the student- First and Always Positive Professionalism Communication- We will work hard to be great communicators. The expectations I have for myself and all staff on this campus are that we communicating with you early and often. You should expect a reply with hours of reaching out to teachers. Always extenuating circumstances but this is the expected norm. Team Players- It takes a village… Coachable- We are human… we make mistakes, we work hard to avoid them, if we make them we will work harder to correct them. What we ask of you: Communicate with us often: prevents almost all issues that arise. Talk to your teacher. They are the first line of communication. If you are not hearing from them… reach out. Important that we have your most up to date contact info for all the reasons I just shared. 1st POC- Teacher… If you are not hearing back from them, then please call Mr. Williams or myself.

iOCSD resource menu

4 Student Attendance School Hours Tardy and Early Checkout Impact
8:25 – 2:55 Tardy and Early Checkout Impact School Attendance- Article: “How Many Students Are Chronically Absent in the United States Each Year?” Truancy Statutes Student Parent Handbook On DES Website “Only 17% of kids who were chronically absent in KG and 1st Grade read proficiently by the time they reached third grade, compared to 64% of students with “good attendance”. School Hours 8:25-2:55 We do not allow checkouts after 2:30 unless it is an emergency. Dismissal processes take all staff. Scheduled Doctors Appointments are not emergencies. Please plan accordingly. Tardy and Early Checkout Impact Importance of being in the classroom What is Chronically Absent- 15 Absences School Attendance- DATA Article Mention Chronically absent KG and 1st grade- only 17% proficient in reading by 3rd grade Truancy Statutes Be familiar with these. Student Parent Handbook Available Online on our website.

5 School Safety Student safety is our number one priority. Student learning is our number one focus. Single Point Entry- After 8:25 Raptor Sign in System All Visitors, Volunteers, Mentors Please have ID - FOR EVERY VISIT No Check Outs after 2:30 Student safety is our number one priority. Student learning is our number one focus. Single Point Entry Time: 8:25 Front Desk Procedures

6 Guidance Office Volunteers- Application Required Yearly
Chaperoning Field Trips Proctoring Mentoring

7 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
CHANGE OF TRANSPORTATION VERY IMPORTANT- We need to know early if your child’s transportation method is going to be different. Communication, Communication, Communication

8 Lunch Processes What’s Available?
Lunch Accounts- My School Bucks (App) Applications for Title 1 School (SEE HANDOUT) DES – Approx. 41% Food For Thought Teachers are present to assist the first week or two (as needed). We welcome visitors, but ask that parents wait until the 3rd week of school before joining your child for lunch. You are in control of your child’s lunch options. We do offer several “a la carte” items that your child may purchase but you are welcome to put restrictions on this by simply stopping by and speaking to our lunchroom manager. You may monitor the balance and add money to your child’s account through the app. PLEASE complete the free/reduced lunch application – we will have a team here next Friday during the Meet Your Teacher orientation to assist. We currently have 41% of students receiving support for lunch – with less than 10% more, we become a Title I school and that means $$$ for our school (in the form of resources and additional staff to support students’ academic needs). Even if you will pack a lunch daily for your child or don’t think you will qualify, we ask that you take a few minutes and complete this application. We also have a program – Food for Thought – in which students receive a backpack on Thursday or Friday with non-perishable food items. Teachers will be handing out these applications next week.

9 Medication Procedures
Parents must transport ALL Medication ON and OFF campus. School Nurse Medication Check in Procedures School Board Policies- Please be careful Students may not bring medication to school It is policy that parents bring medication to the clinic in the original packaging/prescription bottle

10 Media Center What the Media Center Offers Processes
Help!! - Lost books cost money Visiting the library is exciting for students – there are thousands of books and students are able to select books based on their interests Teachers do receive library folders and add students reading levels so they are guided to choose books at their reading levels. Reading, listening to adults read aloud, and writing about what they read are sure ways for children to strengthen reading skills It is quite magical to see the spark in a child’s eyes when they learn to read. There is so much growth to witness in these elementary years – its quite amazing. Please help us teach your child responsibility by talking to them about keeping track and taking care of their library books.

11 Special Areas SCHEDULE: (4 and 1)
Physical Education- Coach Watson and Coach Foley Art- Ms. Gaffney Music- Ms. McArdle We are fortunate to be able to continue providing a well-rounded education for your child. Students attend PE 4 days a week They attend Music/Art biweekly on a rotating schedule. To support your child’s safety, we ask that you provide safe shoes (athletic or closed back shoes) every day (even on music/art days) as students also attend recess daily and are active & on the playground equipment.

12 Curriculum and Grades Parent Portal- Grades Online (SEE HANDOUT)
Available in the iOCSD App and Online Instructions are in your hands! Notifications- POWERFUL KG Grading KG Conferences- End of 1st Quarter Parent Teacher Conferences We encourage you to stay abreast of your child’s grades, which are available through the parent portal (handout) and the iOCSD app. If you have concerns, please contact your child’s teacher early KG transitioned to grades of A, B, C, D, F last year and this went well from both the teachers and parents perspective. KG teachers will hold conferences with each parent at the end of the 1st quarter to discuss their expertise on your child’s progress and specific needs – please plan to attend. Please remember that if you have any questions or concerns, your child’s teacher is your first point of contact. We are also always happy to meet with you if you should have any concerns. WE are looking forward to a great year!

13 Upcoming Events Meet the Teacher Orientation DES Open House
Friday, August 9th PreK-D, KG, 1st 8:30 – 10:00 2nd,3rd, 4th 11:00-12:30 ***Feel free to bring your school supplies on this date*** DES Open House Tuesday, August 20th KG & PreK-D 5:30 PM 1st & 2nd 6:30 PM Thursday, August 22nd 3rd Grade 5:30 PM 4th Grade 6:30 PM


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