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ESSnet on Measuring global value chains

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1 ESSnet on Measuring global value chains
Peter Bøegh Nielsen

2 Measurement Challenges
Official statistical production systems mainly designed to measure domestic incidents The increased globalisation of business organisation and their value chains influences the existing statistics Implicit multiple counting of intermediate goods/services Hiding of actual patterns of trade The dynamics of globalisation requires introduction of new concepts Business functions Global Value Chains Changed framework conditions focusing on diminishing respondent burden on enterprises Puts focus on micro data linking 2

3 Background Real economy justification: Demand from policy makers:
Increased fragmentation of the production chain Increased digitalization of tasks, especially services Growing global trade in intermediates Enterprises establish increasingly foreign affiliates Demand from policy makers: EU 2020 strategy: The Commission will draw up a framework for a modern industrial policy. The framework will address all elements of the increasingly international value chain from access to raw materials to after-sales service.

4 Work packages Globalisation indicators
basic, supplemental and experimental GVC survey fine tuning and support New survey on GVCs and international sourcing Micro data linking Develop methodology and identify indicators and sources Test methods of improving FATS quality Mirror statistics exercise IFATS vs OFATS Publish analyses globalisation indicators, GVC survey and micro data linking results Information-sharing within ESS 4 9/3/2019

5 Overall organisation and communication
Eurostat and Partners STATDK, STATFI, STATNO, CBS, INE, INS RO, INSEE Steering Group Task Forces with WP leads WP1 CBS WP2 STATDK, STATFI WP3 STATDK WP4 STATNO WP5 STATDK Co-ordinator STATDK 9/3/2019

6 Overall organisation and communication
Communication within the group: ESSnet portal Secretariat function (STATDK): SG status documents Minute meetings Broader perspective: Dissemination and information-sharing with broader ESS Other external stakeholders 9/3/2019

7 Project design and organisation
WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 STATDK x X STATFI - STATNO CBS INE INS RO INSEE X=WP lead x=WP participant = Not WP participant 9/3/2019

8 Project design and organisation

9 Risks Ambitious program Contents partially unknown
Time schedule very tight Large degree of interdependence between work packages in the project ESSnet and “external” projects (survey, micro data linking) 9/3/2019

10 Background for WP4 First discussion and decision taken at meeting of Nordic DGs in 2009 Difficult to verify the information collected for OFATS Supplement needed for the EGR as many groups with Nordic affiliates are relative small

11 Starting point End goal: Exchange information about Nordic owned affiliates and affiliates in the other Nordic countries to sequire data quality and reduce resources needed First action: Test feasibility of the proposal by: Addressing the legal issue Esting the quality of existing identification numbers (BvD no.)

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