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Redesigning the Student experience: A Guided pathways framework

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1 Redesigning the Student experience: A Guided pathways framework

2 Redesigning the Student experience: A Guided pathways framework
WELCOME!!! WINTER 2018 RETREAT Maria: Thank you to STUDENTS and Career Ladders Project for their assistance (Maeve Katherine Bergman, Naomi Castro, Luis Chavez, Linda Collins, Cristina Sandoval)

3 The Value of the GPS app Guido: GPS story

4 Redesigning the Student experience
Retreat Goals: Gain a better understanding of the “Guided Pathways Framework” Begin to visualize a different student experience Change our thinking from: “Are students ready for SMC?” to “Is SMC ready for our students?” Guido: more than just course sequences (misconception)

5 Redesigning the Student experience
Common Ground: All of us believe in the value of education and learning All of us want our students to succeed and succeed equitably All of us are advocates of open access All of us believe SMC can do better Guido: At end of slide: Not sure if there is anyone more convinced of the idea that we can do better than Georgia.

6 Video: Tell us who you are and why you chose SMC
SMC Students Voices Video: Tell us who you are and why you chose SMC Maria: 5 of the students who were able to attend this interview will be serving on a newly formed Student Advisory Squad (which we’ll talk about tomorrow). We were hoping for 8, so 3 students in the Media 46 class volunteered to go on camera. We asked the students to tell us who they are and why they chose SMC.

7 SMC New Students and First-time Freshmen Status
Among students new to SMC in Fall 2013 (non-F1), more than 6 in 10 were first time to college (first-time freshmen). N = 8188 61% What we saw in these 8 students was each of them arrived at SMC as a first time in college student. That represents 60% (roughly 5000) of those entering SMC in any given fall. Because that is the majority of the cohort, we think it is a good idea to start with them as we redesign the student experience.

8 Video: Tell us about your goals here at SMC
SMC Students Voices Video: Tell us about your goals here at SMC Maria: We asked the student to tell us about their goals here at SMC.

9 Incoming Freshmen and Their Educational Goals
Among first-time freshmen entering SMC in Fall 2013 (non-F1), nearly 9 in 10 reported a transfer, degree, or certificate (credential) goal. N = 4401 88% Guido: As you saw in the video, all 8 of those students indicate that their goal is to transfer. The one returning student didn’t originally have that goal, be upon his return he does. This absolutely matches the quantitative data where 88% of first time in college freshman to SMC identify a goal transfer, degree or certificate. So very few first time in college students entering SMC come to just take a few courses.

10 Entered SMC with a goal of degree, certificate, or transfer
Guido: So here is 100% of our first time college students with a goal of degree, certificate or transfer.

11 Three Year Completion Rate
Only 18% of these students completed a degree/certificate and/or transfer within three years of entry. Guido: Yet only 18% of them complete a degree, certificate, or transfer within THREE years. Let’s think about the 8 students in the video. Each one of them has a goal of transfer.

12 Each of the 8 students in the video has a goal of transfer …
SMC Students Voices Each of the 8 students in the video has a goal of transfer … Given the consistency of the data, we can say that only 1 (1.44) will transfer (or earn a degree/ certificate) by the end of year 3. Maria: Given the consistency of the data, we can say that only 1 (1.44) of them will transfer by the end of their 3rd year.

13 SMC Students Voices And if all 8 of the students in the video were Black or Latinx, NONE of them would. Guido

14 Three Year Completion Rate by Race
White Students: 32.9% Asian Students: 23.4% Latina/o/x Students: 11.9% Black Students: 10.9% Guido: Here is the data broken down by race. OK, so maybe it they haven’t succeeded in reaching their goal within 3 years. Maybe it just takes longer? Well, some do take longer. But most just stop attending. In fact, of the roughly 5000 first time freshman entering SMC, 20% (1000 students) do not return for SPRING! And roughly 40% (2000 students) do not return for the following fall.

