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Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

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1 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON POLICE BRIEFING ON THE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS OF THE PCP BRRR RECOMMENDATIONS Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Date: 15 FEBRUARY 2017 Venue: Committee Room V475, National Assembly Building, Parliament Time: 10:00 – 13:00


3 OVERVIEW The purpose of this briefing is to present IPID’s progress with regards to implementation of the PCP BRRR recommendations including the AGSA Action Plans and consolidated performance for the period 01 April to 31 December 2016 Report on consolidated performance, particularly in the third quarter, is greatly affected by budgetary constraints facing the department due to the following reasons, among other things: Budget cuts and ceilings placed by National Treasury on compensation of employees. Expenditure incurred by the department as a result of, among other things, restructuring/ transfers that took place. Consequently, some of the activities in Investigations and Stakeholder Management have been deferred to the next financial year.

PCP RECOMMENDATION ACTION PLAN RESPONSIBLE PROGRAMME TIME FRAME 1. Special funding be allocated and ring-fenced in the budget of the Directorate for the Farlam Commission Investigations. The IPID was unsuccessful in obtaining funding to fund the implementation of the Farlam Commissions recommendations. The investigation team is incurring expenditure that was not budgeted for in the current budget allocation, which has resulted in spending pressure being experienced in goods and services. At this stage the investigation cannot be completed without IPID being able to source additional funds. An urgent request for intervention has been sent to National Treasury for assistance in this regard Investigations and Information Management New financial Year 2. Directorate implements all the recommendations of the AG and appoints a mandate holder with clear timelines to ensure the implementation each of the AG recommendations. Refer to Slide 8 to 22 on the AGSA Action Plans Internal Audit 31 March 2017 3. Reduction of under spending in all its programmes for the current financial year. The IPID has made considerable improvements in its spending trends. The IPID spends most of its budget appropriation and as a department, consistently meets its spending trends. 2014/15: The IPID spent 99% of its budget allocation; 2015/16: The IPID spent 99% of its budget allocation; and 2016/17: As at 31 January 2016, the IPID spent 87.1% of its budget allocation. Chief Financial Officer 31 March 2017

PCP RECOMMENDATION ACTION PLAN RESPONSIBLE PROGRAMME TIME FRAME 4. Employment of Females in Senior Management The current percentage of females at Senior Management as at the end of January 2017 is 47% (15) compared to males at 53% (17). The are five (5) vacant Senior Management positions that can be considered to address the gap between males and females at Senior Management Corporate Services New Financial Year 5. IPID Quarterly Performance Report 2016/17 Refer to Slide 23 to 31 on the IPID performance reports Strategy and Performance Monitoring New financial Year 6. Consequence Management: Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Financial management incorporated in the SMS Performance Agreement for 2017/18 Monitoring of identified cases done at MANCO meetings Disciplinary actions and Criminal case initiated Finance 7. Cutting IPID reliance on SAPS for equipment's and tools of trade IPID has never been adequately funded. IPID will never achieve this as it continues to be unfunded Investigation and Information Management 8. Provision of PFMA and PAIA The Accounting Officer will consider expenditure incurred and initiate disciplinary processes in consultation with HRM&D were warranted, to ensure that consequence management measures are implemented

PCP RECOMMENDATION ACTION PLAN RESPONSIBLE PROGRAMME TIME FRAME 9. Training Investigators for specialized and high skills Training of investigators remains a priority despite dramatic budget cuts, in order to ensure that IPID delivers on its mandate. During 2016/17, a total of 78 investigators were trained. The Directorate has planned to train a further 75 investigators during 2017/18 financial year. Corporate Services New Financial Year 10. Report on systematic corruption issues to be addressed within SAPS and MPS The Department is aware of two cases under investigation of systemic corruption related to Drug dealings involving the Police Investigation and Information Management 31 March 2017 11. Measures to make SAPS members aware of consequences of rape of victims in Police Cells All station lectures were put on hold till 31 March 2017 due to budget constraints. Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management 12. Report on steps to reduce civil claims against the department The IPID SOPS , 6.15 provides for steps to follow when handling Civil claims Legal Services has also published and disseminated a Practice Note/ Bulletin on the topic of Arrests by Investigators" and is available for either telephonic or written legal advice regarding same. The Department further avoids civil action by ensuring that all information/ records requested via the Promotion of Access to Information Act, is provided within the given time frames. Legal Services On going

