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Authorizing ED to Reject Bid for Contract P01005C10

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1 Authorizing ED to Reject Bid for Contract P01005C10
Asbestos Gaskets Abatement and Valves Replacement Interplant Sludge System Improvements Commission Agenda Item #3

2 Contract P01005C10 District upgrading IPS System via construction of improvements to various parts of system Proposed Contract P01005C10 included: Replacing existing valves while also removing and abating asbestos material from valves and piping

3 Contract P01005C10 Publicly advertised and opened bid in June
Received single bid from Dakota Intertek Corp Bid was responsive and bidder responsible Bid amount ~$1 million higher than budget Staff recommends rejecting the bid Staff will repackage and rebid the work Work to identify additional potential bidders


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