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Brîff ymsefydlu statudol ar gyfer asiantaethau cyflenwi - Medi 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Brîff ymsefydlu statudol ar gyfer asiantaethau cyflenwi - Medi 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brîff ymsefydlu statudol ar gyfer asiantaethau cyflenwi - Medi 2018
Statutory induction briefing for supply agencies - September 2018 1

2 Themâu i’w trafod Y rhesymeg, y trefniadau a’r broses ymsefydlu statudol Y safonau proffesiynol ar gyfer addysgu ac arweinyddiaeth Trosolwg o rolau a chyfrifoldebau yr ANG ac asiantaethau cyflenwi

3 Topics covered The statutory induction rationale, arrangements and process The professional standards for teaching and leadership Roles and responsibilities overview: NQT and supply agencies

4 Rhesymeg y trefniadau ymsefydlu
Cafodd y trefniadau ymsefydlu eu diwygio er mwyn pennu: Profiad o ansawdd uchel i bob ANG Cysondeb strwythur a chymorth Rhoi cyfleoedd iddynt ddatblygu eu harfer a datblygiad proffesiynol gydol gyrfa Hyblygrwydd o fewn patrymau gwaith gwahanol Asesu trylwyr a manwl

5 Induction arrangements rationale
The induction arrangements are designed to establish: A high quality experience for all NQTs Consistency in structure and support Provide opportunities to develop their practice and career long professional learning Flexibility within different patterns of employment Rigorous and consistent assessment

6 Trefniadau ymsefydlu statudol
Mae’r trefniadau ymsefydlu statudol ar gyfer POB ANG yng Nghymru yn broses gydweithredol rhwng yr ANG, y mentor ymsefydlu* (MY), y gwiriwr allanol* (GA) a’r Corff Priodol (CP) neu Gydlynydd ANG yr All *Cyfeiriwyd ato gynt fel mentor ysgol *Cyfeiriwyd ato gynt fel y mentor allanol

7 The statutory induction arrangements
The arrangements for statutory induction for ALL NQTs in Wales is a collaborative process between the NQT, the induction mentor* (IM), the external verifier* (EV) and the Appropriate Body (AB) or the LA induction co-ordinator * Previously referred to as the school based mentor (SBM) * Previously referred to as the external mentor (EM)

8 Agweddau allweddol ar y broses
Rhaid i ANGau yng Nghymru feddu ar SAC a rhaid iddynt gofrestru yn y categori athro ysgol gyda CGA er mwyn i ymsefydlu ddechrau Mentora ac asesu yn erbyn y safonau proffesiynol perthnasol Key aspects of the process In Wales NQTs must have QTS and must register in the category of school teacher with the EWC for induction to begin Mentoring and assessment against the relevant professional standards

9 Mae’n ofynnol bod pob ANG yn cwblhau cyfnod ymsefydlu o
Dri thymor ysgol cyfan ar gyfer ANG sydd â chontractau amser llawn 380 sesiwn ysgol ar gyfer ANG sydd â chontractau rhan amser neu dros dro 380 sesiwn ysgol ar gyfer ANG drwy addysgu cyflenwi byrdymor

10 All NQTs must complete an induction period of
Three complete terms for NQTs on a full time contract 380 school sessions for NQTs employed on a part time or temporary contract 380 school sessions for NQTs undertaking short term supply

11 Rhaid i bob sesiwn ysgol fel athro cymwys gyfrif tuag at ymsefydlu
Diffinir sesiwn ysgol fel un bore neu un prynhawn o gyflogaeth fel athro All school sessions as a qualified teacher must count towards induction One school session is defined as one morning or one afternoon of employment as a teacher

12 Caiff Gwirwyr Allanol (GA) eu dyrannu i ANGau pan fydd ‘Ffurflen Hysbysu Sefydlu fel Athro Cyflenwi Byrdymor’ wedi dod i law’r CGA Rhaid i sesiynau gael eu cadarnhau gan bennaeth neu uwch arweinydd yr ysgol lle cwblhawyd y sesiynau

