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Disciple. Disciple Who are you? When you hear the word “Christian”, what do you think of When you hear the word “Christian”, what do you think of?

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Presentation on theme: "Disciple. Disciple Who are you? When you hear the word “Christian”, what do you think of When you hear the word “Christian”, what do you think of?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Disciple

3 Who are you?

4 When you hear the word “Christian”, what do you think of
When you hear the word “Christian”, what do you think of? What do you think most people think of?

5 When the word “Christian” was first used it was a derogatory term
When the word “Christian” was first used it was a derogatory term. To the followers of Jesus, that wasn’t an insult.

6 Matthew 4- “Come, follow me” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

7 Matthew 16- “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up his cross and follow me.”

8 Luke 18:22

9 John 21

10 Over and over and over again Jesus instructs, commands people to follow him.

11 That is who we are as Christians. That is what the word Christian means. We are followers of God.

12 But what does that mean?

13 We are to be like Jesus so much… we become Jesus
We are to be like Jesus so much… we become Jesus. We become disciples of Jesus.

14 What is a disciple? That is who you are.

15 What are some ways that you can be little Christ’s?
Matthew 4:19


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