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Envisaged WIPO domain name dispute resolution services for the ccTLD

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1 Envisaged WIPO domain name dispute resolution services for the ccTLD
Envisaged WIPO domain name dispute resolution services for the ccTLD .UA (Ukraine) Kiev December 7, 2018 Charlotte Spencer, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center

2 WIPO: The Leading Global UDRP Provider
WIPO Center Staff 20+ nationalities / languages Senior Legal Staff / Case Managers Case Secretariat IT Support WIPO Domain Name Panelists Public Panel Roster Nearly 500 experts Representing nearly 60 countries 30 WIPO Center Staff Members There are some 500 WIPO DN Panelists ************************* The WIPO Center was the first provider to be accredited by ICANN and the first to receive cases under the UDRP Policy. Its expertise to administer domain name disputes stems from its involvement in the international process conducted by WIPO at the request of its member States which led to the UDRP Policy and Rules. The WIPO Center also has specialist knowledge in intellectual property and considerable experience in dispute resolution administration generally.

3 WIPO UDRP Case Statistics
Average 10/15 cases per day (over 3,000 per year) From 1 to 1,500 domain names per case Parties from over 170 countries Proceedings administered in over 20 languages Real-time statistics on WIPO UDRP cases

4 WIPO Filing Trends Over Time (Average of 10 new cases per working day)
Here is a graph showing the WIPO DN Case filing trends for the past decade. On average, at least 10 new cases per working day So far this year, over 3000 cases. * Reflects total domain name cases filed as of December 4, 2018

5 WIPO ccTLD program Some 75 ccTLDs use WIPO for dispute resolution services Since January 2000, WIPO has administered over 4,900 ccTLD cases New WIPO ccTLDs additions: 2017: .EU (European Union), .SE (Sweden) 2018: .AI (Anguilla), .GE (Georgia), .PY (Paraguay)

6 Top 10 WIPO ccTLDs in 2018 .NL – 67 cases .SE – 64 cases
.ES – 46 cases .CO – 40 cases .MX – 37 cases .AU – 37 cases .EU – 31 cases .IR – 18 cases .CH – 18 cases .CC – 18 cases (As of December 4, 2018)

7 WIPO ccTLD Experience Sample cases in 2018:
WIPO Case No. DAU <> WIPO Case No. DSE <> WIPO Case No. DNL <> WIPO Case No. DMX <> WIPO Case No. DEU <>

8 Updated WIPO ccTLD web pages
Contain information and resources for over 75 WIPO ccTLDs Registration agreement WhoIs search tools Dispute resolution policy/rules Model pleadings Eligibility criteria Supported characters

9 Updated WIPO ccTLD web page example
Highlights key differences between specific ccTLD policy and the UDRP

10 WIPO ccTLD Database Contains links to the websites of over 250 ccTLDs
Assists practitioners in determining the applicable registration agreement, WhoIs, and applicable ADR procedure

11 What are the Principal Advantages of ADR?
Time-effective 60-75 days Cost-effective fixed fees Predictable Registry Neutrality The main advantage of the Administrative Procedure is that it typically provides a faster and cheaper way to resolve a dispute regarding the registration and use of an Internet domain name than going to court. In addition, the procedures are considerably more informal than litigation and the decision-makers are experts in such areas as international trademark law, domain name issues, electronic commerce, the Internet and dispute resolution. It is also international in scope: it provides a single mechanism for resolving a domain name dispute regardless of where the registrar or the domain name holder or the complainant are located. Advantages Facilitates streamlined acceptance (no major changes to Registration Agreement) Builds on UDRP credibility (fair and predictable) Registry neutrality Independent of ccTLD registration and administration “Outsourcing” the dispute between registrant and a third party allows a registry to defray corresponding burdens and risks corresponding to a dispute concerning a domain name registration within its ccTLD

12 What are the options? Each ccTLD Registry is vested with authority to determine which, if any, RPMs to adopt Dispute Resolution Models: UDRP UDRP variations Expedited Arbitration UDRP constitutes an excellent reference model and has proven to be an efficient ADR mechanism. It is possible to consolidate gTLD domain names and ccTLD domain names (when the ccTLD adopts the UDRP) in the same procedure, when the respondent is the same for all domain names.

13 WIPO ccTLDs that have adopted the UDRP
.AG, .AI, .AS, .BM, .BS, .BZ, .CC, .CD, .CO, .CY, .DJ, .EC, .FJ, .FM, .GD, .GT, .KI, .LA, .LC, .MD, .ME, .MW, .NR, .NU, .PA, .PK, .PN, .PR, .PW, .RO, .SC, .SL, .SO, .TJ, .TT, .TV, .UG, .VE, .VG, .WS Consolidation with gTLDs is possible Sample cases in 2018: WIPO Case No. DAS <> WIPO Case No. DCO <> WIPO Case No. D <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, et. al. 40 ccTLS UDRP constitutes an excellent reference model and has proven to be an efficient ADR mechanism. It is possible to consolidate gTLD domain names and ccTLD domain names (when the ccTLD adopts the UDRP) in the same procedure, when the respondent is the same for all domain names.

14 WIPO ccTLD (UDRP) Variations
WIPO ccTLDs that have adopted a variation of the UDRP .AE and امارات., .AO, .AU, .BO, .BR, .CH, .CR, .DO, .ES, .EU, .FR, .GE, .HN, .IE, .IR, .LI, .MA, .MP, .MX, .NL, .PE, .PH, .PM, .PY, .QA andقطر., .RE, .SE, .TF, .TM, .TZ, .WF, .YT Key advantages Tailored to the local attributes of the ccTLD Balances parties’ interest in predictability, fairness, efficiency, and local needs of ccTLD 32 CCTLDS

15 Envisaged .UA Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
Expected to be implemented during the first semester of 2019 Applicable only to second-level domain name registrations in the .UA public domain Contractually mandated The .UA Policy and .UA Rules shall be included in all .UA registration agreement Administrative process with court options preserved

16 The Substantive Test Complainant must show, on balance:
Trademark identical or confusingly similar to the domain name; Lack of registrant rights or legitimate interests; and Domain name registered or used in bad faith.

17 Envisaged .UA Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
Scope of rights protected For clear-cut cases of trademark abuse Bad faith registration “or” use Mutual Jurisdiction Courts of Ukraine

18 Envisaged .UA Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
Remedies Transfer or cancellation Eligibility criteria Complainant must meet the ccTLD’s eligibility criteria in case it requests transfer of the domain name Language Proceedings in English, Russian and Ukrainian Fees 1,500 USD

19 Procedure at a glance Actors:
Hostmaster Ltd, .UA Registrars, Registrant, Complainant Sole provider: WIPO

20 Role of the .UA Registrars
Lock of the disputed domain name Provide Registrant’s contact details Name and address Implement Panel’s decisions

21 Contact and Further Information
WIPO Center Contact Page Thank you!

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