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Sumer: The Great City-State

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1 Sumer: The Great City-State

2 Agriculture GTechnological Advances:
-Sumerians used the water canals known as irrigation in order to get water from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to their crops. -Sumerians began using plows to help prepare the soil for seed planting. -Sumerians would attach the plows to oxen so that they could pull it through the farming soil. GTrading: -Trading became a key role in the success of the Sumerian society. They used trade routes both on land and water to exchange goods with others through the bartering system.

3 Religion GSumerians were polytheistic; meaning they believed in many gods. -Sumerians believed that the gods played an active role in the decisions of their everyday lives. GSumerians believed that their gods behaved like people. The Sumerians believed that if the god’s were happy through prayers and offerings then they would bring good fortune on Sumer. -If the gods were not happy, then they would bring disaster upon the Sumerians. *Ziggurats were built to be closer to the gods; they were used for various religious services.

4 City-State GKingship:
-In times of war, military leaders would lead the city of Sumer into battle. However, some of these military leaders would hold the position of leader even after the war. -This was the beginning of kingships; a government headed by a king. GPriests & Rulers: -Sumerians believed that the rulers were chosen by the gods.

5 Map of Sumer

6 Cultural Advances GTechnology Advances:
-Technology is defined as the application of human intelligence to problems to create new and better ways to think The Sumerians came up with the plow, the wheel, the sail, a system of writing, potter’s wheel, made glass out of sand, and the first to mix copper and tin to make BRONZE. GLearning Advances: -Sumerians wrote the first mathematical books. -Their number system was based on units of 60. This unit is still used today in the measurement of time and circles.

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