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Atoms & Life Substances Section 6.1 & 6.3

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1 Atoms & Life Substances Section 6.1 & 6.3

2 Atomic Structure 6.1 Nucleus = center of an atom, contains protons (p+ positively charged) and neutrons (nº neutral) Electrons (eˉ) are negatively charged particles that surround the nucleus Atoms are neutral because they contain equal numbers of protons and electrons

3 Biomolecules (6.3) These are the molecules required by living things
1. Carbohydrates 2. Proteins 3. Lipids 4. Nucleic Acids (There are other types of molecules too!!!)

4 Organic Compounds = contain carbon, all biomolecules are organic
Monomer = a building block, smaller subunits Polymer = made up of lots of monomer subunits

5 CARBOHYDRATES pg. 158 Source of energy Structural materials
Monosaccharides & Polysaccharides

6 Monosaccharide Carbs They’re Monomers =1 Carbohydrate
Glucose = main source of energy for cells, diabetics need to monitor glucose levels

7 Polysaccharide Carbs Polysaccharide = 3 or more monosaccharides
Glycogen = how animals store glucose Starch = how plants store glucose Cellulose = polysaccharide, provides plants with structure

8 2. PROTEINS pg. 161 Hair, horns, nails, skin, muscle
Act as biological catalysts (enyzmes) which help to kick start reactions in the body

9 Amino Acids Protein monomer 20 different amino acids
Peptide Bond = connects amino acids Polypeptide = long chain of amino acids

10 Enzymes Enzymes change the rate of reactions in the body
Help cells reproduce, digest food, get rid of waste, make new biomolecules Active Site = a section of the enzyme shaped to fit a specific substrate Substrate = something that’s being broken apart or made (catalyzed)

11 3. LIPIDS pg. 160 Insoluble = Don’t dissolve in water
Best for storing energy Insulation, protective coverings Major part of cell membranes

12 Saturated & Unsaturated Fats
Saturated Fat = found in butter, red meat (solid at room temperature), saturated with hydrogen Unsaturated Fat = vegetable fats (liquid at room temperature)

13 Phospholipids Cell membranes made up of two layers of phospholipids, forms a barrier Keeps things that are supposed to be out, out of the cell Keeps things that are supposed to be in, in the cell 2 fatty acids attached to glycerol, and a phosphate group Phosphate Lipids

14 Practice What percent of your body is made of water?
Explain why a cell needs a structure that helps it maintain water levels inside? What could happen to the cell if this structure wasn’t working properly?

15 Other types of LIPIDS besides fats…
Wax Structural Makes a coat on plants for water proofing Steroids Hormones that cause physical changes in the body

16 4. NUCLEIC ACIDS pg. 163 Store and transfer info in the cell
Nucleotide = monomer of nucleic acids 2 kinds of nucleic acid polymers: DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid RNA = ribonucleic acid

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