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Alberta Queen’s Printer

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1 Alberta Queen’s Printer Queen’s Printer Association of Canada Inter-Jurisdictional Meeting June 2015

2 Alberta Queen’s Printer
The official source of Government of Alberta laws, the Alberta Gazette, and legislative publications since 1906 Offers more than 1,900 legislative products and official materials in a variety of formats In addition to online purchasing, customers can access Alberta’s laws for free in HTML and PDF formats on the Queen’s Printer website Efficiently delivers products and services to Albertans, Canadians, and international customers - orders are received online, by phone, by fax, by mail, and in person

3 Cross Ministry Partnerships
Alberta Queen’s Printer currently partners with the following Ministries and Agencies to publish and distribute their materials: Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Human Services Jobs, Skills and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Safety Codes Council Service Alberta Transportation Tourism, Recreation and Parks – Travel Alberta

4 Benefits of Partnering with Alberta Queen’s Printer
Supports the one window approach which enables government to act as one entity and facilitates easy access to programs and services for ministries and Albertans Fits into Service Alberta’s mandate to deliver high quality, coordinated business, financial and technology services to government ministries Alberta Queen’s Printer staff have over 130 years of combined publishing and distribution experience 4

5 Alberta Queen’s Printer – Digital Age
Alberta Queen’s Printer works continuously to provide our resources whenever and wherever they are needed We are present online via Queen’s Printer website, QP Source Professional, Specified Penalty Listing and the QPAC website Clients download over 2 million legislative items on our websites annually We provide self-service options to manage their account Professional users value the advanced access that QP Source Professional provides 5

6 2014/15 At a Glance Merged with Open Government Program
Relocated after 14 years System upgrades Completion of Results Based Budgeting Review 6

7 Electronic Access to the Laws – 2014/15 Statistics
Queen’s Printer website 46% of our business is done online Over million legislative retrievals Alberta Gazette was referenced 121,291 times Orders in Council were referenced 130,081 times QP Source Professional 798 licensed permits Accessed 47,336 times 100,344 searches were performed

8 Operational Statistics
Service Delivery Staff answered 13,431 calls and responded to inquiries Gross revenue $2.070M (12% increase) 252,377 legislative materials distributed (47% increase) Published Legislative Changes 221 new or amended Statutes 12 Statues were repealed 286 new or amended Regulations 27 Regulations were repealed A total of 546 legislative changes were published

9 How Citizens Gain Access to Legislative Materials

10 Customer Interactions

11 Future Projects In the planning phase of adding legislation to the Open Data Portal. This project is a joint, collaborative goal of the Alberta Queen’s Printer and the Open Government resources Commencing a thorough review of the business processes and procedures involved in the life of a legislation, from a bill to a royal accent. The review is spread across two ministries and it involves Legislative Counsel and the Alberta Queen’s Printer 11

12 Open Government Portal
Making laws accessible via Open Data Portal in addition to the QP website Phase I - anticipated to be completed by April 2016: Design linkage between the Queen’s Printer Catalogue database and the Open Data Portal Built QP designated page on the portal 12

13 Modernize publishing processes and outputs for legislative materials
Alberta Queen’s Printer is working in partnership with the Legislative Counsel of Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, Service Alberta and Justice IT Offices to capture and map out current state for bills, office consolidations, Alberta Gazette and e-publishing of the laws to create an efficient and achievable plan for the future state 13

14 Website Modernization, Enhancements and New Opportunities
Adding visuals for e-commerce portion of website Add search ability for Orders in Council Seek approval to begin publishing Ministerial Orders on the Queen's Printer website 14

15 Questions? Thank you for your interest in Alberta Queen’s Printer.
Gisele Abt Manager, Alberta Queen’s Printer

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