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Research using Finance Regulations
Show Slide #1: Research Finance Regulations Title: Conduct Research using Finance Regulations References: DOD R VOL 7, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A , 05/01/2015 FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations, 04/15/2014 Joint Travel Regulations Uniformed Service Members and DoD Civilian Employees , 05/01/2016 Scope Introduction to finance operations, DMO/DSIS; research finance actions using DODFMR; computing pay dates; entering input for pay election; military pay and allowances, allotments; miscellaneous adjustments; casual payments; transact public funds; prepare military pay voucher, principles, rules, procedures and reporting of the operation maintenance army appropriation. Coding of expenditure, reimbursement and miscellaneous transactions and their effect on the Standard Army Finance System; budget execution and accounts payable, finance wartime doctrine. During this lesson, you will learn an important task and something you will always use in the military. No matter how far you progress in the rank structure, you will always, at one time or another, research basic regulations. This is true not only with finance-related questions, but also in other military matters. This period of instruction provides you with a foundation to help you throughout your Army career. During this lesson, you will learn an important task and something you will always use in the military. No matter how far you progress in the rank structure, you will always, at one time or another, research basic regulations. This is true not only with finance-related questions, but also in other military matters. This period of instruction provides you with a foundation to help you throughout your Army career. Section I. Administrative Data Academic Hours/Methods 03 hrs. / 30 mins. Practical Exercise (Hands-On/Written) 03 hrs. / 40 mins. Discussion (Small or Large Group) 00 hrs. / 10 mins. ELM – Concrete Experience 00 hrs. / 00 mins. Test Review 00 hrs. / 00 mins. Test 07 hrs. / 30 mins. Total Hours Task Taught: 805A-36B-1002 (*) Research Finance Regulations Reinforced Tasks: 805A-36B Research Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) 805A-36B Determine Entitlement to Allowances for Reserve Soldiers 805A-36B Determine Entitlement to Allowances Resident Learning Domain - Level: Cognitive / Applying Section II. Introduction: Method of Instruction: DSL - Discussion (large or small group) Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 10 mins. Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Method of Instruction: CE- ELM Concrete Experience Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Handout Instructor Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and noted references. Students Material: Students should possess all required printed reference material, course handouts, noted references and standard classroom supplies. Note: All required printed reference material and technical manuals will be provided by the Schoolhouse. Concrete Experience: Can you think of a time in Basic Combat Training you were starring at your OCP jacket trying to remember what side your Name and U.S. Army went on? What Army Regulation covers Military Wear and Appearance? What Section can you find the placement of the nametape and U.S. Army tape? Everything we do in the military is covered by a regulation. These regulations govern how we act, dress, and how we are paid. It is essential to know how to read and interpret these regulations in order to be effective Financial Managers. You will know how to research finance questions and then take the necessary performance steps to complete the mission. Instructor's Note: Remind students that everything we do in the military is covered by a regulation. These regulations govern how we act, dress, and how we are paid. It is essential to know how to read and interpret these regulations in order to be effective Financial Managers.
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Conduct Research using Finance Regulations Condition: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. You will have several military pay questions to research. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Describe the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Describe the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation Determine the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question Determine the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay questions Describe a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Interpret a Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A, or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Show Slide #2: Terminal Learning Objective Instructor's Note: Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will: Action: Conduct Research using Finance Regulations Condition: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. You will have several military pay questions to research. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Describe the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Determine the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay questions Determine the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question Describe the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation Interpret a Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A, or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Describe a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Instructional Guidance: Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: physical environment, political stability of the state, sociological demographics, infrastructure, military capabilities, information, time, and economics. Safety Requirements: Risk Management (RM) is the Army’s primary decision making process for identifying and controlling hazards across all missions, functions, operations and activities. Leaders must excel at evaluating operational and tactical hazards through the synchronizing of risk management with the planning, prioritizing and analyzing phase of METT-TC (mission, enemy, and terrain, troops available, time and civilian consideration) and will complete a DD Form 2977, Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to potential electrical shock or property damage. Exercise care in personnel movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In the event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Commanders will embed risk management into all mission orders and order briefings for review by the senior leader to ensure proper controls are in place. Hazard Identification: Electrical shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injury/Strain, and Tripping, Tight Spaces in classroom and Influenza. Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjusted to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Leader Actions: Detailed in brief covering all aspects of safety to include daily classroom inspections, spills cleaned immediately, emergency exit plans, leader checks, hygiene procedures, and weekly safety briefings Probability of Occurrence: Unlikely Severity Potential of Injury: Marginal Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to ATP Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluations: Students will take FM 01 AA Research Finance Regulations Test during the Pay Support – Military Pay module. Students must score 75% or higher to obtain a passing score. Instructional Lead-in. (Publish and Process): During this lesson, you will learn an important task and something you will always use in the military. No matter how far you progress in the rank structure, you will always, at one time or another, research basic regulations. This is true not only with finance-related questions, but also in other military matters. This period of instruction provides you with a foundation to help you throughout your Army career. Note: Ensure students have access to DODFMR, JTR, Military Pay Tables, and associated Document Training Aid (DTA) for the exercises. 2. Training Aids This lesson is taught in a large group classroom setting with personal computer systems, projection televisions, Mr. Podium MP42 Lectern, indoor speakers, touch panel projector, internet access, and dry erase/white board. 3. Conduct of Lesson Lesson Timeline: 00 hours 05 minutes Introduction, Learning Objective, Administrative Data 03 hours 30 minutes Practical Exercise (Apply) 03 hours 40 minutes Publish and Process /Generalize New Information 00 hours 05 minutes Concrete Experience 00 hours 00 minutes Assessment Review 00 hours 00 minutes Assessment Total Hours: 7 hrs 30 mins (7.6 hrs)
DoDFMR 7000.14R, Volume 7A One Regulation for the Entire DoD
Statutory (U.S. Law) Provides Policy and Procedures States who, what, and when for ALL entitlements and deductions Show Slide #3: DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Learning Step Activity #1. Describe the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 45 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #1 lesson on describing the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A. You must become familiar with DoDFMR R, Vol. 7A (hereafter referred to as the DoDFMR). It is the basis for determining the conditions and procedural guidance for military pay items. This task provides you with the research techniques needed to correctly perform all the other tasks in the course and reference other regulations within the finance office. The DoDFMR stipulates to all Department of Defense (DoD) components the policies, regulations, and procedures in the area of responsibility of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). It consists of 16 volumes. We will discuss volume 7A, Military Pay Policy and Procedures – Active Duty and Reserve Pay, during this lesson. Throughout the course, you will reference some of the other volumes of the DoDFMR. Provides statutory and regulatory financial management guidance for the Department of Defense. Provides policy and procedures for all entitlements and deductions for all branches of military service. States who is entitled, what is entitled, and when the entitlement is earned. The chapter is always the first two digits in the reference number.
DoDFMR Vol 7A Chapters (1 of 2)
01 – 04, Basic Pay 05 – 20, Special Pay and Bonus 21 – 24, Incentive Pay 25 – 31, Allowances 32 – 37, Miscellaneous Payments 38 –39, Cadets, Students, and Academy Officials Show Slide #4: DoDFMR Vol 7A Chapters (1 of 2) Instructor's Note: The most widely used chapters of the DODFMR, Volume 7A are BOLDED in the listings below and should be addressed individually to the students. DoDFMR, Volume 7A is divided into 66 chapters. The chapters are grouped together to cover 11 subject areas. They are grouped as follows: Chapters 1-4 pertain to Basic Pay and anything affecting basic pay. It explains conditions and computations of pay, as well as effects that different circumstances have on entitlements to pay and allowances. Chapter 1 Basic Pay Chapter 2 Repayment of Unearned Portion of Bonuses and Other Benefits Chapter 3 Special Pay Officers Only Chapter 4 ARCHIVED Chapters 5-20 pertain to Special Pays. Chapter 5 Special Pays for Medical Officers and Other Health Professions Officers Chapter 6 Special Pays for Dental Officers Chapter 7 ARCHIVED Chapter 8 Special Pay and Special Duty Assignment Pay—Enlisted Members Chapter 9 Special Pay-Enlistment, Reenlistment, and Retention Bonus-Enlisted Members Chapter 10 Special Pay—Duty Subject to Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger Chapter 11 Special Pay—Diving Duty Chapter 12 Purported Marriages Chapter 13 Combat Related Injury Payment Programs Chapter 14 Incentive For Qualified Members Extending Duty at Designated Locations Overseas Chapter 15 Special Pay Assignment Incentive Pay Chapter 16 ARCHIVED Chapter 17 Special Pay – Hardship Chapter 18 Special Pay – Career Sea Duty Chapter 19 Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus Chapter 20 Aviator Retention Bonus Chapters pertain to Incentive Pays. They explain the conditions of entitlement and computation of: Chapter 21 ARCHIVED Chapter 22 Aviation Incentive Pays Chapter 23 Submarine Duty Pay Chapter 24 Incentive Pay-Hazardous Duty Other than Aerial Flights Chapters pertain to pay Allowances. They explain the conditions of