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Answer. Suggestions, Arrangement, and Apologies Reciprocal Verbs and the Past Infinitive Family Relationships Hospitality and Thanks Quarreling $100 $200.

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Presentation on theme: "Answer. Suggestions, Arrangement, and Apologies Reciprocal Verbs and the Past Infinitive Family Relationships Hospitality and Thanks Quarreling $100 $200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer

2 Suggestions, Arrangement, and Apologies Reciprocal Verbs and the Past Infinitive Family Relationships Hospitality and Thanks Quarreling $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 Answer Translate: Cest gentil, mais jai un rendez-vous.

4 Game Thats nice of you, but Ive got an appointment.

5 Answer What is the French equivalent? Im sorry for…

6 Game Je mexcuse de..

7 Answer What is the French equivalent? It happens to everybody.

8 Game Ça arrive à tout le monde.

9 Answer What is the French equivalent? When are we getting together?

10 Game Quand est-ce quon se revoit?

11 Answer What are 2 ways to say Im busy?

12 Game Here are 3 possible ways: Je suis pris(e). Jaimerais bien, mais… Cest gentil, mais jai un rendez-vous.

13 Answer What do se, nous, vous mean when put into a sentence?

14 Game To/for/at

15 Answer A verb following a conjugated verb other than avoir and être must be…

16 Game An infinitive

17 Answer Use être with the verbs that require être in the…

18 Game Passé composé

19 Answer When do you not change the past participle?

20 Game If the reciprocal pronoun is an indirect object of the verb.

21 Answer What are at least 4 of the 7 possible verbs that take an indirect object?

22 Game dire, parler, téléphoner, demander, écrire, offrir, and conseiller.

23 Answer What is the English equivalent of la nièce?

24 Game Niece

25 Answer What is the French equivalent of the youngest child, the younger/middle child, and the oldest child?

26 Game Youngest: le/la benjamin(e) Younger/Middle: le/la cadet(te) Oldest: laîné(e)

27 Answer La grand-mère de ma mère, cest mon _________.

28 Game Arrière-grand-mère

29 Answer Mes cousines Taylor et Brittany ont toutes les deux dix-sept ans. Elles sont _______.

30 Game Jumelles

31 Answer Mon arrière-grand-père est mort en mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-cinq. Alors, mon arrière-grand-mère est _______.

32 Game Veuve

33 Answer What is the French equivalent? Sit down.

34 Game Asseyez-vous.

35 Answer What are two ways to say thank you?

36 Game 3 possible ways to say thank you: Merci. Je vous remercie. Cest vraiment trés gentil de votre part.

37 Answer What are two ways to welcome someone?

38 Game Ça ma fait plaisir de vous voir. Entrez, je vous en prie.

39 Answer What are at least 3 of the 4 ways to respond to thanks:

40 Game De rien. Je vous en prie. (Il ny a) pas de quoi. Cest tout à fait normal.

41 Answer What are two ways to offer food or drink?

42 Game Je vous sers quelque chose? Quest-ce que je peux vous offrir?

43 Answer What is the English equivalent of: Rapporteur(-euse)!

44 Game Tattletale!

45 Answer What is the English equivalent of… Mêle-toi de tes oignons!

46 Game Mind your own business!

47 Answer What is the French equivalent? Im always the one who gets blamed!

48 Game Cest toujours moi qui prends!

49 Answer What are three ways to accuse someone?

50 Game Tu ménerves, à la fin! Youre really bugging me! Tu es vraiment casse-pieds! Youre such a pain! Tu me prends la tête! Youre driving me crazy!

51 Answer What are 4 ways to respond to an accusation?

52 Game Ça suffit. Arrête! Tu les fais exprès? Fiche-moi la paix! Mêle-toi de tes oignons! Tant pis pour toi! Oh, ça va, hein? Casse-toi!

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