13 External Verifiers (EVs) are allocated to NQTs once the EWC are in receipt of the NQT’s ‘Induction notification as a short term supply form’ Sessions must be signed off by headteacher or senior leader at the school where the sessions took place



16 Ble all gyfnod ymsefydlu gymryd lle?
Ysgolion a gynhelir yng Nghymru Ysgolion arbennig na chynhelir yng Nghymru Ysgolion annibynnol yng Nghymru lle bo’r cwricwlwm ar gyfer unrhyw ddysgwyr cynradd yn bodloni gofynion y CC cwricwlwm ar gyfer dysgwyr CA3 neu 4 yn cynnwys pob pwnc craidd a sylfaen ysgol a’r ALl wedi cytuno y bydd yr ALl yn gweithredu fel y CP cyn dechrau’r cyfnod ymsefydlu. Sefydliadau AB lle gall y sefydliad ddarparu swydd briodol i’r ANG allu ymgymryd â’i gyfnod ymsefydlu

17 Where can induction take place?
Maintained schools in Wales Non maintained special schools in Wales Independent schools in Wales where The curriculum for any primary learner meets NC requirements The curriculum for learners at KS3 or 4 includes all core and foundation subjects An agreement has been reached prior to the start of the induction period between the school and the LA that they will act as the AB FE institutions where the institution is able to provide an NQT with an appropriate post to enable them to undertake their induction

18 ysgolion neu sefydliadau AB yn Lloegr os byddai’n cyfrif tuag at gyfnod ymsefydlu o dan reoliadau ymsefydlu Lloegr schools or FEIs in England if it would count towards induction period under England’s induction regulations

19 Am wybodaeth bellach, gweler y canllawiau ymsefydlu statudol
For further information, go to the statutory induction guidance



22 Yn gyffredinol, ni ellir gwneud cyfnod ymsefydlu mewn ysgol sydd, ym marn Estyn, angen mesurau arbennig. I weld canllawiau Estyn ar gyfer ysgolion sydd mewn mesurau arbennig a’r cyfnod ymsefydlu ar gyfer athrawon newydd gymhwyso, ewch i: neu e-bostiwch neu ffoniwch Estyn ar

23 Induction generally cannot take place in a school requiring special measures as judged by Estyn.
For Estyn’s guidance regarding schools in special measures and the induction period for NQTs visit or or telephone Estyn on



26 Am wybodaeth bellach am fentora, cysylltwch â’r consortiwm:
Canolbarth y De   CGA De ddwyrain Cymru    GwE ERW  

27 For further information about mentoring, contact the consortium:
Central South   EAS    GwE ERW  

28 Y safonau proffesiynol ar gyfer addysgu ac arweinyddiaeth
Yn gymwys i bob ANG sy’n dechrau eu cyfnod ymsefydlu o 1 Medi 2017 ymlaen Wedi’u dylunio i ysbrydoli, herio a chefnogi pob ymarferydd i gyrraedd y safon uchaf posibl Pum safon broffesiynol allweddol Gwerthoedd ac ymagweddau cyffredin Disgrifyddion sy’n dangos enghreifftiau o sut mae pob safon yn berthnasol

29 The professional standards for teaching and leadership
Apply to all NQTs starting induction from 1 September 2017 Designed to inspire, challenge and support every practitioner to be the best they can be Five key professional standards Overarching values and dispositions Descriptors exemplify the application of each standard

30 Pum safon broffesiynol allweddol Five key professional standards

31 O 1 Medi 2017 ymlaen - yn ofynnol i ANGau sy’n dechrau ar gyfnod ymsefydlu weithio i’r safonau proffesiynol ANGau a ddechreuodd eu cyfnod ymsefydlu cyn hyn yn cwblhau ymsefydlu o dan yr un safonau a oedd yn weithredol pan ddechreuodd eu cyfnod ymsefydlu O 1 Medi 2018 ymlaen - pob athro ac arweinydd mewn swydd arall yn symud i’r safonau O 1 Medi 2018 – safonau proffesiynol drafft ar gyfer cynorthwyo addysgu ar gael i’w defnyddio mewn ysgolion O 1 Medi 2019 ymlaen – safonau newydd ar gyfer Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon

32 1 September NQTs commencing induction on or after are required to work to the professional standards NQTs who commenced their induction before this date will complete their induction using the same standards they started with 1 September all other serving teachers and leaders move to the professional standards 1 September 2018 – draft professional standards for assisting teaching available for use in schools 1 September 2019 – new standards for ITE

33 ANGau a’r safonau proffesiynol
Rhaid i ANGau ddangos eu bod yn bodloni pob disgrifydd ymsefydlu er mwyn cwblhau eu cyfnod ymsefydlu yn llwyddiannus Archwiliwch y safonau a’r disgrifyddion ar Dysgu Cymru:

34 NQTs and the professional standards
NQTs are required to demonstrate that they meet all induction level descriptors in order to complete their induction successfully. Explore the standards and descriptors on Learning Wales:


36 Rhaid i ANGau fyfyrio a chofnodi eu profiadau proffesiynol drwy ddefnyddio eu PDP ar wefan CGA
All NQTs are required to reflect and record their professional experiences using their PLP on the EWC website


38 Dylai asiantaethau wneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod ANGau yn cael cyfleoedd i ddangos yr holl ddisgrifyddion ymsefydlu Ar gyfer pob ANG newydd ers mis Medi ymlaen, mae modd cael mynediad i’r proffil ymsefydlu drwy’r Pasbort Dysgu Proffesiynol ar wefan CGA Agencies should make every effort to ensure NQTs are provided with opportunities to demonstrate all induction level descriptors For all new NQTs since September 2016 the induction profile is accessed via the Professional Learning Passport on the EWC’s website

39 Bydd yr ysgol, y Mentor Ymsefydlu fel y bo’n briodol, y Gwiriwr Allanol, y Corff Priodol a’r asiantaeth yn gallu rhoi cymorth a chyngor am sut i fodloni’r disgrifyddion ymsefydlu. Bydd y Gwiriwr Allanol yn monitro, adolygu cynnydd ac yn cadarnhau sesiynau The school, Induction Mentor as appropriate, External Verifier, Appropriate Body, and agency will be able to provide support and advice on how to evidence the standards The EV will monitor, review progress and verify sessions

40 Bydd y GA a’r MY yn gwneud argymhelliad i’r CP o ran a yw’r ANG wedi llwyddo, wedi methu neu a oes angen estyniad i’r cyfnod ymsefydlu, yn seiliedig ar a yw’r ANG wedi bodloni’r disgrifyddion ymsefydlu Cymedroli cenedlaethol yn cymryd lle Bydd y CP yn gwneud y penderfyniad terfynol EV and IM will make a recommendation to the AB on whether the NQT has passed, failed, or requires an extension to their induction, based on whether the NQT has met the induction level descriptors. National moderation takes place The AB will make the final decision

41 Rôl yr ANG The NQT’s role
Dylai athrawon newydd gymhwyso gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu dysgu proffesiynol eu hunain a dangos sut mae eu hymarfer yn bodloni’r safonau proffesiynol. The NQT’s role NQTs should take responsibility for their own professional learning and demonstrate how their practice meets the professional standards.

42 Rhaid iddynt: sicrhau eu bod yn defnyddio'r safonau a'r PDP er mwyn myfyrio'n gyson ar eu hymarfer a nodi profiadau er mwyn eu gosod yn erbyn y safonau proffesiynol gan ddefnyddio'r proffil ymsefydlu They must: ensure they use the professional standards and the PLP to regularly reflect on their practice and capture experiences for mapping against the standards using their induction profile

43 cofnodi ystod o brofiadau proffesiynol
nodi blaenoriaethau datblygu hysbysu eu pennaeth/asiantaeth gyflenwi eu bod yn athrawon newydd gymhwyso record a range of professional experiences identify development priorities inform their headteacher/supply agency they are a NQT

44 Rhaid i ANGau cyflenwi byrdymor gymryd cyfrifoldeb am:
cofrestru gyda CGA yn y categori cywir logio pob sesiwn ysgol gyda CGA o fewn 10 diwrnod gwaith o’u cwblhau Short term supply NQTs must take responsibility for: registering with EWC in the correct category logging all school sessions with EWC, within 10 days of completion