entitlement and computation of: . Chapter 25 Subsistence Allowances Chapter 26 ARCHIVED Chapter 27 Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Chapter 28 ARCHIVED Chapter 29 Clothing Monetary Allowances Chapter 30 Officers’ Uniform and Equipment Allowance Chapter 31 Personal Money Allowance Chapters pertain to Miscellaneous payments. They explain the conditions of entitlement and computation of: Chapter 32 Advance, Local, Partial, and Emergency Partial Pay Chapter 33 Payments on Behalf of Mentally Incompetent Members Chapter 34 Pay Entitlement of Members Missing, Missing In Action, Interned, etc., and Payments to Dependents Chapter 35 Separation Payments Chapter 36 Payments On Behalf of Deceased Members Chapter 37 Benefits for Members Held As Captives Chapters pertain to Cadets, Students and Academy Officials. They explain the conditions of entitlement and computation of: Chapter 38 Service Academy Cadets, Midshipmen, and Service Academy Preparatory School Students Chapter 39 Pay of Service Academy Officials
DoDFMR Vol 7A Chapters (2 of 2)
40 – 43, Allotments of Pay 44 – 54, Deductions and Collections 55 – 64, Reserve and National Guard Pay 65, High-Deployment Per Diem 66, Career Status Bonus/Redux Election Option Show Slide #5: DoDFMR Vol 7A Chapters (2 of 2) Instructor's Note: Continue with group description. They are grouped as follows: (Cont.) Chapters 40 to 43 cover Allotments of Pay: Chapter 40 General Provisions Governing Allotments of Pay (Other than Child and Spousal Support Allotments Required By Law) Chapter 41 Garnishment and Other Involuntary Allotments Chapter 42 Discretionary Allotments Chapter 43 Non-Discretionary Allotments Chapters 44 to 52 and 5 cover Deductions and Collections: Chapter 44 Withholding Income Tax Chapter 45 Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Chapter 46 Deductions for the Armed Forces Retirement Homes Chapter 47 Service members’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) Program Chapter 48 Courts-Martial Sentences Chapter 49 Non-judicial Punishment Chapter 50 Stoppages and Collections Other than Courts-Martial Forfeitures Chapter 51 Savings Programs Chapter 52 Precedence of Pay Deductions and Collections Chapter 53 ARCHIVED Chapter 54 TRICARE Dental Plan (TDP) Chapters 55 to 64 cover Reserve and National Guard pay. They explain the conditions of entitlement and computation of: Chapter 55 Reserve Income Replacement Program Chapter 56 Selective Reserve Accession, Affiliation, Enlistment, and Reenlistment Bonuses Chapter 57 Reserve Entitlements for Active Duty (Not Extended) Chapter 58 Pay and Allowances for Inactive Duty Training Chapter 59 Payment of Members of the Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Chapter 60 Health Professions Scholarship Program for Active Service Chapter 61 Bonus Program for the Individual Ready Reserve and Inactive National Guard Chapter 62 Health Professional Stipend Program for Reserve Service Chapter 63 Accession and Continuation Bonuses for Nurse Officer Candidates Chapter 64 ARCHIVED Chapter 65 covers High-Deployment Per Diem. Chapter 66 Career Status Bonus/Redux Election Option.
DoDFMR Vol 7A, 3 Appendices
A – Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses B – Disposition of Forfeiture and Fines As A Result of Court-Martial, Non-judicial Punishment and Desertion C - Implementing Procedures for Mandatory Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of Military Pay Show Slide #6: DoDFMR Vol 7A, 3 Appendices Instructor's Note: Describe the appendices for the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Appendices: In the back of the DoDFMR are three Appendices: Appendix A- Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses; Defines the policy, eligibility requirements, responsibility and procedures to apply for reimbursement of adoption expenses. Appendix B – Disposition of Forfeiture and Fines As A Result of Court-Martial, Non-judicial Punishment and Desertion; describes the transfer of certain forfeitures and fines as a result of courts-martial, non-judicial punishment, and desertion to the Armed Forces Retirement Home Trust Fund (AFRHTF). Appendix C – Implementing Procedures for Mandatory Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of Military Pay; appendix provides the policy and procedures for the administration and delivery of payments to military members, retirees, and annuitants through electronic fund transfer (EFT).
Other Sections Summary of Changes Comparable Grades Definitions
Show Slide #7: Other Sections Instructor's Note: Describe to students the other sections for the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Other Sections: The DoDFMR also has the following sections: Summary of Changes. Lists all the changes since last published. They are listed by paragraph number and states an explanation and purpose of what the change is. All changes are also identified by an asterisk ( * ) next to the paragraph in the body of the DoDFMR and denoted by blue font. Comparable Grades; describes the different titles to pay and grades for the services. The Comparable Grades are located after the appendices at the end of the DoDFMR Vol 7A. Glossary; An alphabetic listing of terms and acronyms specific to the DoDFMR and military pay. The Glossary is a stand-alone and is located after Volume 16 of the DoDFMR.
Paragraph Numbering System
The regulation is divided into: CHAPTERS SECTIONS PARAGRAPHS SUBPARAGRAPHS Show Slide #8: Paragraph Numbering System Instructor's Note: Describe to students the paragraph numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Paragraph Numbering System: The paragraph numbering system used in the DoDFMR is simple to follow. The regulation is first divided into chapters. Each chapter is further divided into sections; each section into paragraphs; then, if required, each paragraph is divided into subparagraphs. CHAPTERS SECTIONS PARAGRAPHS SUBPARAGRAPHS As mentioned at the beginning of the lessons, the chapter is always the first two digits in the reference number. The section part are always the third and fourth digits. The paragraph are always the fifth and sixth digits. Finally the subparagraph are always all the digits after the sixth digit.
