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The New Tool in Your Kit: Azure Data Studio

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Presentation on theme: "The New Tool in Your Kit: Azure Data Studio"— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Tool in Your Kit: Azure Data Studio
Azure Data Studio is a newer tool in the database developer and DBA's toolkit. It's a cross-platform and extensible application for connecting to on-premises and cloud data. Does it replace SSMS? How is it different? Can it really check if my Diet Coke needs replenishing? Come and find out in this demo-driven session, that will hopefully have you convinced to install Azure Data Studio before 60 minutes are up. Formerly SQL Operations Studio

2 About Me { "name": "Sven Aelterman", "occupations": [ "title": "Director of IT", "employer": "Sorrell College of Business, Troy University" }, "title": "Cloud Software Architect", "employer": "Sorrell Solutions, L.L.C." } ], "books": [ "title": "The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM", "co-authors": "Jacob Sebastian" "title": "SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out", "co-authors": "Randolph West, William Assaf, Mindy Curnutt" "title": "SQL Server 2019 Administration Inside Out", "co-authors": "Randolph West, William Assaf, Meagan Longoria, Joey D'Antoni, Louis Davidson", "status": "in-development" ] This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

3 What’s Your Favorite SSMS Feature? What’s your most common SSMS gripe?
Short Discussion

4 Some Background on Azure Data Studio
Why??? Based on VS Code XPlat (Win, macOS, Linux) Electron VS Code Azure Data Studio Frequent update cadence Electron:

5 Concepts Open folder Workspace Settings Auto-save
To enable find in files, source control Separate settings Workspace Just a file Settings Auto-save

6 Text Editor Demo Open samples/azure-data-studio folder
Acknowledge workspace popup Demo

7 Exporting and Visualizing Results

8 Source Control Integration (git)
Get started Open the git repo as a folder Capabilities Create new local repo Pull, commit, push

9 Source Control Integration

10 Extensions Like VS and VS Code, from a Marketplace
New syntax capabilities PowerShell Script repositories First Responder Kit Additional settings Poor SQL Formatter (based on Poor Man’s T-SQL Formatter)

11 Extensions Demo

12 Integrated Terminal Choice of cmd PS git bash Noteworthy
Split terminal

13 Integrated Terminal Demo

14 (SQL) Notebooks Traditionally, data science concept
Same file format as Jupyter notebooks Notebooks keep data history, even when disconnected Export and visualization not (yet?) available

15 SQL Notebook Demo

16 Summary: Strengths Compared to SSMS
Cross-platform Source control integration (modern, easy) Extensibility (easier?) Open source

17 Summary: Weaknesses IntelliSense Immature Documentation
IntelliSense: one of the touted features, but basic things fail? Bugs galore: Azure AD login, managing groups, renaming connections

18 Are You Convinced? (poll)
Yes, already using it Yes, will start using it now Maybe/unsure No, SSMS Forever!

19 Resources GitHub repo for Azure Data Studio Contribute by adding Issues Docs Twitter @AzureDataStudio My repo for this talk

20 Complete a session eval, please.
Q & A Complete a session eval, please. Thank you! (Be honest, but gentle!) @svenaelterman

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