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Feedback on European Legislative Framework on ‘Drones’

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1 Feedback on European Legislative Framework on ‘Drones’
Advisory Board Belgian Drone Industry Stakeholders: Agoria – EUKA – skeyes – Drone Valley - BeUAS

2 FEEDBACK Based upon advisory board meeting on November 15th and December 12th Agoria, BeUAS, Drone Valley, Euka, skeyes, Unifly Offers feedback related to the industry’s views on the October 2018 draft For a detailed, more technical analysis we refer to the feedback drafted by skeyes, which goes into detail and is also supported by the industry This feedback will be offered in two tracks: A general industry consensus about what the ‘spirit’ of the legislation should be A more detailed feedback on some articles that should be corrected/amended asap before finalizing the proposed texts 14/12/2018

This advisory board, which is representative on all levels (Federal, Flemish and Walloon), should be a permanent advisory channel to the competent authority. This should be reactive AND pro-active. This advisory board also consists of a large constituency of drone pilots, end users and suppliers, as wel as the major knowledge institutions and trade federations. Therefore, it could support legislative communications towards the industry in one single and clear cut voice. 14/12/2018

The industry expects that fares/costs/taxes related to flight authorisation request would be uniform (no extra charges for exeptions/derogations) or preferably non- existent (to support the industry).Ideally we would like to see a unique European platform with uniform pricing The industry also expects that standard scenarios (European and National) will be defined as soon as possible (=before the final text is approved), because otherwise the industry will not be able to grow quickly (it will remain as difficult/ambiguous as it is today to get flight authorisations) Leverage of existing and new industry use cases (working group?) 14/12/2018

The advisory boards also hopes that the to be defined areas/maps of flight zones will take into account: Opening CTR/HTA zones through usage of airspace layering Up-to-date online maps (eg when legislation will be implemented Minimal exceptions when defining zones Service Level Agreements and Key Performance Indicators should be defined for the Competent Authority – a dashboard should be publicly consultable to ensure the SLA’s and KPI’s are met 14/12/2018

Pilot competences and technological specifications of the drone for the specific category not part of a standard scenario should not be a part of a flight authorisation, but rather defined and known beforehand Article 11 – the proposed risk assessment for the specific category is going against the economical ‘spirit’ of the text. It is too ridgid for most common drone operations, and will thwart economic growth (economic growth potential already established at length in a PwC study by Agoria) Light UAS Certificate (LUC) : positive for industrial use – very strict, but economically feasable 14/12/2018

Open category: concern on A3 training requierements which do not involve a practical test although it involves the use of a drone up to 25 kilograms potentially operated by a 14 year old pilot; not only a safety issue but potential hazard for dangerous interaction with commercial operations under the specific category which do comply with the proper risk assessments and pilot training requierements Find a practical solution to recognize and protect the investments made by drone pilots; Belgian training recognized for it’s high quality; suggestion from this group to come up with a strawman proposal Get clarity on CE marking 14/12/2018

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