Numbering System Example
A.1.a.(1)(a) CHAPTER 01 SECTION 0101 PARAGRAPH SUBPARAGRAPH A.1.a.(1)(a) Show Slide #9: Numbering System Example Instructor's Note: Describe and go over with the students the numbering example on the screen. Numbering System Example: On the viewgraph, A.1.a. (1)(a) Refers to Chapter 1, Section 1, Paragraph 1, and Subparagraph A.1.a. (1)(a). It is important when answering a research question to furnish the exact information requested. If asked for the chapter number where something is found, only 2 digits are required. In the example, this is 01. If asked for the section where something is found, 4 digits are required. In the example, this is 0101. If asked for the paragraph where something is found, 6 digits are required. In the example, this is If asked for the subparagraph where something is found, 6 digits plus the subparagraph is required. In the example, this is A.1.a. (1)(a). Instructor's Note: Have the students locate the chapter number where information about basic pay can be found. Ask the following questions: 1. What chapter and section is computation of pay located? 2. Where is the information about basic pay entitlements located? 3. What is the subparagraph that states when entitled to basic pay?
LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1. What regulation prescribes Military Pay Policy and Procedures? A1. DoDFMR R, Volume 7A. Q2. What publication do you use to determine the rate of a collection or deduction? A2. DoDFMR R, Volume 7A. Q3. What does the reference citation “010204A.1 (a)” mean? A3. Chapter 1, Section 2, Paragraph 4, Subparagraph A.1. (a). Q4. What would you reference to determine what the title of an Air Force E-7 is? A4. The Comparable Grades located before Chapter 1 in the DoDFMR Vol. 7a. Show Slide #10: LSA #1 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. What regulation prescribes Military Pay Policy and Procedures? Q2. What publication do you use to determine the rate of a collection or deduction? Q3. What does the reference citation “010204A.1 (a)” mean? Q4. What would you reference to determine what the title of an Air Force E-7 is?
LSA #1 Summary Show Slide #11: LSA #1 Summary
Instructor's Note: During the first part of this lesson, we described the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A. Went over the chapters and their groups, appendices, sections, and paragraph numbering system.
JTR Provides statutory guidance for the Department of Defense
Provides policy & procedures for travel entitlements and allowances. States who is entitled, what is entitled, and when the entitlement is earned Show Slide #12: JTR 2. Learning Step Activity #2. Describe the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation. Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 50 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #2 lesson on describing the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). Joint Travel Regulation (JTR): You must become familiar with the Joint Travel Regulation, (hereafter referred to as the JTR) specifically chapter 10 when it comes to military pay which we will discuss later when we begin the entitlements lesson. The JTR pertains to per diem, travel and transportation allowances, relocation allowances, and certain other allowances of Uniformed Service Active Duty and Reserve Component members. The JTR is published by the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC). PDTATAC is chartered under the Department of Defense (DoD). Its members are a Deputy Assistant Secretary from each of the military departments. We will discuss specifically Chapter 10 The JTR Provides statutory guidance (legal) for the Department of Defense. Provides policy and procedures for all entitlements pertaining to travel entitlements and allowances for military services. States who is entitled, what is entitled, and when the entitlement is earned.
JTR Chapters 1 – General Policy
2 - Standard Travel and Transportation Allowances 3 - Temporary Duty Travel (TDY) 4 - Government-Funded Leave 5 - Permanent Duty Travel Show Slide #13: JTR Chapters Instructor's Note: Start describing with students JTR Chapters. JTR Chapters: The chapter is always the first one or two digits in the reference number. The JTR is divided into 10 Chapters with Appendices in the back of the regulation. The following is a list of the chapters and their subject areas: Chapter 1, General Policy(Basic Travel Rules, Other Basic Travel Information, Financial Rules Chapter 2, Standard Travel and Transportation Allowances Chapter 3, Temporary Duty Travel (TDY) Chapter 4, Government-Funded Leave Chapter 5, Permanent Duty Travel
JTR Chapters (Cont.) 6 - Evacuation Travel 7 - RESERVED
8 - Cost-of-Living Allowance For Members Assigned to CONUS High-Cost Areas (CONUS COLA) 9 - Station Allowances (OCONUS COLA and TLA) 10 - Housing Allowances Show Slide #14: JTR Chapters (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Continue describing with students JTR Chapters JTR Chapters: (Cont.) Chapters and their subject areas. Chapter 6, Evacuation Allowances Chapter 7, RESERVED for future use Chapter 8, Cost-of-Living Allowance For Members Assigned to CONUS High-Cost Areas (CONUS Cola) Chapter 9, Station Allowances (OCONUS Cola and TLA) Chapter 10, Housing Allowances
Appendices A – Definitions and Acronyms B – E, RESERVED
F – Consumable Goods Allowance G – RESERVED H – Travel Purpose Identifiers and Transportation Decision Support Tools Show Slide #15: Appendices Instructor's Note: Start describing with students appendices: Appendices: Located in the back of the JTR. There are 22 Appendices’: Appendix A, Definitions and Acronyms Appendix B, C, D, E are RESERVED for future use Appendix F, Consumable Goods Allowance Appendix G, RESERVED for future use Appendix H, Travel Purpose Identifiers and Transportation Decision Support Tools