15 In order to complete, the students must first persistent.
SMC Students Voices In order to complete, the students must first persistent. Video: Tell us why students drop or stop out Maria: So we asked our students to give us their thoughts on why students stop attending.

16 No Longer Enrolled ANYWHERE and Goal NOT Achieved after Three Years
46% Total of cohort seeking degree/cert/transfer No Longer Enrolled ANYWHERE and Goal NOT Achieved after Three Years 39% White Asian 47% Latino/a/x 59% Black Guido: We gave you some pretty drastic numbers of non-persistence. 20% for Spring, 40% for fall. Pretty startling. But perhaps they simply went somewhere else? That wouldn’t be so bad, right? … As long as they are still reaching for their goal. Unfortunately, most do not. Of the cohort which was seeking a degree, certificate, or transfer, after 3 years, 46% had not achieved that and they were no longer enrolled in any institution of higher education. And as you can see, the percentage is 20 points higher for our African American students than for our White students.

17 SMC Students Voices Video: Tell us what SMC does (or could do) to help students persist and complete their self-defined goals Maria: so we asked our students what SMC either DOES or COULD DO to help students persist and complete their self-defined goals. What have THEY found helpful.

18 Redesigning the Student experience
Elements of the Guided Pathways Framework are not necessarily “new” SMC and institutions around the country have been using some of the elements: cohort model, contextualized & applied learning, targeted & proactive advising, block scheduling, course sequencing, … Guido: what we heard from these students is the value of services offered in many of our “special programs” and in Counseling 20 and Counseling 12. So that really shouldn’t surprise us.

19 Redesigning the Student experience
The innovation of the Guided Pathways Framework is strengthening these elements and bringing them “to scale” For an institution of 30,000 students, this means transformational change to “business as usual” Maria: The innovation … So that the ideas and practices become the STANDARD (the DEFAULT) student experience

20 Redesigning the Student experience
Is this change to “business as usual” more necessary today than it was 10, 20, 40 years ago? Depends who you ask Guido:

21 Redesigning the Student experience
Business and political leaders: Yes, due to demographic changes and economic forces Community College educators: No, it has ALWAYS been necessary Closing the equity gap is a social justice imperative Colleges must stop perpetuating inherited inequality Guido

22 Redesigning the Student experience
Why now? Window of opportunity has opened We hope to use this opportunity to transform our college to generate equitable and stronger outcomes AT SCALE Guido

23 Redesigning the Student experience
Moonshot Thinking: Your cousin’s child is planning to attend SMC next fall (following high school graduation this spring). S/He assesses at 1 level below college in English and 2 levels below in Math. S/He needs to work 15 hours per week to help the family pay rent. S/He is the first in the family to attend college. S/He enjoys biology and animals but also enjoys working with kids. S/He plan on earning at least an Associate degree, but is open to possibly reaching higher. Maria

24 Redesigning the Student experience
TASK: Design the IDEAL first year experience for her/him from enrollment to counseling to scheduling to classes to mentoring to student engagement to …. RULES OF THE EXERCISE: If SMC can control or influence an issue or experience, then it’s fair game. Don’t get stuck on issues completely outside of our control/influence. You cannot say “Yes, but …” You are ENCOURAGED to say “Yes, and …” Verbalize your thought to the group, scribble it down on a Post-It and place the Post-It on the poster board. Guido: This is rapid brainstorming and visualization! Remember: Design the IDEAL first year experience for someone you know and care about!

25 Redesigning the Student experience
Moonshot Thinking: Business as usual? Or different from the status quo? “Developing and implementing a guided pathways framework at the college requires managing and sustaining large-scale transformational change.” Thus, we are greatly expanding and reconfiguring to design and implement our ideas: “SMC Redesign Team” Guido

26 Comprehensive Redesign of the SMC Student Experience Redesign Team Inquiry / Work Teams Support squads Guido: Based on the work of the Guided Pathways Taskforce, some of our take-aways from the AACC Pathways Institute, and exploring different models used elsewhere, we think this structure might help us achieve the transformational change we desire. Handout

27 Redesign Team

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