PCP RECOMMENDATION ACTION PLAN RESPONSIBLE PROGRAMME TIME FRAME 13. Meeting of NPA : Steps to reduce backlogs IPID and NPA had a meeting during September 2016 to fast track the processing of feedback on referrals. NPA can only trace cases by CAS numbers and police stations. The IPID is currently updating its registers to include CAS numbers dating back to the 2012 / 2013 financial year. The next meeting with NPA will be held before the end of February 2017. A number of engagements have been held with the NDPP at national level to discuss matters of mutual concern Provincial meetings with Provincial NDPP’s will be held to discuss and monitor reduction of backlogs Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management Investigations and Information Management 31 March 2017 14. Appointment of Service Provider for debriefing of Investigators The Bid for trauma debriefing of investigators has been approved Corporate Services New Financial Year

The 2015/2016 AGSA review report for IPID identified a total of 28 audit findings which comprised of compliance and internal control issues. The action plan document was submitted to the PCP in November 2016, after a management session was held to refine audit action plans. Below is the status of implementation in line with action plan due dates.

FOCUS AREA TOTAL NO. OF FINDINGS TOTAL FULLY IMPLEMENTED / ADDRESSED Corporate Governance 01 00 Finance 05 03 HRM Asset Management and SCM 02 ICT Strategy and Performance Monitoring Investigation Management 10 Compliance and Stakeholder Management TOTAL 28 15

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Corporate Governance Unit 01 Officials performed additional remunerative work without prior approval or declaration thereof. The Corporate Governance will monitor the deregistration process by the official as she indicated that she is that process. CD: Corporate Services 31 Dec 2016 Deregistration in progress with the CIPC. Corporate Governance shall monitor process with official until finalization. Policy relating to Conflict of Interest will be developed to address the challenge. 31 March 2017 The development of the policy is still in progress. The National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database is to be used as a mechanism to verify whether suppliers are employed by the state or not (during quotation stages). IPID is anticipated to be live on the system by end of May 2016. Chief Financial Officer 30 June 2016 This action plan has been implemented.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Finance Unit 02 Payments not made within 30 days from receipt of invoices in contravention Treasury Regulations Process of reviewing Performance Agreements is already in progress to effect accountability on senior managers in respect of payment of invoices within 30 days (ensuring that invoices are forwarded to the relevant processing units i.e. SCM and Finance) CD: Corporate Services 15 Jan 2017 A process of review of senior manager’s PAs began in Dec 2016, to be finalized before year end. 03 No consequence management for official who incurred irregular expenditure and fruitless and wasteful expenditure Review of PA’s to include the management of irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure cases by SMS members in their respective span of control. Monitoring of identified cases to be done during MANCO through reporting by Finance Unit, with Senior Managers Executive Director Bi Monthly (wef. Feb 2017) To be effected in the next MANCO

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Finance Unit 04 Understatement of lease commitment The 2015/2016 AFS were adjusted as per the recommendation. Chief Financial Officer 29 July 2016 The adjustments to the annual financial statements were done. Review of financial information is done by Finance, with independent verification by Internal Audit during the quarterly financial statement process to ensure accuracy. Quarterly This continues to take place on a quarterly basis. 05 Overstatement of Key Management personnel Quality assurance processes shall be effected within HRM to ensure the quality of information submitted to Finance for AFS purposes. CD: Corporate Services Secondary Review by Finance - HRM has been advised to submit the inputs with supporting documents on quarterly basis for verification by Finance before included in the Financial Statements (for quarterly financial statements).

