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Presentation on theme: "Purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose

2 Roles Name – Name-

3 Examples Excel Graph Here’s an example of one of our distance-time graphs. As you can see, we truncated the data to show only the focal movement. In this experiment, we collected data from a cart moving toward the motion detector. After we imported the data into our software, we moved the data to excel to create this graph.

4 Motion detector software graph
This is what a graph created with the motion detector software looks like. In this experiment, the object started at rest, moved away, rested there, and then moved towards the detector.

5 Video Analysis Graphs Next, we worked with video analysis software. We went through a video frame by frame and determined movement over time. In this video, we watched a girl ride her bike in the positive x direction, plotted her movement, and got the resulting graphs.

6 Distance versus Time graph

7 Velocity versus Time Graph

8 Acceleration versus Time Graph

9 Constant velocity motion in the positive direction
This is what constant velocity motion in the positive direction looks like graphically. We used the bike video to demonstrate this. Because the slope of her displacement-time graph is almost constant, her velocity-time graph is almost exactly horizontal.

10 Constant velocity motion in the negative direction.
Constant velocity motion in the negative direction is shown by the right half of the two graphs above. In this video, an air hockey puck moved away, hit a rubber band, and moved back towards the starting point. The slope of the d-t graph as it travels back is almost constant, that’s why the v-t graph levels out to nearly a horizontal line.

11 Positive acceleration
starting from rest. The data above is truncated only to show the movement of a cart. But, as you can see, the data shown does not start at 0 seconds, meaning that it was at rest before moving. The acceleration never reaches below 0 because the velocity of the cart is always positive, meaning the cart never slowed.

12 Constant Negative Acceleration starting from Positive Velocity
In this video, a ball was thrown in the air and came back down. We only graphed the vertical motion of the ball. The v-t graph is shown with a best fit linear curve to show that the ball moved at a constant decreasing velocity, making the acceleration graph almost perfectly horizontal.

13 unexpected elements Throughout our project, we encountered a few problems. Sometimes, objects would interfere with the readings of our motion detectors, giving us graphs that were inaccurate. Also, we were given graphs and told to replicate them with human movement, which was especially difficult and took a few tries. In addition, we had to time some things manually, which took a few tries as well.

14 improvements in techniques
In order for things to work and to get the best results, we recommend clearing the area around your motion detector, so that nothing will interfere, assigning team members different tasks so things will go faster, perform multiple tests so you can use the best one, and work as a team!

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