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WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force Status 11/2017

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1 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force Status 11/2017
22nd November 2017 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force Status 11/2017 Task Force co-leader: Task Force co-leader:

2 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force - Scope
Identification plays an important role for IoT. In addition to the identification of the Things identification of other entities will be needed. Various identification schemes already exist, are standardized and deployed. A thorough analysis of the identification needs and related standardization for IoT is therefore needed. The “IoT Identifier” task force will Evaluate identification needs for IoT and related requirements Classify different identification needs Collect existing identification standards and ongoing standardization work and elaborate their applicability for IoT Consider interoperability of identifiers Identify standardization gaps related to the IoT identification needs Consider security and privacy issues related to identification together with the Privacy and Security sub-groups of WG03 and the related work/activities in AIOTI WG04

3 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force - Deliverable
The task force will generate a document that collects, evaluates and summarizes the topics covered by its scope including: IoT identification needs and related requirements Collection of existing identification standards and ongoing standardization work and their applicability for IoT Standardization gaps related to the IoT identification needs (not in release 1) The document will further consider specific topics like: Interoperability of identifiers Security and privacy issues related to identification???? The document will be developed as stand-alone document, however parts or even the whole document may become part of the IoT High Level Architecture document. The target is to have a version for review by end of 2017

4 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force – History & Status
Survey was performed during March and April 2017 sent to over 80 standardization bodies, industry alliances and research projects around the world 82 responses were received including AIOTI WG03 internal feedback Survey result was used to define classes of identifiers and categories of requirements Identifier classes: Thing, Application & Service, Communication, User, Data, Protocol, Location Requirements categories: Uniqueness; Privacy; Security; Identified Entities; Identifier Pattern; Traceability, Authenticity & Origin; Scalability; Interoperability & Standards; Persistency & Re-use; Allocation, Registration & Resolution Editing meeting November 21st – 22nd in Brussels Went thru whole document, provided final text for several sections or discussed and assigned actions to provide final text to participants Final text shall be provided on December 13th Final editing and clean up afterwards WG03 review planned starting January 8th 2018 How long? Review at AITOI level: when, how External bodies? -> could result in a request to list standards from all of these bodies in our example list

5 Deliverable ToC Executive Summary List of Abbreviations Introduction
Classification of identifiers Requirement Categories for Identifiers Identifier Standards Allocation, Registration and Resolution of Identifiers Security and privacy?? Interoperability of Identifiers Annex I IoT Identifiers Survey Annex II Multiple Identifiers Example: Mobile Phone Annex III References Annex on Example of identifiers in LPWAN (might be added) Link do document:

6 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force – Issues
Requirements section of document contains WG03 view Based on discussion of participants of editing meeting Could be controversial, lets see review feedback Standards We cannot list all standards that we have in our list (which is anyway not complete). Just writing down a standard is useless if we don’t provide the relevant information related to identifiers for that standard. As we don’t have access to all standards, not the time, not the resources and not the expertise to do that for all of them we will select only a few as examples. That will be expressed in the introduction also saying that these examples are not specific recommendations from WG03. For each identifier category we will provide some examples. Without a detailed standardization analysis it is also not possible to perform a gap analysis Security & Privacy We don’t have the expertise to write this section We don’t get specific input from the security and privacy group of WG3 How to go forward (remove, leave open, repeat general statements from requirements section)? In general we have limited (but effective) participation and expertise to cover all topics relevant for identifiers in detail

7 WG 03 IoT Identifier Task Force – Supporters
We would like to specially thank Stefan Mangold and Thomas Klein for their contribution and support of the editing work We would like to thank Lindsay Frost and Marco Hogewoning for their contribution

8 Jürgen Heiles (
Henri Barthel

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