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Finishing Mow Areas, Upper Portion (approximately 15 acres)

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1 Montgomery County Public Safety Training Complex, 2275 Dotsonville Road, Woodlawn TN
Finishing Mow Areas, Upper Portion (approximately 15 acres) One Mower length on fence line, blowing clippings away from neighbors property and away from road ways. At least one mower length on interior sides of fence, some areas may be wider than one length on fence lines and roads. Inmate labor will be used to weed eat around fence lines on Dotsonville, around property line of Dotsonville and fence on Gip Manning. Area around Farmhouse is approximately 5 Acres and will be cut no higher than 4”. The area around the barn and hanger is approximately 7 acres and should be cut no higher than 4” with the exception of the shaded tree area which can be cut at 6”. The air strip is approximately 2.5 acres and should be cut no higher than 3”

2 Finishing Mow Areas, Middle Portion (Approximately 3 acres, 4” height max)

3 Finishing Mow Areas, Lower Portion, (Approximately 2
Finishing Mow Areas, Lower Portion, (Approximately 2.5 acres, 4” cut maximum height)

4 Terms of Service Agreement
Billing will occur no more than twice monthly and be paid within 15 days from receipt of invoice. Mowing will be scheduled and completed every ten days so” Inmate” labor for trimming can be coordinated to coincide with mowing. Deviations from schedule due to weather must be communicated to LT Goodowens for adjustment. LT Goodowens will be notified by electronic communication every time vendor enters property and leaves property. Agreement is for scope of work completed every ten days, County may extend or reduce time between mowing based on weather and/or vendors recommendations. Projected monthly frequency is as follows. July (4), August (4), September (3), October (2), November (1), December (None), January (None), February (None), March (1), April (2), May (4), June (4). This agreement guarantees payment for a minimum of 20 payments for the scope of work provided regardless of how many times the scope of work is completed in twelve months. This scope of work will be funded for 24 quantities and the County will ensure mechanisms are available if scope of work requested is to be completed more than 24 times. Vendor and County reserve the right to end this agreement within 30 days of notice and scope of work will be continued during this 30 day period Bid should include the cost per individual cut of this scope of work.

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