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Finance Unit 06 The user account procedure document for Basic Accounting System (BAS) is not yet approved BAS User Accounts Management Procedure was subsequently approved by the Executive Director. Chief Financial Officer This finding has been addressed. Human Resource Unit 07 Fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by advertising of a position which is not on the approved structure. The expenditure shall be disclosed in the fruitless and wasteful register. 30 Nov 2016 In-progress. Once supporting documents are received, it will be reflected in the register as at 28 February 2017 In future, management shall refrain from advertising positions that are not yet on the approved structure CD: Corporate Services Ongoing (wef. 17 Nov 2016) Decision taken to be complied with where posts are being advertised.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Human Resource Unit 08 No leave register kept at Provincial office The register is in existence and is being updated as and when officials take leave. CD: Corporate Services 29 July 2016 Action plan implemented. Leave registers are being continuously updated. Leave registers are requested from provinces and National office on a quarterly basis for review Quarterly This action plan is implemented by the HR unit on a quarterly basis 09 The SMS members Performance Agreement Quality Assurance methodology not properly implemented HRM has identified a dedicated official to handle SMS Performance Agreements to ensure that compliance is achieved. This has also been communicated to all SMS members via a circular (06 of 2016) The action has been implemented.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Human Resource Unit 10 No systematic remedial or developmental support to assist unsatisfactory performing employees Introduction of a system for performance management cycle to ensure proper planning, implementation and monitoring. CD: Corporate Services 31 Jan 2017 A system of performance management cycle was introduced. There is a circular on the management of poor performance. Going forth, management will ensure continuous monitoring of the implementation and reporting thereof, with MANCO used as a formal structure of monitoring. Bi - monthly Action plan implemented. 11 Performance Agreement Not Signed by 31 May HRM has identified a dedicated official to handle SMS Performance Agreements to ensure that compliance is achieved. This has also been communicated to all SMS members via a circular (06 of 2016) 29 July 2016 The action plan has been implemented. The matter was referred to Labour Relations and the outcome will be provided once the investigation has been finalised. 31 Dec 2016 The investigation is still in progress.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Asset Management and SCM Unit 12 Assets register not updated - transfers from provincial office to Head Office The asset register is now updated and items are now captured on the correct location. Chief Financial Officer 08 July 2016 This action plan has been implemented. Quarterly assets verification will assist in identification of any non-compliance on the assets register. Quarterly Quarterly asset verifications are conducted discrepancies are investigated and corrected. 13 Assets could not verified be physically for existence. 2 assets identified were reported as losses. The assets can only be updated as a loss in the asset register when approval is granted by the Accounting Officer. The loss control committee processes are currently in progress to resolve the matter. 31 Jan 2017 The loss control processes have been finalised and the asset register updated. Quarterly asset verifications are conducted.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Asset Management and SCM Unit 14 Logistical Information System (LOGIS) user accounts policy was found to be inadequate. The user account policy will be updated to include monitoring of access login violations. Chief Financial Officer 31 December 2016 The review of the user account policy has not been finalised. Anticipated to be completed by 31 March 2017. Information Communication and Technology (ICT) 15 Review of users and system administrators activities and access rights not performed on Flow Centric System The department has since taken charge of system maintenance after the employment of the Programmer and a process has being put in place to conduct quarterly review of user’s access rights and activities CD: Corporate Services 31 August 2016 The action plan has been implemented. To be printed from the system (FlowCentric) on a monthly basis for review by Provincial Heads. CD: IIM 31 Jan 2017 This action plan has been implemented. Case management user activities and access logs are reviewed quarterly by the Director ICT and tabled at the ICT Governance Committee. Quarterly This action plan is being implemented on a quarterly basis.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Strategy and Performance Monitoring 16 Performance Indicators not well defined The indicators have been redefined in the TID table for 2016/2017 APP purposes. CD: Corporate Services 31 Jan 2016 The action plan has been implemented. Investigation Management 17 Recommendations not forwarded within 30 days Going forward, frequent monitoring will be done on a weekly basis verifying if all recommendations were indeed submitted as required. CD: IIM Ongoing (weekly basis) Frequent monitoring of recommendations submission intervals is being done. 18 Recommendation not reviewed and signed off by a delegated official The Director Investigations have been tasked to ensure that each case file document is signed before issue; and also ensure that upon return from submission to the relevant stakeholders, proof of acknowledgement is validated ( date stamped and signature) CD:IIM Ongoing Review of recommendations for accuracy, completeness and timely submission is being done on an ongoing basis.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Investigation Management 19 Misclassification of investigation cases reported between different indicators (Backlog cases) The SOP review has already commenced and the effective date is the beginning of April 2017. CD: IIM 01 April 2017 The draft SOP has been issued for inputs. 20 Completed investigations reported in an incorrect period The validation of the accuracy of information related to migrated cases shall be done and concluded by end of this financial year. 31 March 2017 Action plan in progress 21 Proper procedures not followed for completing cases (case files not signed off by the Provincial Head/Director Investigations as decision ready; but recorded as decision ready in the Flow centric system.) The Director Investigations have been tasked to ensure that each case file document is signed. Ongoing This is an ongoing process during investigations.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Investigation Management 22 Incorrect classification of case file Alternatively, IPID should re-classify on completion and use that stats and only use 1st classification as prelim classification. The SOP review has already commenced and the effective date is the beginning of April 2017. CD: IIM 01 April 2017 The draft SOP has been issued for inputs. 23 Decision ready cases completed in contravention of the standard operating procedure ( Special Closure). The SOP review has already commenced and the effective date is the beginning of April 2017. 24 Duplication of completed investigations reported on torture ( Special Closure)

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Investigation Management 25 No proper internal controls put in place to ensure proper recording of case written notifications. IPID Form 1 to be date stamped upon receipt to be able to determine the actual receipt date and the registration form for walk ins to be amended to include space for inputing the receipt date. CD: IIM 01 April 2017 Implementation to be with effect from 01 April 2017. 26 Difference between the denominator reported and the recalculated for backlog cases at the beginning of the financial year The SOP review has already commenced and the effective date is the beginning of April 2017. The draft SOP has been issued for inputs.

