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Sam Tebb Blue Skies Ahead

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1 Sam Tebb Blue Skies Ahead
Releasing fascial strain throughout the body to enable optimal brain function and learning Sam Tebb Blue Skies Ahead

2 Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)
Brain Therapy or CFT integrates Craniosacral Dental Fascial Goal: to attain maximum central nervous system capabilities Key factor: the brain’s inherent motion is proportional to its function

3 Conditions Newborns Children Adults Difficulty sucking/swallowing
Scoliosis Migraines Reflux Asthma Sinus conditions Colic Earache Concussion Constipation Adhd Back/neck pain Gas/indigestion Learning disorders Anxiety/Depression Sleeping Issues Allergies TMJ Tongue/lip tie Strabismus Whiplash

4 The Craniosacral System
The brain, spinal cord and sacrum “The pressure that the lungs put on the spinal column will in turn start the Craniosacral (CS) rhythm. The CS rhythm is a strong pumping system for cerebrospinal fluid” (Peirsman, 2006, p6) Our body is a perfect self regulating system, but every form of stress can give us a delay in our repair work If you work for a boss and the boss is upset, eventually the entire factory will suffer- our bodie’s boss is the brain Three layered membrane system CSF enclosed by this membrane system Structures control fluid input and out flow for the system

5 Fascia The fascial system is the tissue that permeates every aspect of our physical being, from our bones to our skin and every part of our cells in between. Working with the fascial system of the body is the best way to help the body restore itself from dysfunction to healthy function. Physical trauma, emotional stress and physical injuries are all stored in the fascia and will keep us in unhealthy patterns and expression.

6 The brain and cranial nerves

7 Brain Injury Hearing & Understanding Seeing & Reading
Sensation & Tactility Manual & Writing Speech & Communication Mobility & Locomotion Social/emotional Whether the injury is in the pons, medulla oblongata, midbrain or cortex Children and adults will struggle to

8 If I have restricted brain motion, how can I learn and reach my full potential?
0 Cycle CE potential

9 The brain has to breathe, the fascia has to be free.
Summary The brain has to breathe, the fascia has to be free. Alignment Clear toxins Function better Relieve many conditions

10 References & Bibliography
Gillespie, B. (2000) Brain Therapy for Children and Adults. Course textbook Kern, M. (2005) Wisdom in the Body. The Craniosacral approach to essential health. North Atlantic Books, Berkley, California. Peirseman, E. (2006) Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Small Children. North Atlantic Books, Berkley, California. Upledger, J. (1997) Your Inner Physician and You. North Atlantic Books, Berkley, California.

11 Questions???

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