Appendices (continued)
I - Travel Orders J - Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) K - Overseas Housing Allowance L – M, RESERVED N - Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA) (Members Only) Show Slide #16: Appendices (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Continue describing with students appendices: Appendices: (Cont.) Located in the back of the JTR: Appendix I, Travel Orders (Employees Only) Appendix J, Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) (Members Only) Appendix K, Overseas Housing Allowance (Members Only) Appendix L and M, RESERVED Appendix N, Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA) (Members Only)
Appendices (continued)
O - Reserved P - City-Pair Program Q - OCONUS Tour Lengths/Tours of Duty R - Conferences S – Authorized FEML Locations/Destinations Show Slide #17: Appendices (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Continue describing with students appendices: Appendices: (Cont.) Located in the back of the JTR: Appendix O, Reserved Appendix P, City-Pair Program Appendix Q, OCONUS Tour Lengths/Tours of Duty Appendix R, Conferences Appendix S, Authorized FEML Locations/Destinations
Appendices (continued)
T – Standard Data Elements for Travel U - V, RESERVED W - Administrative Weight Allowance Locations X - Resources Show Slide #18: Appendices (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Continue describing with students appendices: Appendices: (Cont.) Located in the back of the JTR: Appendix T, Standard Data Elements for Travel Appendix U and V, RESERVED for future use Appendix W, Administrative Weight Allowance Locations Appendix X, Resources
Paragraph Numbering System
The regulation is divided into: CHAPTERS PARAGRAPHS SUBPARAGRAPHS Show Slide #19: Paragraph Numbering System Instructor's Note: Start describing the paragraph numbering system with students. Paragraph Numbering System: The JTR is divided into chapters, paragraphs, and subparagraphs. There are chapters within the JTR that are divided into parts and sections, further divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs. Paragraphs and Subparagraphs may contain even further Itemizations. The subparagraph is always all the digits after the paragraph number. Instructor’s Note: Throughout the JTR there are Parts for Members Only and Employees Only. Members Only is highlighted Green and Employees Only is highlighted Orange.
Paragraph Numbering System (Cont.)
C3c CHAPTER 03 PARAGRAPH SUBPARAGRAPH C3c Show Slide #20: Paragraph Numbering System (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Describing the paragraph numbering system on the slide example: Paragraph Numbering System: (Cont.) Paragraph C3c Chapter: 03 Paragraph: 1201 Subparagraphs: C3c Instructor Note: Chapter 5 in the JTR does not start with a zero like the other chapters. It starts 50… and goes on. Chapter 5 is a good example of how the parts, sections, and paragraphs are broken down. An example of how the parts and sections would be written: 5116-A4.
LSA #2 Check on Learning True / False: Q1. The JTR Provides statutory guidance (legal) for the Department of Defense. A1. True. Q2. There are two volumes for the travel regulation. A2. False Q3. The JTR has areas for the Members Only and Employees Only. A3. True Show Slide #21: LSA #2 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True / False: Q1. The JTR Provides statutory guidance (legal) for the Department of Defense. Q2. There are two volumes for the travel regulation. Q3. The JTR has areas for the Members Only and Employees Only.
LSA #2 Summary Show Slide #22: LSA #2 Summary
Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we described the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation. Went over its appendices, paragraph numbering system, its citations and tables.
Research Tips Key Word Search
Use of Table of Contents (Reg. and Chapters) Process of Elimination Show Slide #23: Research Tips Learning Step Activity #3. Determine the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 25 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #3 lesson on determining the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question. Research Tips: Finding the correct chapter. When researching questions from customers it is helpful to use several different techniques to locate the specific area of the DODFMR that you need to look in. First, you should look/listen for KEY WORDS or terms that are being used to pose the question. Second use the Table of Contents to help you find the Chapter that covers the area in question. The chapters also have a table of contents that breaks the chapter down into sections. This will speed up the process of research. Lastly, as you search through the chapter. Eliminate paragraphs and sub-paragraphs that do not pertain to your specific search. You may also need to find the section within the chapter. The title may indicate just what you need. For example, the answer to a question about Parachute Duty Pay would be in chapter 24, section 3 or 2403. The specific paragraph may also be needed to answer the question. Scan the paragraph titles within the section. For example, the answer to a question about the effect a missing status has upon a soldier’s entitlement to Parachute Duty Pay would be in chapter 24, section 2, and paragraph 9 or A subparagraph may also be needed. Once you have located the appropriate paragraph, look at the subparagraphs. For example, the answer to a question about who is qualified to receive High-Altitude Low-Opening (HALO) Parachute Duty Pay would be in chapter 24, section 3, paragraph 2, subparagraph B.2 or B.2.