45 hysbysu Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg os
byddant yn symud ysgol yn ystod eu cyfnod ymsefydlu neu os bydd eu contract yn newid inform the EWC if they move schools during their induction period or if their contract changes

46 cwblhau’r proffil ymsefydlu drwy Basport Dysgu Proffesiynol CGA
sicrhau bod sesiynau yn cael eu cadarnhau gan y pennaeth/uwch arweinydd yn yr ysgol cyn i’r ANG cyflenwi byrdymor adael yr ysgol completing their induction profile via the EWC’s Professional Learning Passport ensuring that sessions are verified by the Headteacher/senior leader at the school before the short term supply NQT leaves the school

47 hysbysu Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg os
byddant yn symud ysgol yn ystod eu cyfnod ymsefydlu neu os bydd eu contract yn newid inform the EWC if they move schools during their induction period or if their contract changes

48 Beth yw rôl asiantaethau? What is the role of agencies?

49 Cyn dechrau lleoliad mewn ysgol, rhaid i’r asiantaeth gyflogi neu gyflenwi:
sicrhau eu bod yn ymwybodol o statws ymsefydlu'r athrawon sy'n cael eu lleoli mewn ysgolion, a rhoi gwybod i'r ysgolion am statws o’r fath sicrhau bod ANG wedi cofrestru yng nghategori athro ysgol gyda CGA cyn dechrau swydd a gwirio statws cofrestru pob athro sydd wedi cofrestru gyda'r asiantaeth o leiaf yn flynyddol ar ôl cael gohebiaeth gan y Cyngor

50 Prior to school placement, the employment or supply agency must:
ensure they are aware of the induction status of teachers being placed in schools and informing schools of such statuses ensure NQTs are registered in the category of school teacher with the EWC before commencing employment and on at least an annual basis following correspondence from the EWC, that they check the registration status of all teachers who are registered with the agency

51 sicrhau bod y gwiriadau perthnasol – gan gynnwys gwiriadau’r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd – wedi’u gwneud a bod y geirdaon yn rhai priodol sicrhau bod gan yr unigolyn sy'n cael ei gyflenwi i'r ysgol y sgiliau, yr wybodaeth a'r profiad angenrheidiol i ymgymryd â'r rôl yn effeithiol.

52 ensure that relevant checks – including current teacher DBS checks – have been undertaken and that references are appropriate ensure that the individual being supplied to the school has the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to carry out the role effectively

53 Drwy gydol y cyfnod ymsefydlu, rhaid i’r asiantaeth gyflogi neu gyflenwi
sicrhau eu bod yn deall rôl y safonau proffesiynol at ddibenion ymsefydlu'r ANG sicrhau bod yr ANG sy'n ymgymryd â gwaith cyflenwi yn gyfarwydd â'r safonau a'i fod yn gallu manteisio ar brofiadau proffesiynol sy'n galluogi iddo ddangos ystod lawn o'r safonau proffesiynol

54 Throughout the induction period, the employment or supply agency must:
ensure they understand the role of the professional standards for the purposes of NQT induction ensure NQTs undertaking supply work are familiar with the standards and have access to professional experiences that enable them to demonstrate the full range of the professional standards

55 cefnogi dysgu proffesiynol yr ANG, gan gynnwys ei gyfeirio at wybodaeth ac adnoddau dysgu proffesiynol fel ei fod yn gallu datblygu ei arferion yn unol â'r safonau proffesiynol sicrhau y rhoddir gwybodaeth berthnasol i athrawon newydd gymhwyso ynghylch eu hysgol - a hynny cyn iddynt fynd yno, os yn bosib sicrhau bod gofynion a disgwyliadau lleoliadau yn glir i athrawon newydd gymhwyso.

56 actively support NQTs’ professional learning, including signposting NQTs to
information and professional learning resources to enable them to develop their practice in line with the professional standards ensure that NQTs are provided with relevant information about the school, where possible, in advance of their deployment ensure that expectations and placement requirements are fully understood by NQTs.

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