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Rocks & Minerals Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks & Minerals Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks & Minerals Review

2 What are the 5 characteristics of a Mineral?
* Naturally Occurring * Inorganic * Solid * has a Crystal Structure * has a Definite Chemical Composition

3 Explain the difference between an element and a compound
Au gold An element is made from only ONE ATOM. A compound is made from TWO OR MORE atoms bonded together. SiO2 Quartz Al2O3 Corundum

4 Explain how to test for Streak Color?
The crystal is rubbed onto an unglazed tile. The color of the streak does not change for a mineral, even if it comes in different colors.

5 What is the most common Intrusive Igneous Rock?
GRANITE is the most common Intrusive Igneous Rock

6 Geologists use the rock's
What are two of the three characteristics geologists use when studying rocks? Geologists use the rock's COLOR, TEXTURE, and its MINERAL COMPOSITION

7 When the grains of a rock are tiny, and need a microscope to be seen, they are called...
FINE grained

8 Explain how to find the density of this mineral.
First, find the mass by placing it on a balance. Second, find the volume by using water displacement (put into a graduated cylinder to see how high the water rises). Third, Divide the mass by the volume. D = M/V

9 Explain the difference between cleavage and fracture
Cleavage is when a mineral splits easily along a flat surface. Fracture is when a mineral breaks with an irregular edge: jagged, shell shaped, crumbled, uneven,

10 * fluorescence : glowing under UV light * magnetism * radioactivity
Name some “Special Properties” that minerals can have, that help to identify them. * fluorescence : glowing under UV light * magnetism * radioactivity * reactive with acid * electrical properties

11 In the Rock Cycle, how does Igneous Rock become Metamorphic Rock?
Igneous Rock (as well as any other rock) can become a Metamorphic Rock through HEAT AND PRESSURE

12 Explain two ways in which minerals form
Minerals form two ways: 1} when melted materials cool and crystallize 2} when minerals that are dissolved in water come out of the solution (either as the solution cools or as the water evaporates)

13 What is the difference between Extrusive Igneous Rock and
Intrusive Igneous Rock? Extrusive Igneous Rock forms when lava cools on the surface of the Earth. Intrusive Igneous Rock forms when magma cools inside of the Earth

14 What are FOLIATED bands?
Foliated bands are layers that are parallel ex. Slate and Gneiss

15 What does Inorganic mean?
Inorganic Means that the mineral is not from something living or that was once living

16 When the grains of a rock are large and easy to see they are called...?
COARSE grained

17 Name the three major groups of rocks.
* Igneous * Sedimentary * Metamorphic

18 Layers squishing the layers beneath is called COMPACTION
What is it called when heavy layers of sediment squish down the layers beneath them? Layers squishing the layers beneath is called COMPACTION

19 What are FOUR ways to test for the identification of minerals?
* Hardness * Color * Streak * Luster * Density * Crystal Shape * Cleavage and Fracture * Special Properties

20 Nonfoliated Rocks have their mineral grains randomly arranged.
If a Metamorphic Rock does not have layers or doesn't break into layers, it is called.... ? Nonfoliated Rocks have their mineral grains randomly arranged. ex. marble and quartzite

21 How are Sedimentary Rocks formed?
Sedimentary Rocks form when rocks erode. Deposited sediments are then compacted and cemented together.

22 Describe Porphyritic Texture
Porphyritic Texture occurs when magma cools slowly and forms large crystals, and then cools quickly to form small crystals.

23 Name the three types of Sedimentary Rocks
* Clastic * Organic * Chemical

24 How are Metamorphic Rocks Formed?
Metamorphic Rocks are formed from HEAT and PRESSURE deep in the Earth.

25 Shale ---- Sandstone --- Conglomerate/Breccia
Put in order the clastic sedimentary rocks from smallest particles to largest particles Shale Sandstone --- Conglomerate/Breccia

26 Fill in the Arrows in the Rock Cycle
Igneous Sedimentary Rock Rock Magma Metamorphic Rock EROSION A. D. B. HEAT & PRESSURE VOLCANIC ACTIVITY C. MELTING

27 What are the two types of Organic Sedimentary Rock?
* Coal * Limestone

28 How do Igneous Rocks form?
Igneous Rocks come from magma and lava

29 How are Metamorphic Rock classified?
Metamorphic Rock are classified by the arrangement of the grains making up the rock

30 In the Rock Cycle, how does Igneous Rock become Sedimentary Rock?
Igneous Rock (as well as any other rock) can become a Sedimentary Rock through EROSION

31 All pictures, unless otherwise noted,
are from Wikipedia

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