Research Example #1 A Soldier was on an unauthorized leave of absence (AWOL), for 20 days. What affect does the absence have on pay and allowances? Show Slide #24: Research Example #1 Instructor's Note: Go over with the students the Research example #1; and go through the steps from the previous slide to help the students find the correct answer in the DODFMR. Do this as a class. Instructor's Note: Help the Students to research the following example questions and state where the following information is found for each question: Research Example #1: A Soldier was on an unauthorized leave of absence (AWOL), for 20 days. What affect does the absence have on pay and allowances? Chapter Section Paragraph 4. Subparagraph
Research Example #2 A Soldier received Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) for six months. He was then removed from that Special Pay Rating Status without Original Basis of Authority. What affect does this removal have on the SDAP the Soldier already received? Show Slide #25: Research Example #2 Instructor's Note: Allow students to complete this part on their own, following the same process as with example one as a class. Research Example #2: Instructor's Note: Have the Students research the following questions on their own and state where the following information is found for each question: Chapter Section Paragraph Subparagraph Examples for Research: What is the minimum flying time per month required for a member to receive flight pay? 2. How much is the initial uniform allowance an officer receives?
LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1. Where is the first place you would look when answering a research question? A1. The chapter titles in the table of contents. True / False: Q2. Eliminate paragraphs and sub-paragraphs that do not pertain to your specific search. A2. True Show Slide #26: LSA #3 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. Where is the first place you would look when answering a research question? True / False: Q2. Eliminate paragraphs and sub-paragraphs that do not pertain to your specific search.
LSA #3 Summary Show Slide #27: LSA #3 Summary
Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we determine the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question. Went over research tips by conducting numerous examples as a class.
Tips for Research Look for key words Use Table of Contents
Process of Elimination Show Slide #28: Tips for Research Learning Step Activity #4. Determine the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay question. Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 25 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #3 lesson on determining the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay question. Tips for Research: When researching questions from customers it is helpful to use several different techniques to locate the specific area of the JTR that you need to look in. First, you should look/listen for KEY WORDS or terms that are being used to pose the question. If the question is related to Travel pay it will be covered in the JTR. Housing Allowances are also covered in the JTR. Second use the Table of Contents to help you find the Chapter that covers the area in question. This will speed up the process of research. Lastly, as you search through the chapter. Eliminate parts that do not pertain to your specific search. You may also need to find the section within the part of the chapter. The title may indicate just what you need. For example, the answer to a question about When is DLA payable would be in chapter 5, Part A, Section 16. The specific paragraph may also be needed to answer the question. Scan the paragraph titles within the section. For example, the answer to a question about Pet Transportation and Quarantine during an Evacuation OCONUS would be covered in Allowances for Service Members’ Dependents under Chapter 6, Paragraph 0204. A subparagraph may also be needed. Once you have located the appropriate paragraph, look at the subparagraphs. A question about allowances for Pets Transportation and Quarantine during an OCONUS Evacuation would be covered under Pet Transportation and Quarantine – Evacuation from Foreign PDS under Chapter 6, Paragraph 0204, Subparagraph B or B.
JTR Research Example# 1 A Reserve Soldier is called/ordered to Active duty for deployment to a contingency operation. Are they authorized a housing allowance, and at which rate? Show Slide #29: JTR Research Example# 1 Instructor's Note: Go through the steps to help the students find the correct answer in the JTR, do this as a class. JTR Research Example# 1: Have the students tell you the key words in the example. Write them on the white board. Instruct the students to look in the Table of Contents to find the chapter to look in. Then have them look at the chapters Table of Contents. Begin going through the chapter with the students and eliminate areas that do not apply to the search. Example #1 JTR: A Reserve Soldier is called/ordered to Active duty for deployment to a contingency operation. Are they authorized a housing allowance; and at which rate?
JTR Research Example# 2 A Soldier is married by telephone. Is this marriage valid for pay purposes? Show Slide #30: JTR Research Example# 2 Instructor's Note: Follow the same process as with Example 1 as a class. JTR Research Example# 2: Example #2 JTR: A Soldier is married by telephone. Is this marriage valid for pay purposes?
JTR Research Example# 3 A member who is ordered PCS to confinement in the brig is entitled to what type of BAH? Show Slide #31: JTR Research Example# 3 Instructor's Note: Follow the same process as with Example 1 and 2 as a class for these examples for research. JTR Research Example# 3: Example #3 JTR: A member who is ordered PCS to confinement in the brig (military jail) is entitled to what type of BAH?
