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Satellite Alert Channel

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1 Satellite Alert Channel
CAP Introducing CAP Satellite Alert Channel Sample web page containing a volcanic ash CAP message EUMETSAT, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, uses CAP for its Fire Detection and Volcanic Ash products. These alerts are delivered over a dedicated alert channel on EUMETSAT satellites. Here is a sample web page containing a volcanic ash CAP message (the display, of course, is stylesheet-dependent). CAP Introducing CAP

2 Actions for an Alerting Authority
CAP Introducing CAP Actions for an Alerting Authority 1. Learning Some Basics About CAP 2. Using CAP Sources 3. Considering Tools to Convert Inputs into CAP 4. Acquiring CAP Mapping Tools 5. Implementing a CAP Alert Source 6. Publishing a CAP Alert News Feed 7. Registering an Alerting Authority 8. Choosing an Internet Host for CAP 9. Considering Other Interfaces for CAP Dissemination 10. Developing Public Outreach and Education “Developing Public Outreach and Education” is the last of the ten recommended actions for an alerting authority with regard to implementing CAP. CAP Introducing CAP

3 Example Products Fact Sheets Alerting Videos Posters Bumper Stickers
CAP Introducing CAP Example Products Fact Sheets Alerting Videos Posters Bumper Stickers PC Presentations Logos "Click" Links Aruba Examples Public Outreach and Education should use a range of educational products and services, perhaps based on freely available products developed elsewhere such as Fact Sheets, Alerting Videos, Posters, Bumper Stickers, PC Presentations, and Sponsor Logo designs. Here we see an example of a poster for the “Stay Safe” campaign of the Aruba warning system. CAP Introducing CAP

4 Review of Key Points Opportunity and Challenge Alerting Authorities
CAP Introducing CAP Review of Key Points Opportunity and Challenge Alerting Authorities Benefits of CAP Features of a CAP Message CAP-enabled Alerting Systems Actions for an Alerting Authority Now we are nearing the end of this presentation and I’d like to review some of the Key Points in this presentation. A basic challenge for public alerting is the crazy patchwork of alerting systems, today--across communities, nations, and internationally. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public alerting requires an all-media, all-hazards approach based on standards, especially the CAP standard. Next we talked about organziations that are authorized to perform the function of alerting. It is increasingly important to register the major ones in the international Register of Alerting Authorities. I called out some of the most important benefits of CAP. Using CAP can help assure that alerts are timely and that alerts reach everyone who needs them, and only those who need them. CAP allows an alerting authority to activate multiple alerting systems with a single input. With CAP-enabled systems, alerts from many sources can be compiled for situational awareness and emergency managers can develop a "Common Operational Picture. We looked at some of the features of a CAP message. Especially significant is that CAP messages contain not only text values for human readers, but coded values useful for automated processing. We looked at a "raw" CAP message in its machine-friendly XML format, and in its human-friendly format as seen on a Web browser. I presented several examples of CAP-enabled alerting systems in Canada, the Caribbean, China, Europe, and the United States. I outlined the ten suggested actions for an Alerting Authority. We saw that using CAP sources is easily accomplished with a Web browser for CAP alerts published as "news feeds" on the Internet. It is likely that an alerting authority already has a mapping tool, which may be pqrt of a GIS (geographic information system). It should be fairly simple to have that tool support CAP if it does not yet. I described some examples of CAP dissemination tools already available: tools for broadcasting on radio and television, for triggering sirens, calling telephones, sending faxes, sending , sending SMS messages, converting text to speech, translating to additional languages, re-directing traffic, and shaking beds. I talked about the insertion of CAP alerts into online advertising, and I presented the Google Public Alerts platform based on CAP. CAP-enabled online media are already very capable and are growing in importance. And, lastly, I just talked briefly about the suggestion for alerting authorities to develop public outreach and education with regard to implementing CAP. CAP Introducing CAP

5 CAP Introducing CAP What have you learned? 1. Describe some challenges of public alerting, from a broad perspective. 2. Describe the major role of an alerting authority and give examples of authorities. 3. State why CAP is needed and list some of its expected benefits. 4. Describe an alerting process in terms of information flow: from input, through processing, to output. 5. List some of the actions an alerting authority could take immediately to begin implementing CAP. Now that you have completed this session, you should be able to: 1. Describe some challenges of public alerting, from a broad perspective. 2. Describe the major role of an alerting authority and give examples of authorities. 3. State why CAP is needed and list some of its expected benefits. 4. Describe an alerting process in terms of information flow: from input, through processing, to output. 5. List some of the actions an alerting authority could take immediately to begin implementing CAP. CAP Introducing CAP

6 CAP Implementation Workshops
CAP Introducing CAP CAP Implementation Workshops CAP_WKshop_2014_en.htm CAPWorkshop2013.html cap/2012/infodocuments WIS-CAP_Geneva2011/DocPlan.html WIS-CAP_Geneva2009/DocPlan.html WIS-CAP_Geneva2008/DocPlan.html ITU-T-OASISWorkshop2006/proceedings.php The seven CAP Implementation Workshops are good sources for CAP implementation experience and contacts. Here are the Web sites for those workshops. CAP Introducing CAP

7 Other Reference Links Intro to CAP (10-minute video) YouTube FTP
CAP Introducing CAP Other Reference Links Intro to CAP (10-minute video) YouTube FTP International Register of Alerting Authorities Google Public Alerts OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Here we see some more reference links concerning CAP. CAP Introducing CAP

8 CAP Information Resources
CAP Introducing CAP CAP Information Resources Guidelines for Implementation of CAP-Enabled Emergency Alerting (PWS-27) free to download in English Arabic French Russian Spanish CAP Information Site by WMO Public Weather Services (PWS) CAP Training Courses - contact Eliot Christian There are sources online for those who want to know more about CAP than what was covered in this presentation. Here is the link for the PWS document, Guidelines for Implementation of CAP-Enabled Emergency Alerting (PWS-27) , available in five languages, and it is free to download. WMO Public Weather Services maintains a site with pointers to information about CAP. In addition to the “CAP Jump-Start” I mentioned earlier, there is a series of CAP Training Courses also available for free download. This presentation is actually based on CAP-101 in that series. If you would like any of these courses, please contact me. This concludes my prepared material and I thank you for your attention. We have time now if there are any questions. CAP Introducing CAP

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