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Developing a Literature Review Plan

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1 Developing a Literature Review Plan
Amber Cook Associate Director Walden Writing Center While you wait…Download these slides from the Writing Center website (hint: search “DrPH residency" or "DHA residency” in top-right corner):

2 Unique Writing Center Slide Decks
Slide decks for Writing Center-led residency sessions are not located in Blackboard or SharePoint Instead, the unique slide decks for all Writing Center-led residency sessions are uploaded to the Writing Center’s Residencies Webpage 5 days before the first day of each residency

3 Session Objectives Understand the purpose and rationale behind a dissertation’s literature review Define literature review process and expectations Reflect on common barriers to writing the literature review Address resources to overcome barriers to writing the literature review

4 Literature Review: Definition
Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles (most common) Books Government documents Conference proceedings Collection of materials on a topic

5 Literature Review: Purpose & Goals
Teach readers about your topic and focus (including background info) State of the field History Current ideas Major studies Practical headings Keywords from study title and problem statement Present full picture of topic Studies supporting your focus Studies opposing your focus Saturation point Numbers of sources will vary All of this demonstrates your credibility as a researcher and author

6 Literature Review: Process
Locate literature Read and take notes Organize notes into matrix Synthesize sources Write/revise the literature review essay

7 You’ll be going back and forth between these steps.
Iterative Process Research Writing You’ll be going back and forth between these steps.

8 Reflection What three things will be the biggest barriers for you when it comes to writing your literature review?

9 Activity: Part 1 Share your list of three barriers with your table.
As a table, note the most common barrier among the group. Choose a spokesperson to share this barrier with the larger group.

10 Resources Available to You
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

11 Dissertation-Specific Resources
Doctoral Capstone Resources website Literature Review Resources Page

12 Writing Center Website Tour: Purpose of the Writing Center
How to Search & Navigate Wonderful Webinars APA resources Paper Reviews Social Media Grammarly Modules Templates

13 Writing Center Dissertation-Specific Resources
Templates Capstone Writing Kits Form and Style Checklist Walden Capstone Writing Community Editor Office Hours Top 10 Reasons for Delays Form and Style website

14 Resources for Dissertation Students (Highlights)
Faculty: Committee chairperson, second committee member, and the University Research Reviewer (URR) Center for Research Quality (CRQ) Office of Student Research Administration (OSRA) Institutional Review Board (IRB) Library: Databases, research librarians, webinars Academic Skills Center (ASC): Support courses, doctoral writing workshops, and MS word support Capstone Intensives: Contact Academic Advising Team Presenter: Feel free (if you have time) to go over the PDF document, including the chart on the second page re: when to use which resource

15 Literature Review: How the Library Can Help
Locate the most appropriate databases for your topic search Help you determine effective research practices/search terms Support your efforts to organize your literature Help you determine if your sources are peer reviewed Help you to ensure saturation of relevant literature

16 Literature Review: How the Academic Skills Center Can Help
Doctoral Writing Workshop: Revising & Editing the Literature Review Academic Skills Center Workshop Revisit students’ needs and goals with tailored, individualized support from instructors Receive and give social support from other students also working on their lit review drafts Take advantage of opportunity to make progress on current lit review draft Helps address MS Word issues in the dissertation template Provides resources on effective time management

17 Common Literature Review Writing Barriers and How to Solve Them
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

18 Common Barrier Barrier: I don’t fully understand how to synthesize and organize the literature in my Literature Review.

19 Solution: Set up a Plan to Learn Effective Synthesis
Review Synthesis, Literature Review, and Outlining Resources Develop a system to keep track of your searches (library’s search log) Develop a system to organize and take notes on sources (e.g. Zotero, Literature Review Matrix) Determine common themes in literature Review the Writing Center’s resources on creating effective synthesis Watch the Writing Center’s “Reviewing the Literature and Incorporating Previous Research” webinar Create outline of literature review using common themes and program requirements.

20 Common Barrier Barrier: I feel stuck trying to effectively address faculty feedback on my writing .

21 Solution: Set up a Plan to Work Effectively with Faculty
Communicating Effectively Find a communication style and schedule that works for all involved. Schedule regular meetings/check-ins. Set deadlines and goals. Be clear and specific when you ask for feedback. Be intentional about when you ask for help. Stay positive and respectful.

22 Solution: Prepare yourself to Revise
Interpreting Feedback Different faculty have different approaches—you will get conflicting feedback from time to time. Criticism is not the same as rejection. Revision is a big part of the process. Work on self-revision and proofreading practices to ensure you are producing the cleanest draft possible during each faculty review

23 Common Barrier Barrier: I feel overwhelmed by the scope of the literature review for my dissertation and don’t know where to start

24 Solution: Build A Literature Review Timeline
Include each stage of the Literature Review process Research and reading Writing each section Writing the introduction and conclusion Feedback from your chair/committee members Revision Include your goals for each stage Work backwards

25 Literature Review Timeline Example
January Research and locate 10 articles Read 10 articles Watch “Reviewing the Literature and Incorporating Previous Research” Writing Center webinar Read more about Developing Effective Searches Library resource February Complete the Writing Center’s APA modules Read up on Identifying/Evaluating Scholarly Resources Library resource Create and submit draft of literature review TOC to chair November Submit completed literature review

26 Read more about Developing Effective Searches Library resource
September 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Read more about Developing Effective Searches Library resource Research Read 1 article 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Read 2 articles Watch “Reviewing the Literature and Incorporating Previous Research” Writing Center webinar

27 Managing Your Schedule
Providing Structure Set a schedule and commit to work on your study. Preserve your personal time and allow yourself breaks. Set realistic, bite-sized goals and stick to them. Find ways to be accountable to other people, such as a writing group with your peers (WCWC or ASC’s workshops).

28 Reflection: Your “Golden Hour” of Productivity
When are you most alert? When are you free to work on research/writing? How can you minimize the distractions that tend to pull you away from your research/writing? How long are you able to focus on a given task before feeling too fatigued to make progress? Who can you ask to hold you accountable?

29 Managing your Schedule
Paper and grading by Chris Lawrence  (CC BY-SA 2.0) Managing your Schedule Finding out what works best for you Be aware of yourself as a reader, researcher, and writer and when/how you work best. Experiment with the time of day, environment, and amount of time you work on your study. Try software and data management systems to see if they help you (Zotero, NVivo).

30 Activity: Part II Develop a solution strategy (using at least 3 different resources) to address our common barrier. Select a spokesperson and be prepared to share your table’s strategy with the larger group.

31 Next Steps: Develop a solution strategy for your 3 biggest barriers to writing the literature review Begin building a literature review plan by creating a timeline that incorporates Time commitment (including golden hour of productivity) Reading/Research goals Outside resources (Library, WC, ASC) Should address barriers Organizing/Writing goals Faculty feedback schedule

32 Literature Review Q&A with the Writing Center!
? Ask your writing-related questions!

33 Writing Help at the Residency and Beyond
Additional help AT the residency: Advising Other Writing Center sessions or chat us AFTER the residency: Website and other services

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