LSA #4 Check on Learning Q1. What does the JTR have that the DoDFMR does not have as part of the numbering system? A1. Parts and Sections. True / False: Q2. When researching questions from customers it is helpful to first look/listen for key words. A2. True Show Slide #32: LSA #4 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. What does the JTR have that the DoDFMR does not have as part of the numbering system? True / False: Q2. When researching questions from customers it is helpful to first look/listen for key words.
LSA #4 Summary Show Slide #33: LSA #4 Summary
Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we determined the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay questions. Once again, went over research tips, but for the Joint Travel Regulation by conducting several additional examples as a class.
Decision Logic Table TABLE HEADING R U L E 1 2 A B C D E
Column Heading Show Slide #34: Decision Logic Table Learning Step Activity #5. Describing a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 20 mins. Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Instructor transition now into LSA #5, describing a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). Decision Logic Table (DLT): Decision Logic Tables (DLT’s) are used throughout the DoDFMR to simplify technical instructions. They are located in the back of each chapter. The first set of digits in the table number refers to the chapter, and the last set of numbers refers to the table number within the chapter. For example, Table The Table is in Chapter 24 and it is the fourth table within the chapter. DLTs contain the following parts. The Table Heading identifies the type of instruction. Column headings are alphabetically designated. A heavy black line separates condition column headings (If) from action column headings (Then). The Condition and Action Statements Rules are numerically designated. A heavy black line separates condition and action headings from condition and action statement rules. Notes are listed numerically below the table. The notes below the table corresponds with the note in parenthesis for example, (note #). To read a DLT, follow this sequence: Read the Table Heading to identify what the table is about. The Heading for column A leads to the condition statements describing the problem you are solving. Condition statements are extensions of data in column headings, which are sometimes limited to X, Y or N. Y means yes. N means no. The condition statement is blank if the condition does not apply for that rule. Columns B, C, etc. state additional conditions, if required. Follow the rule line for the condition describing the precise problem for the specific action statement that applies. Rules are numerically designated down the left hand column of the DLT. Action statements are extensions of data in action column headings, or limited to an X. X means take this action. The action statement is left blank if that action does not apply or you are not able to take that action. Read the note that numerically corresponds with the note in parenthesis for example, (note #). Notes referred to within the table are located directly beneath the table. Instructor's Notes: Refer the students to decision logic table 25-1. Have them identify the table heading, column headings, and rules. Have them determine which rule is used to collect discounted meal rate for breakfast and dollar amount (effective Jan ).
LSA #5 Check on Learning Q1. What does a Decision Logic Table do?
A1. Simplifies technical instructions. True / False: Q2. Additional columns state additional conditions. A2. True Show Slide #35: LSA #5 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. What does a Decision Logic Table do? True / False: Q2. Additional columns state additional conditions.
LSA #5 Summary Show Slide #36: LSA #5 Summary
Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we described the Decision Logic Table (DLT) in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A and Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) to simplify technical instructions, and the descriptions of the DLT parts.
Tables Table heading -Identifies instructions
Notes – listed with asterisk (*) below the table NOT like tables in the DODFMR Show Slide #37: Tables Instructor's Note: Describe the tables with students. Tables: Tables in the JTR are used to simplify technical instructions and list rates. They are located throughout each chapter. The first set of digits in the table number refers to the chapter followed by the part, there may not always be a part. The last set of numbers after the dash (-) refers to the table number within the chapter. For example: Table 10E-14. The table refers to Chapter 10, Part E and it is the fourteenth table for the chapter in that specific part. Tables within the JTR contain some but not all of the following parts: The Table Heading identifies the type of instruction and or title and describes the situation. Notes are listed, if any, with an asterisk (*) below the table and numerically. Follow the rules for each table individually; the tables in the JTR are not like the DoDFMR in that they may be in different formats with the regulation depending on the content. To read a JTR table, follow this sequence: Read the Table Heading to identify what the table is about. Ensure the heading is describing the problem you are solving. Read each column title and row title to determine which information applies to your situation. Choose the information that matches the criteria or known information. Check the bottom of the table for a note. The notes will give you further information in reference of the table. Instructor's Note: Refer the students to Table 2-1 and have them identify the following: TABLE HEADING? COLUMN HEADINGS? NOTES?
