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Faculty Development for Community Colleges

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Development for Community Colleges"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Development for Community Colleges
Amy Brown - Assistant Director, Technology Enhanced Pedagogy Audrey Bryk-Lee - Instructional Technology Consultant University of North Carolina Greensboro

2 Welcome Introductions of presenters
Quick introductions of everyone in the room: Name School Current challenge at your college

3 Goals for the session
Learn what everyone is doing that is working. Understand what questions we should be asking. Learn what strategies create collaborative spaces. Online Work Space (padlet)

4 A broad view of faculty development
It all boils down to culture and relationships. Audrey

5 Relationships are Everything

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

7 Group Discussion (5 minutes)
How do you approach creating relationships with faculty members at your school? Audrey

8 The needs of faculty They are pulled in multiple directions - teaching, advising, committees They want to understand what they are doing and why it matters. They are not trained in pedagogy but don’t want to be “exposed” for what they don’t know. How do we inform them while empowering them? They exist in multiple cultures on campus.

9 Group Discussion (5 minutes)
What strategies are working for you to create collaborative spaces on your campus?

10 After the report out, As we create these relationships and adapt to multiple cultures on our campus, we have to determine how to report out our success. It’s more than butts in seats. It’s connecting faculty members to others in different departments. It’s formal, informal, large/small moments. How do we assess what we do and report that to administration?

11 Group Discussion (5 minutes)
How are you assessing your success and sharing it with others?

12 Final thoughts Our time together is brief but our padlet is forever.
Please keep adding your suggestions and strategies to the padlet through the week. Each of our colleges require a unique response.

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