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06/08/2019 The Paris Agreement first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal.

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Presentation on theme: "06/08/2019 The Paris Agreement first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALL 2016 European Information Day Climate Action Policy Priorities 17 June 2016

2 06/08/2019 The Paris Agreement first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal

3 From Paris to all over the EU
By 2030  EU emissions 40% (1990) 43%  from Emission Trading System 'ETS' (2005) 30%  for non-ETS (2005) 27% share for renewable energy 27% energy efficiency (BAU) Adaptation strategies everywhere Energy Union governance National Energy and Climate Plans & 2050 perspective

4 Mitigation policy priorities
Breakthrough low carbon solutions for energy intensive industries  15% Alternatives to fluorinated greenhouse gases and facilitate technology neutral standards Emissions and removals from Land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)

5 Adaptation policy priorities
Develop strategies and vulnerability assessments Vulnerable areas in the EU Adaptation Strategy: cross-border floods management, cross-border coastal management; urban environment; mountain and island areas; drought-prone areas (water, desertification, fire risks) Urban adaptation/Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy Encourage green infrastructure/ecosystem-based solutions

6 Governance & Information priorities
Development of mid-century and 2030 climate strategies Monitoring, evaluation, awareness raising, training supporting policy development/ implementation (e.g. EU ETS and fluorinated greenhouse gases Regulation) Building coordination platforms to support development of mitigation and adaptation policies Adaptation options/vulnerabilities awareness

7 Integrated projects / technical assistance priorities
06/08/2019 Integrated projects / technical assistance priorities implementation of national, regional or industry/sector specific GHG strategies or low carbon economy roadmaps implementation of  national, regional or local specific adaptation strategies or action plans implementation of urban action plans implementing the transition to a low carbon and/or climate resilient society.

8 'Must-have': EU value added
Specific for Climate Action projects: "Projects … need to demonstrate a transformative impact on increased climate resilience and/or on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This should contribute to the shift towards a resource-efficient, low carbon and climate-resilient economy." Assessed at the level of the project itself and post project stage (replication/transferability) see Multiannual work programme section (b)

9 Thank you! Visit DG Climate Action online: clima/ EUClimateAction EUClimateAction EUClimateAction EUClimateAction

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