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Igniting the Spark…..

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Presentation on theme: "Igniting the Spark….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igniting the Spark….

2 What is a MakerSpace? A MakerSpace is an area in the school dedicated to students’ innovative and creative pursuit of a practical end. Students will come together to create and share resources, knowledge and ideas. Provides students unique opportunities to meld left brain critical thinking skills with right brained creativity. A place where students will build core skills: dexterity, thinking, problem solving, group dynamics, patience, endurance and the ability to try new things.

3 What will students do? THINK CREATE SHARE GROW

4 MakerSpace Challenge #1
Materials Needed: * Wooden Cubes * Craft Sticks * Small Plastic Cups Build a structure with one cube as the base.  Yes, just one cube!

5 Did your structure look like one of these?

6 MakerSpace Challenge #2
Materials Needed: * Wooden Cubes * Craft Sticks * Small Plastic Cups Using any size base, build the tallest possible structure.

7 Did your structure look like this?

8 MakerSpace Challenge #3
Materials needed: * Wooden Cubes * Craft Sticks * Small Plastic Cups  Feats of Balance.  Make something stick out in an impressive way! Be creative!

9 We always learn from our mistakes!

10 Start with things you already have….

11 Pencils, cups, cardboard…

12 Connecting Literature

13 Students can make their favorite word in MakerSpace.

14 The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

15 The Three Little Pigs An Architectural Tale
Like the architect pigs, your students can build houses to stand up to the huffing and puffing of the BIG BAD wolf. Supply ideas for building: * A house of scraps… paper, pipe cleaners, straw, play dough, and notched cardboard * A house of glass … Magna tiles * A house of stone … Legos or plastic tiles * A blow dryer for the wolf to blow the houses down.

16 The 1st little pig built a house of scraps.

17 The 2nd little pig built a house of glass.

18 The 3rd little pig built a house of stone and concrete.

19 Three Billy Goats Gruff

20 Group MakerSpace projects…

21 MakerSpace family projects…
*See the back of handout for an upcoming project for MSU.

22 Make Your MakerSpace work for you
Cardboard Duct Tape Legos/Blocks Fabric/Felt/Ribbon Various Robots (Sphero, MakeyMakey, LittleBits, Dot and Dash, etc) Craft Supplies Aluminum Foil Thinking Games Doodler Start Cricut Machine Pencils (Writing, Building, Stacking) Snap Circuits Play Doh K’Nex Coding Software available on iPads and computers Magformers

23 Examples of MakerSpace in our district:

24 Location, Location, Location
Be Excited! Location Options: Library, additional Classrooms (if available), traveling rolling cart. Teachers are allowed to check out the MakerSpace cart, sign up for MakerSpace classroom/library time. QUESTIONS

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