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Training Presentation Truck Controller- Surfacing

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1 Training Presentation Truck Controller- Surfacing

2 Purpose This presentation is used to train Truck Controllers and reflects the requirements of the Vehicle Movement – Surfacing procedure. Prior to undertaking this training, trainee Truck Controllers are required to complete the Vehicle Movement – Surfacing Competency Assessment. Truck Controllers must also complete the Truck Controller – Surfacing Competency Assessment after this presentation. ‘On site’ is defined as the area within traffic control signage. For sites without traffic control, it is the area cordoned off to the public.

3 What Are Vehicles With Restricted Rear Vision
Tipper Water Cart Material Transfer Vehicle (Shuttle Buggy) Crew Truck/Tack Coat Sprayer

4 Vehicles With Restricted Rear Vision
Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision include: * Water Cart * Shuttle Buggy * Tippers * Crew Truck * Tack Coat Sprayer * Service Van * Aggie Loader * Suction Sweeper * Sprayer * Chip Spreader and any other vehicle with restricted rear vision.

5 Appointment of Truck Controllers
The Fulton Hogan Front Line Leader will ensure: Tippers and sprayers do not reverse on site unless guided by designated Truck Controller/s. Truck Controllers are appointed to control all reversing tippers & sprayers on surfacing worksites. All other Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision under the control or responsibility of Fulton Hogan must NOT reverse on site unless guided by a Fulton Hogan employee (Spotter). The Spotter is not deemed a Truck Controller.

6 Appointment of Truck Controllers
The Fulton Hogan Front Line Leader will ensure: Truck Controller/s are appointed as necessary. On some sites it may be necessary to appoint more than one Truck Controller. Continual review is required to assess if more than one Truck Controller is required.

7 Identification of Truck Controllers
Truck Controllers only are required to wear a Road Authority approved Yellow/Green fluorescent safety vest or clothing. Retro-reflective vests/clothing must be worn at times of low light & night works.

8 Truck Marshalling Areas
Truck Marshalling Areas may be established as required, e.g. projects with limited access.  Truck Marshalling Areas must be signed as such and truck drivers informed of their location.

9 Avoid Unnecessary Reversing
Every effort should be made to ensure Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision avoid unnecessary reversing on site.

10 Exclusion Zone The direct reversing path of any Vehicle with Restricted Rear Vision is an Exclusion Zone. No personnel are allowed in an Exclusion Zone while the Vehicle with Restricted Rear Vision is reversing.

11 Overhead Obstructions
Overhead obstructions (e.g. power lines, bridges, tree branches, etc) will be identified with yellow cones and negotiated safely with guidance. Guidance around overhead powerlines must be provided by an appropriately qualified Electrical Safety Spotter. Refer to Working Near to Underground or Overhead Services procedure. The roles of Truck Controller and an Electrical Safety Spotter can be fulfilled by the same person. A qualified Electrical Safety Spotter is a person who has successfully completed the appropriate training. E.g. In QLD the M31A course ‘Electrical Awareness for Non Electrical Workers’.

12 Reversing Tippers – Asphalt Laying
Tippers must NOT reverse on site unless guided by a designated Truck Controller.

13 Reversing Tippers The Truck Controller shall ensure:
Tippers are stopped short of contacting the paver and the shuttle buggy rollers to ensure a smooth transition. The tipper body/tray does not interfere with the paver/shuttle buggy hopper. If interference occurs, paving shall be stopped, the tipper body shall be lowered and the tipper repositioned.

14 Reversing Tippers & Sprayers – Spray Seal Only
Tippers and sprayers must NOT reverse on site unless guided by a designated Truck Controller, OR a documented assessment has been undertaken and appropriate control measures implemented. The cockerel box operator is classed as the Truck Controller for their tipper.

15 Reversing Tippers & Sprayers – Spray Seal Only

16 Emergency Warning In case of emergency, Truck Controllers will sound a pea/sport whistle as a warning to ground personnel and emergency stop for tipper and mobile plant operators.

17 Communication Personnel guiding Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision will communicate with drivers using positive hand signals and/or two-way radio. Fluorescent or light activated hand held batons (red indicating stop, green indicating slowly) may also be used. Please Note: Drivers of Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision are to commence reversing only when instructed to do so and must STOP if positive communication/guidance is lost or not being given.

18 Two-way Radio Communication
Two-way radio channel selection shall be discussed at the Site Assessment & Induction – Surfacing. Tippers shall be informed of the appropriate two-way radio channel prior to entering the worksite. The two-way channels are to be kept clear of unnecessary chatter. All radio communication shall be clear and accurate. - Examples: Truck 21, clear to reverse to the paver, over. Truck 21, stop, over. The word ‘over’ indicates end of transmission.

19 Guiding Vehicles With Restricted Rear Vision
Personnel guiding Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision will: Not conduct any other duty while guiding the reversing vehicle: and Advise drivers of hazards e.g. ground personnel and overhead obstructions and instruct the driver to STOP when necessary; and Ensure the reversing path is clear before allowing the vehicle to reverse; and Guide the reversing vehicle from outside the Exclusion Zone; and

20 Guiding Vehicles With Restricted Rear Vision
Personnel guiding Vehicles with Restricted Rear Vision will: Guide the reversing vehicle from the drivers side wherever possible; and Avoid turning their back on the reversing vehicle; and Continually monitor the reversing path; and Instruct the driver to STOP if ground personnel or vehicles move into the path; and i) Complete/sign off delivery paperwork while the driver remains in the truck cabin

21 Lower Tray Before Moving Away
After discharging the contents of the tipper body/tray, the Truck Controller will communicate with the driver to: Move forward a safe distance and stop; and Fully lower the tipper tray/body before moving away to a designated area to clean the truck tray/body.

22 Instruction For Truck Drivers
The Fulton Hogan Front Line Leader will ensure the Instruction for Truck Drivers is issued to all Tipper Drivers before tippers reverse on site. Please Note: Tipper Drivers that reverse on site without being guided by a Truck Controller may be removed from site. Such incidents are to be reported.

23 Standard Hand Signals Stop Look Reverse Slow Down
Distance To Go Unlock Tailgate

24 Standard Hand Signals Raise/Lower Hold Move Forwards

25 Stop

26 Look

27 Reverse

28 Slow Down

29 Distance To Go

30 Unlock Tailgate

31 Raise/Lower

32 Hold

33 Move Forwards

34 Truck Controller – Surfacing Competency Assessment
Any questions? Please complete the Truck Controller – Surfacing Competency Assessment

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