Decision Logic Table (DLT)
Table Heading R U L E A B C D Column Heading 1 2 3 4 Show Slide #38: Decision Logic Table (DLT) Learning Step Activity #6. Interpret a Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A, or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 20 mins. Instructor's Note: Instructor transition now into LSA #6, interpreting a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Decision Logic Table (DLT): Sometimes, the answer to an entitlement type question is found in a decision logic table rather than a paragraph. Decision Logic Tables (DLT’s) are used throughout the JTR to simplify technical instructions. They are located through out each chapter. The first set of digits in the table number refers to the chapter and part if it applies. The last set of numbers refers to the table number within the chapter or the part. Read the table heading to identify what the table is about. Determine which rule to use by reading down the left hand condition column (IF) until finding the condition that exists. The condition column can be: A true statement for the rule. A false statement for the rule. An "X" if the column heading applies to the rule. A "Y" if the answer to the column heading is yes for the rule. An "N" if the answer to the column heading is no for the rule. Blank if the condition cannot apply to the rule. Determine the outcome of the rule by reading the right hand action column (THEN) for the specific action to take. The action column can be: An action statement that must be taken. An "X" if the column heading action must be taken. Blank if the action cannot apply to the rule. Example: Instructor's Note: Have the students locate Table 10a-2 in the JTR and identify the table heading, column headings, and rules. Also, have them determine which rule is used to stop BAH when the dependent is divorced.
LSA #6 Check on Learning True / False:
Q1. Sometimes, the answer to an entitlement type question is found in a decision logic table rather than a paragraph A1. True. Q2. The first set of digits in the table number refers to the chapter. A2. True Q3. The last set of numbers refers to the table number within the chapter or part. A3. True Show Slide #39: LSA #6 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True / False: Q1. Sometimes, the answer to an entitlement type question is found in a decision logic table rather than a paragraph Q2. The first set of digits in the table number refers to the chapter. Q3. The last set of numbers refers to the table number within the chapter or part.
LSA #6 Summary Show Slide #40: LSA #6 Summary
Instructor's Note: During the last part of this lesson, we this time interpret the Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A and Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) going over the condition columns utilizing examples.
Practical Exercise Show Slide #41: Practical Exercise
Practical Exercise: Research Finance Actions PE#1 Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Time of Instruction: 03 hrs. / 30 min. Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to PE for AIT AAA6B101 Research Finance Regulations PE 1 and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This exercise shows how to identify and locate the information needed to research finance actions within the regulation provided. Address any questions or areas of concern until students can successfully complete the exercise that measures each student’s ability to comprehend and retain facilitated material. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes. Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled Research Finance Actions, handouts and standard classroom supplies. Materials Needed: Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) Uniformed Service Members and DoD Civilian Employees DOD R VOL 7, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A AAA6B101 Research Finance Regulations PE 1 *Blank Paper *Pen Or Pencil Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Read each clue carefully and write the best correct answer. This is an individual activity where communication with other students is not required. Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. You will have two and a half periods (02 hrs. / 30 min.) for completion of the PE, with an additional period (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) for the review to follow.. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA #6, Interpret a Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A, or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). All questions have one correct answer. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: The exercise consists of 17 reference questions that involve identifying and locating the required information to research finance actions using the DoDFMR R Volume 7A and the JTR. Students should have time to complete this practical exercise, followed by a review at the completion. Instructional Lead-in: During and throughout the lesson you learned about the importance of this task and something you will always utilize in the military, the research of regulations. Not only with finance-related questions, but also in other military matters. This exercise and review afterward will further provide you with a foundation to help you throughout your Army career. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructor’s or Assistant Instructor’s for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. Motivator: This practical exercises (PE) is to test your knowledge and demonstrate how to identify and locate the information needed to research finance actions within the regulation provided. The PE builds upon each situation within the PE to measure your capabilities to properly prepare and validate their questions and answers. Many FM operations work in remote locations and under different circumstances you may find yourself trying to get these questions answered at any given time. Your ability to define and review them is key to assisting different departments within the FM world and duties. Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, you must: Research each reference question carefully and record your answer after each question.
TLO Check On Learning Break into equal groups.
As a group, write down a few questions from the lesson just received. Once group have sufficient questions, pass questions to another group to answer them. Once questions have been answered, each group read their questions and answers. Show Slide #42: TLO Check On Learning
TLO Summary Action: Conduct Research using Finance Regulations
Condition: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. You will have several military pay questions to research. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Describe the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Describe the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation Determine the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question Determine the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay questions Describe a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Interpret a Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A, or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Show Slide #43: TLO Summary Instructor's Note: Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will: Action: Conduct Research Using Finance Regulations Condition: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. You will have several military pay questions to research. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Describe the numbering system used in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A Describe the numbering system used in the Joint Travel Regulation Determine the location in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A of the subject of a military pay question Determine the location in the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for military pay questions Describe a Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR R, Volume 7A or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Interpret a Decision Logic Table in DoDFMR R, Volume 7A, or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) “Or” Instructor’s Notes: You now know how to research finance-related questions using the DoDFMR and JTR. As a Financial Management Technician, it is your responsibility to be proficient in your job researching finance actions. Proficiency in this task gives you a firm foundation toward becoming an asset to the Finance Corps. We covered the groups, appendices, sections, and paragraph numbering system used in both the DoDFMR’s and Joint Travel regulations. Comprehend the utilization of key word search, table of contents and the process of elimination concept to get answers. We describe and interpret the Decision Logic Table (DLT) in the DoDFMR 7000 and Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) for simplifying technical instructions. Instructors at this time, have one student from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer.
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