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Preventing The Sorrow Of God

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2 Preventing The Sorrow Of God
Ephesians 4:25-30

3 We Can Make God “Sorrowful”
We often think about God being sorrowful because of the failure of non-Christians to change their lives Note that Paul warns Christians about the possibility of “grieving” the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4:30) “to make sad” Paul helps the Ephesian Christians to see four practical things they (and we) can do in order to prevent God’s sorrow

4 Have Truthful Communication
God hates untruthful communication See Zechariah 8:16-17 We are to “put away” dishonesty God is honest, so we have to be honest If lying is “left out,” we’ll “see” it and be attracted to it The general, governing rule… We are members of one another!

5 Have Truthful Communication
As the physical body is honest with itself, so must the spiritual body Christians need to openly, honestly communicate about our pains No pain/concern is too small for God It shouldn't be too small for each other! Christians need to openly, honestly communicate about our concerns This is KEY to our getting along & working together

6 Manage Our Anger Two things are apparent regarding anger…
It’s possible for a person to be angry & not sin (if we don’t get angry from time to time because of sin, we’ll be in sin!) Just because one’s a Christian doesn’t make him immune from the dangers of anger Christians need to address what it is that makes us angry with one another We need a “checklist” for Christians when dealing with anger toward another Christian

7 Bitterness will settle in; a place for the devil is realized
Manage Our Anger The Anger Checklist Am I angry because of someone’s sinful act? - I HAVE to address it (I Cor. 5; Jms 5) 2. Am I angry because of someone’s (non-sinful) act? Can I “Live With It?” Then work for “peace” (Romans 12:18) But If Not… I should address it (consider Col.4:6) If Left Unchecked… Bitterness will settle in; a place for the devil is realized

8 Purposeful Work Paul’s command to the Ephesians needs to be seen in light of the first century habits Theft was “rationalized” through a Robin-hood like philosophy But didn’t Christ help the poor???? Yes, but NEVER through dishonest action! God created work to be an integral part of our lives Work is not a result of sin (Genesis 2 & 3) Work is a “good” thing

9 Worthwhile Communication
We are to avoid “corrupt” or “putrid” communication We are able to do this: “proceed out of your mouth” We need to use our “filters” before saying what just enters our minds (James 1:19) Worthless communication corrupts… The speaker (James 3:10-12) The intended (words hurt!) The “outsiders” (reputations matter!)

10 Worthwhile Communication
Paul isn’t asking us to be “silent,” however… We should speak so as to edify “to build up” this must be true even with corrective talk We should speak so as to “impart grace” “minister grace” (KJV) We should be like “MARTY” Consider the effects this will have on every aspect of our lives

11 Attention to these four things will bring great joy to God
Bad News… Good News The Bad A failure to consider these four things will bring sadness and grief to God The Good Attention to these four things will bring great joy to God We Each Make The Choice

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