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The Respiratory System

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1 The Respiratory System
Trachea (No.3) Lung (No.31) Jun Zhou School of Medicine, Zhejiang University

2 Trachea C-shape hyaline cartilage Mucosa(粘膜) Submucosa(粘膜下层)

3 Mucosa:ciliated,pseudostratified epithelium+lamina propria
submucosa adventitia Mucosa:ciliated,pseudostratified epithelium+lamina propria Submucosa:denser CT+mucous,serous glands Adventitia:hyaline cartilage(透明软骨)+CT

4 Posterior border: numerous glands+ smooth muscle

5 Mucosa (粘膜) 1.Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelia goblet cell, cilia cell and basal cell, brush cell and small granule cell 2.Obvious basement membrane Submucosa(粘膜下层) Tracheal glands (serous 浆液性, mucous 粘液性)

6 Lung Conducting portion(导气部): Small bronchi Bonchioles
Terminal bronchioles Respiratory portion(呼吸部): Respiratory bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveolar sacs Alveoli

7 Human lung (NO.31) Respiratory bronchiole 呼吸性细支气管 Bronchia Bronchiole
Terminal bronchiole 终末细支气管 Bronchia 小支气管

8 Conducting portion(导气部)
Bronchiole Bronchia Terminal bronchiole

9 Small bronchi pseudostratified ciliated epi. Smooth muscle in lamina propria Incomplete cartilage rings

10 Bronchiloes Smaller lumen and thinner wall Epi from pseudostratified columnar to simple cuboidal Rare goblet cell, glands and cartilage More smooth muscle

11 Terminal bronchiloes Simple cuboidal ciliated epi. No glands, cartilage Completed layer of smooth layer

12 Respiratory portion (呼吸部)
Respiratory branchioles(呼吸性细支气管): Wall with alveoli opening on it. Alveolar ducts(肺泡管): Almost no walls, with smooth muscle knob Alveolar sacs(肺泡囊): No smooth muscle knob Alveoli(肺泡): Actual site of gas exchange

13 Respiratory portion Alveolar duct Respiratory bronchiole Alveolar sac

14 Pulmonary Alveoli Type I alveolar cell Type II alveolar cell
Alveolar septum


16 Dust cell phagocytose carbon or dust particles

17 Alveoli with dust cells in the septa

18 Pulmonary artery and vein (肺动静脉) Bronchial artery and vein (支气管动静脉)
肺动脉 支气管动脉 肺动脉 肺静脉


20 Blood-air barrier


22 Lab reports: Lung: File name: name+ID+Respiratory system( ) 1.Conducting portion(导气部): Small bronchi Bonchioles Terminal bronchioles 2.Respiratory portion(呼吸部): Respiratory bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveolar sacs Alveoli 3. Dust cell (尘细胞)

23 The end!

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