Action Plan (s) Responsibility and Due Date Implementation Status Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management 27 Understatement of recorded recommendations to SAPS The Master Register is being reviewed on a monthly basis to confirm completeness, with certificates signed as evidence of reviewed. CD: CMSM Monthly Implementation continues on a monthly basis. 28 Media statements and media responses incorrectly reported in the annual performance plan The duplicate responses have been removed from the 2015/2016 annual performance report. 15 July 2016 2015/2016 performance report udated accordingly. A register for media enquiries has been created to ensure compliance and mitigate against over / under reporting. 31 August 2016 Action plan implemented.

23 Achievement of PPIs targets
SUMMARY OF IPID’S PERFORMANCE : 2016/17 Programme Achievement of PPIs targets Comments Q3 (01 October – 31 Dec 2016) 01 April- 31 Dec 2016 Programme 1: Administration 60% 3/5 (3/5) Targets on track: vacancy rate, risk management reports and review of organisational structure. The ceilings on compensation of employees may affect the vacancy rate negatively. Programme 2: Investigations and Information Management 59% (10/17) 47% (8/17) Targets on track: cases related to death in police custody, discharge of official firearm, rape in police custody, assault, other criminal offences, systemic corruption and active decision ready (all), generation of statistical reports. Programme 3: Legal Services 50% 4/8 Target on track: Arbitration, civil & litigation matters, oral legal advice, written legal advice, processing of policing powers, practice note The transfers had a negative impact on the achievement of targets in this programme. Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Management Targets on track: community outreach, stakeholder engagements at national level, media statements and responses issued Some of the stakeholder engagement activities will be deferred to the next financial year due to budgetary constraints.

24 Achievement of PPIs targets
SUMMARY OF IPID’S PERFORMANCE : 2016/17 (2) Programme Achievement of PPIs targets Comments Q3 (01 October – 31 Dec 2016) Consolidated 01 April- 31 Dec 2016 Total Achievement of targets 57% (20/35) 51% (18/35) With regard to consolidated performance, the following must be noted: 51% of targets (18/35) have been achieved 43% of targets (15/35) are work in progress with (9) of these targets residing in Programme 2. 6% of targets (2/ 35) may not be achieved.

Programme 1 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Level of percentage vacancy rate per year <10% 9% Annual Target achieved Performance on this target may be affected by the freezing of some of the posts as a result of budget cuts and ceilings on compensation of employees placed by National Treasury. % implementation of Annual Internal Audit Plan 100% To be reported in Q4 Work in progress Three (3) provincial audits were undertaken Three (3) audit reviews were undertaken on “Audit of Performance Information’, “ Ethics Management’ and “ Employee Wellness”. Number of reviews of Organisational Structure conducted per year 1 Target achieved The target was achieved in quarter 1. The department has since received feedback from the Minister of the DPSA Number of reports on implementation of risk management principles produced 4 3 In-progress Number of statistical analysis reports on IPID performance produced Target not achieved A consolidated analysis report will be developed in the fourth quarter to cover all the quarters.

Programme 2 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of receipt of written notification 91% 77% 4094/5280 Work in progress Under-achievement is due to: Re-registration of cases that were previously closed under special closure Enhancements to Flowcentric for alignment to standard operating procedures. Number of statistical reports generated as per Sec 9(n) of IPID Act 6 3 The other reports will be finalised in Q4 including the Annual Statistical Report. Percentage of all active decision ready investigations finalised 60% 63% ( 3 338/ 5 280) Annual target exceeded None Percentage investigations of deaths in police custody that are decision ready 62% 67% (170/ 252) Percentage investigations of deaths as a result of police action that are decision ready 52% 43% (133/ 309) Under-achievement to date is as a result of delays in obtaining technical reports. Percentage investigations of discharge of an official firearm by a police officer that are decision ready 65% (795/ 1 215) Percentage investigations of rape by a police officer that are decision ready (52/ 86) Under-achievement to date is as a result of delays in getting DNA results from the lab.

