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Cognitive Stimulation Therapy enhances residents' cognition and psychological wellbeing in Selwyn Village care homes Orquidea Tamayo Mortera, Group Diversional.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Stimulation Therapy enhances residents' cognition and psychological wellbeing in Selwyn Village care homes Orquidea Tamayo Mortera, Group Diversional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Stimulation Therapy enhances residents' cognition and psychological wellbeing in Selwyn Village care homes Orquidea Tamayo Mortera, Group Diversional Therapist Alzheimers New Zealand Conference TACKLING DEMENTIA: IT’S EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS Thursday 25th October, 2018

2 “Me mātua aroha ki te tangata, hei manaaki tika i a rātou”
To care for al older person

3 Contents 01 What is Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)? 02 Why is CST so important for older adults in Selwyn care homes? 03 Breaking Barriers 04 How can I best support CST in my home? 05 Ongoing CST Research 06 Conclusions

4 Loneliness and Depression among older people living in long term care settings in New Zealand are a significant issue. Bogati, R. 2016 For example, current treatment approaches for depression are done mostly through anti depressants medication and overtime people are overcome by the ‘wilting flower syndrome’ There is a huge need for practitioners to develop, recommend and prescribe other type of intervention programs that are appropriately targeted, evidence-based and evaluated. Interventions that are non-drug base.

5 01 What is Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)?

6 What is CST? Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Evidence-based intervention aiming to improve cognitive functions in people with dementia Group treatment for people with mild to moderate dementia Engagement with themed activities that are enjoyable Developed by Spector and her colleagues (2003) in the UK Practiced internationally including New Zealand The only non-drug intervention in the UK recommended for cognitive symptoms and maintenance of function

7 Quick Overview Small social groups Meeting twice weekly for 7 weeks
Each session takes around mins Participants choose a group name and a “theme song” Use of a “reality orientation board” Group activities are structured and manualised but not prescriptive Introduction Main theme activity Closure - (6 -10 participants and 2 facilitators) - (first CST) – 10mins (welcome, use of white board, theme song, warm-up, current events, and refreshments) – 25mins (e.g. games, sounds, childhood, food, quiz), providing two levels (A & B) – 10mins (summary, theme song, reminder of next session, farewell)

8 02 Why is CST so important in Selwyn homes?

9 Why is CST important in Selwyn homes?
We cater for people with Cognitive Decline and Mild to Moderate dementia Suitable and can be easily adapted for our settings CST principles align with our Selwyn Way Enhances peoples opinions rather than facts Maximises peoples potential Helps people to build and strengthen relationships (hospital, rest home, day care) (person-centred, respect, growth, involvement, resilience, belonging, contentment, involvement, inclusion, choice, fun, spirituality, individuality) (implicit learning) (just right challenge)

10 The Facilitators Role Before CST During the Session After CST
Meet 3-4 weeks prior to starting CST Develop the plan in consultation with GDT In consultation with Care Leads, Families and Residents (where applicable) to confirm the list of participants Provide a copy of the CST plan to Care Leads, Families and participants During the Session Please refer to the Quick Overview Slide After CST Meet with the Co-Facilitator for 15mins and fill in the Monitoring Progress Form (MPF) together. Provide a copy of the MPF to the Care Lead, so that the information can go on Lee Care (unless you work in the house and you have access to all the residents Lee Care Daily record) Quickly discuss details for the upcoming session Together clear the room and put things back in place Before the Session begins Meet with the Co-Facilitator 15mins before the session to review the theme Quickly review the running of the session Together do all the set up

11 Switch-On Phenomenon Positive changes in participants observed by staff, family and facilitators New found confidence New found capability Positive effect on mood Improved memory Vastly improved communication skills Positive experiences of being in smaller groups (opportunity to be heard and to be spoken to as a normal person) (constructive and positive criticism –provoking topics) (remembering jokes) (learning a song together) (‘making sense’ when replying) (open and honest conversations)

12 “I feel that my opinion is valid in this group”

13 03 Breaking Barriers

14 Breaking Barriers Limited organisational culture & platform for change and to implement Non-pharmacological or Complementary therapies that are evidence base practice Lack of engagement as CST not regarded as a treatment by some health professionals Lack of trained staff to facilitate CST Limited time and human resources Limited financial resources for CST equipment Adapted CST CST, Maintenance CST and iCST Research opportunities Education for Management and Clinical Leaders Presentations for RN’s, Care givers CST Training for Selwyn Team Hard to have two staff off the floor (explaining how having 8 residents for CST actually works because the ratio is 1Caregiver for 8 Staff) Fundraisings and lots of creativity with family and volunteers support Introducing CST

15 We should be breaking barriers to enhance our elders lives, not building walls.

16 04 How can I best support CST in my home?

17 How can I best support CST in my home?
Learn about the importance of CST and educate your team Talk to the families about the potential benefits of CST Remind and motivate your residents about the benefits and positive outcomes of participating in all the sessions Remind your team to support residents attending CST Don’t send people on trips on the day and the time that CST is taking place please If residents attending CST are on a trip on that day, please plan in advance and remind the Driver/AC/DT/CG/V to support the residents to get back home in time for CST to arrive 5mins before the CST session begins and not 15mins after the session has already started (respect those who arrive on time, but also remember that facilitators need to focus on the set up and the running of the session)

18 If a resident needs to take medication during CST, plan ahead.
Support residents to plan visits or appointments that won’t clash with CST (e.g. GP, Podiatrist, Hairstylist, Family visits, Dentist, Audiologist ) Support the facilitators, they are enriching the lives of our elders. Support residents with personal cares before the CST session Most facilitators are medication trained, and could easily deliver the medication avoiding unnecessary interruptions during the session Support residents attending CST to go back to their preferred place when the session has finished. (Facilitators need to have a quick catch up, clear the space and record notes)

19 05 Ongoing CST research

20 Ongoing CST Research CST Research (Ongoing) Cogex (CST + Exercises)
CSTY (CST + Yoga)

21 “I am happy to belong to this group. I don’t want the sessions to end

22 06 Conclusions

23 Conclusions CST provides engaging and challenging brain activities for individuals. The element that makes CST so effective is the social interaction that is inherent in the therapy, which provides meaning and purpose to an individual’s life despite their physical or cognitive abilities. This therapy is human-to- human contact, we are wired to interact with other humans.

24 Thank you

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