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Dr. Huda Sarraj Bouchra Bakach

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1 Dr. Huda Sarraj Bouchra Bakach
Rubric Workshop By Dr. Huda Sarraj Bouchra Bakach

2 Outline Definition Types Development

3 Rubric Is defined as a scoring guide that helps teachers evaluate student performance, based on a range of dimensions. A rubric lists the dimensions, that student work should exhibit and describes specific quality levels for those dimensions. 

4 Types of Rubrics Holistic Analytical

5 Holistic Rubric A holistic rubric consists of a single scale with all dimensions to be included in the evaluation being considered together (e.g., clarity, organization, and mechanics). The rater matches an entire piece of student work to a single description on the scale.

6 Advantages Emphasis on what the learner is able to demonstrate, rather than what s/he cannot do. Saves time by minimizing the number of decisions raters make. Can be applied consistently by trained raters increasing reliability.

7 Disadvantages Does not provide specific feedback for improvement.
When student work is at varying levels spanning the criteria points it can be difficult to select the single best description. Criteria cannot be weighted.

8 Analytical Rubric Resembles a grid with the dimensions for a student product listed in the leftmost column and with levels of performance listed across the top row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags. 

9 Advantages Provide useful feedback on areas of strength and weakness.
Dimension can be weighted to reflect the relative importance of each one

10 Disadvantages Takes more time to create and use than a holistic rubric. Unless each point for each dimension is well-defined raters may not arrive at the same score

11 How to Develop Analytical Rubric
Align assignment with rubric. Define dimensions to be included Define levels of performance (recommendation is above 4 levels) Associate performance levels with specific descriptors for each dimension.

12 Descriptors Look for behavioral markers for descriptors
Do not use double barreled items (i.e., avoid AND in descriptors) Measurable and observable Language is consistent Indicate frequency or intensity Use parallel language in each point across the scale

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