Programme 2 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Percentage investigations of rape while in police custody that are decision ready 65% 82% (9/ 11) Annual target exceeded Although the target has been exceeded, work is still in progress. Percentage investigations of torture that are decision ready 51% 41% (50 / 121) Work in progress Under-achievement to date is as a result of delays in obtaining technical reports. Percentage investigations of assault that are decision ready 66% (1 892/ 2 866) None Percentage investigations of corruption that are decision ready 38% ( 46 / 122) Under-achievement to date is as a result of the complex investigations that take time to complete Percentage investigations of other criminal and misconduct matters referred to in section 28(1)(h) and 35 (1)(b) of the IPID Act that are decision ready 63% ( 151/ 241) Number of systemic corruption cases identified and referred and approved 9 3 A total of 3 cases were approved for investigations. Number of approved systemic investigations that are decision ready 2 4

Programme 2 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Percentage of all backlog decision ready cases finalised (excluding cases of systemic corruption) 50% (1 246/ 2 499) Annual target achieved None Percentage of criminal recommendations reports referred to the National Prosecuting Authority within 30 days of recommendation report being signed-off 90% 82% (594/ 723) Work in progress The target is likely to be achieved. Percentage of criminal recommendations reports referred to the SAPS/MPS within 30 days of recommendation report being signed-off. 83% (708/858)

Programme 3 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Percentage of written legal opinions provided to The Department within 21 working days of request 90% 81% (25/31) Work in progress Six (6) of these request were processes outside 21 days due to the technical nature of request and transfer of staff in the period under review. Percentage of arbitration, civil and labour litigation matters processed 100% 78% (14/18) Four (4) of these matters are still in progress Percentage of oral legal advice provided to investigators within 24 hours of request 100% (2 of 2) Annual target exceeded None Percentage of written legal advice provided to investigators within 48 hours 100% (3/3) Percentage of applications for policing powers processed within 10 working days of request 100% (22 of 22) Annual target achieved

Programme 3 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Percentage of policies reviewed for legal compliance within 21 working days of request 90% 58% (7/12) Work in progress Five (5) of these policies were reviewed outside 21 days due to the transfer of staff in the period under review. Number of practice notes and directives (bulletin) issued (to provinces) 4 3 None Percentage of PAIA requests finalised within 30 days 100% 87% (38/44) Improving processes at provincial level to expedite provision of information and address delays thereof.

Programme 4 Annual Target Achievement: 01 April to 31 Dec 2016 Status Comments Number of community outreach events conducted per year 108 92 Work in progress Under-achievement is due to budgetary constrains. The rest of the activities have been deferred to the next financial year To date a total number of 92 community outreach events have been conducted (Q1= 33, Q2=50, Q3= 9) Number of media statements and responses issued (on matters that have a bearing on IPID)per year 40 177 Annual target exceeded The annual target is exceeded To date a total number of media statement and responses issued is 177 (Q1=52, Q2=68, Q3=57 Number of station lecture awareness training conducted per year 180 81 Target unlikely to be achieved Under-achievement is due to overload of work by investigators and budgetary constraints To date a total of 81 station lectures have been conducted (Q1= 20, Q2=49, Q3= 12) Number of formal engagements on National level held with key stakeholders (SAPS, MPS, NPA) per year 12 9 The target is likely to be achieved at the end of Q4. To date a total of 9 stakeholder engagement have been held (Q1= 3, Q2=4, Q3= 2) Number of formal engagements conducted at Provincial level with key stakeholders (SAPS, MPS, NPA) per year 114 96 The target is likely to be achieved by the end of Q4. To date a total of 96 stakeholder engagement have been held (Q1= 31, Q2=47, Q3= 18)

32 CONCLUSION The budget constraints will have adverse impact on the achievement of targets on finalisation of cases in Programme 2 and Programme 4 targets. As a result, four (4) case classifications were prioritised for investigation; which are death in police custody, death as a result of police action, rape by police officer, rape while in custody and systematic Corruption. Furthermore, some of the engagements under Programme 4 were put on hold until end of the financial year. The trend of extensive budget cuts experienced by the IPID occurs in the context of the IPID consistently meeting its quarterly and annual spending targets. 2014/15: The IPID spent 99% of its budget allocation with R166 of Accruals; 2015/16: The IPID spent 99% of its budget allocation with R288 of Accruals 2016/17: As at 31 January 2016, the IPID spent 87.1% of its reduced budget allocation with outstanding invoices (commitments) of R8.4 million excluding the remaining period of the current financial year. Therefore the financial constraints will remain and continue to hamper the Directorate` ability to implement the IPID Act, which was promulgated in 2012/13.

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