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Lookin’ Back at What We Collectively Did!

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Presentation on theme: "Lookin’ Back at What We Collectively Did!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lookin’ Back at What We Collectively Did!

2 Volunteers “R” Us You guys are awesome!

3 Star of newspapers and TV Co-founder Tool Library & Urban sugaring
Leaving the Board Star of newspapers and TV Grant King!! John Dennis Co-founder Tool Library & Urban sugaring A project “machine”! THANK YOU! and best wishes John!

4 Multi-year Resilience Festival Passion for TG and strong community!
Leaving the Board Multi-year Resilience Festival Organizer Past Chair of TG Kelly Smith Passion for TG and strong community! Website Queen! Huge THANKS!! for all Kelly has done.

5 Strong supporter of community and local farmers
Stepping back from Strong supporter of community and local farmers Fearless Creative Susan Carey

6 Congrats!! The Crow is Leaving the Nest
John Susan Emily Saba Lisa Steph Meredith

7 Stephen W: Ecovillage Guelph
Alex S: TG Board Varinder S: Festival & TMob Many! students at RFest New Volunteers Christie Y: YCAG Stephen W: Ecovillage Guelph Many others! John C: Seedy Saturday

8 Food donations to charities
Playing well with Others!! Private Luncheon Event with Richard Heinberg Tabled at many Events Ties with GNSC Spoke at Yorklands Green Hub Anniversary Event Endorsed The LEAP, Water Watchers & Think Resilience Festivals coordination: eMerge, Water Watchers, City of Guelph Food donations to charities Provided support to Transition KW Supported Salsa Fest Yorklands Green Hub Letter of Support City of Guelph Climate Emergency Letter of Support eMerge & City 100% RE Letter of Support Cross- promote ~20 orgs

9 HeinbergPrivate Luncheon
Tool Library Repair Cafés Projects & Events Good Call TreeMobile Walking Friends Zero Waste RFest & Syrup in City 10th Birthday Workshops HeinbergPrivate Luncheon Urban Farm Tour Seed Library Heinberg keynote Movie Screenings Ecovillage Guelph Workshops Two Rivers Market Sew North Resili Awards GROW Inner Transition Backyard Caring Builders Group AGM

10 Sponsorships & Grants Thank You!! AG Energy Flow Office Wisdom
Planet Bean OPIRG Ignatius Farm Red Brick Café Royal City Brewery Wellington Brewery Taste Real Many, many More!! The Cooperators City of Guelph Wellbeing TD ETF Grant Trillium Foundation Vera and Steve Dyck Guelph Solar TreeMobile Smitten Apparel Crowd Sourcing

11 Recognition and Other Notables
Tool Library 2nd Ann. TG 10th Ann. Seed Library Opens Saba Top 20 under 40 Emily Exemplary Volunteer Involvement Award John Dennis Mayor’s Award Jill Gill Women of Distinction Tool Library Mercury-Tribune Readers Choice Recognition and Other Notables

12 TG volunteers: You ROCK!

13 And thanks to the Board and my lovely wife for the yummy snacks!


15 7 Principles of Transition
Positive visioning Help people get good info, trust they’ll make good decisions Inclusion and openness Enable sharing and networking Build resilience Inner and outer transition Subsidiarity: self-organization and decision making at the appropriate level

16 TG “Elevator Pitch” Transition Guelph (TG) is made up of volunteers dedicated to strengthening local resilience through projects and events. Projects are initiated by community members and grow according to local needs and resources. Most people are aware that the world is changing and, with your help, TG is here to help our community create a positive vision for the future and be ready to transition and adapt to the “new normal”.

17 Elements of Local Resilience
Equity Engaged Community Economic Vitality Edibles (food and water) Energy Environmental Stewardship

18 2019 Directional Plan Attract new volunteers for Board and new projects Support Yorklands Green Hub in critical year Strengthen connection with our volunteers Ramp up and broaden TG’s reach in the community Revisit the Energy Descent Plan 2030 Refresh TG’s website and marketing materials Nurture our culture (7 Principles)

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