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Creating a Better Tomorrow – Better Tomorrow 2025 As a company that promises to improve the quality of life of people, corporate responsibility lies at the core of everything we do. Better Tomorrow 2025 is designed to keep us on track in relation to our aspirations as a responsible business. It aligns with our corporate strategy and supports our business development, increases our influence and helps us retain and grow services with existing clients. The Better Tomorrow Plan was revisited, revamped and refreshed in The framework we developed in 2009 has to a large extent run it’s course. It has guided us on what we want to achieve. It has highlighted areas where we can make huge progress e.g. ethically sourced coffee, sustainable cleaning product use. It has also shown us where we need to work harder to effect the change we want to see. The objective of this refresh is to use what we have learned since the initial launch on the Better Tomorrow Plan in 2009 to: integrate create ownership set new and stretching targets Integration Our corporate mission statement is centred around improved quality of life, what could be more related to responsible business than a positive quality of life for those we employ, those we serve and those with which we come into contact. We already have a strategy it’s called Ambition 2025 and we want to achieve the goals highlighted in that in a responsible way which why it makes sense that there is just one strategy rather than a CR strategy and a separate corporate strategy. That’s why when we talk about corporate responsibility now we talk about achieving corporate responsibility objectives within the context of our business strategy which illustrates how we are ensuring that corporate responsibility is integrated into business as usual. Create ownership Each of the Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments outlined here is owned by a global team responsible for that area of work so whether that is procurement, HR or Health, Safety and the Environment responsibly for Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments and their targets sit with these different teams. Within the UK and Ireland, the Better Tomorrow 2025 steering group manage and drive progress. The Better Tomorrow steering group helps to create coherence and ownership drawing together subject matter experts from across the business. Targets Our targets articulate our vision to be a company that truly enhances Quality of Life. This is evidenced in internal commitments to reach an 80% global engagement rate, gender balance and a culture of environmental responsibility, and in our external targets like those that seek to tackle hunger and gender discrimination on a global stage. Our Better Tomorrow 2025 targets are stretching and run along the same timetable as Ambition 2025 making them truly part and parcel of our vision for where we want the company to get to by 2025.

No separate mission – same as corporate mission Integration In line with this ambition to integrate we no longer talk about business over here and corporate responsibility over there, we want to talk about how we achieve our business objectives with corporate responsibility featuring within that. That’s why there is no separate mission and vision for our corporate responsibility aspirations. We have a corporate mission statement – it’s centred around improved quality of life – well what could be more related to responsible business than a positive quality of life for those we employ, those we serve and those with which we come into contact. Our corporate strategy its called Ambition 2025 and it talks about achieving it’s goals with responsible business in mind. So if anything corporate responsibility already occupies a central space in our mission and vision. That’s why when we talk about corporate responsibility we talk about achieving corporate responsibility objectives within the context of our business strategy and will focus particularly on the commitments we’ve made, the things we want to achieve, aiming for these things will illustrate our progress against making corporate responsibility even more integrated into our business. Better Tomorrow 2025 is also an opportunity for us to tell a more coherent story. We need to think laterally about our corporate responsibility commitments – so if we are offering waste management training to our colleagues how is that improving their engagement rates, if we are increasing the volumes of ethical coffee in our supply chain what are associated environmental messages we might use when we think about the container this coffee is served in? The more we can link these issues the more coherent our story will be and the better we will be able to explain the Quality of Life message. A more coherent CR story would help us to retain current clients and attract next ones. Create ownership It’s not enough for the corporate responsibility team to champion and bang the drum for each of the commitments, they need to be owned by commercial teams in the business. Each of the Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments outlined here is owned by a global team responsible for that area of work so whether that is procurement, HR or Health, Safety and the Environment responsibly for Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments and their targets sit with these different teams. Within the UK and Ireland, the Better Tomorrow 2025 steering group manage and drive progress. The Better Tomorrow steering group helps to create coherence and ownership drawing together subject matter experts from across the business. Targets Our targets articulate our vision to be a company that truly enhances Quality of Life. This is evidenced in internal commitments to an 80% engagement rate, gender balance and a culture of environmental responsibility, and in our external targets like those that seek to tackle hunger and gender discrimination on a global stage. Our Better Tomorrow 2025 targets are stretching and run along the same timetable as Ambition 2025 making them truly part and parcel of our vision for where we want the company to get to by 2025. No separate strategy – Ambition 2025 already references our corporate responsibility commitment

3 ONE MISSION Improve the Quality of Life of all those we serve.
Since the creation of Sodexo, our mission has been to improve quality of life of our employees and all who we serve and to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, regions and countries in which we operate. As a company that promises to improve quality of life of people, corporate responsibility lies at the core of everything we do. We believe quality of life for individuals is a legitimate personal aspiration that needs to be fulfilled, because organizations and society, at large, progress better and faster when they promote opportunities for a better life. We believe also that quality of life needs to be collective and long- lasting, that improving the quality of life of one set of individuals here, now, should never come at the expense of others, including future generations. This is what drives us. This is why we exist. And this is why it’s one single mission that drives our business and corporate responsibility roadmap known as Better Tomorrow 2025. As a company operating in the services business, we can make a real difference to people’s lives in six areas: Physical Environment, Health & Well-Being, Social Interaction, Recognition, Ease & Efficiency and Personal Growth. Quality of Life is a key factor in individual and collective performance. An organization performs better when it operates in a more human way, promoting both the professional and personal fulfillment of its employees. We think people, given the right environment and tools, are a powerful driving force capable of transforming today’s challenges into a multitude of opportunities. We prioritize the collective over the individual and strive to create harmonious growth for everyone. At Sodexo, people achieve personal fulfillment through mindfulness of what exists around them. We are ardent advocates of long-term, collective thinking. And we make sure that our approach to enhancing people’s Quality of Life embodies principles of diversity, sustainability, environmental awareness, local prosperity and respect for every kind of resource we work with. Contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the cities, regions and countries where we operate.

4 THREE IS A MAGIC NUMBER Three things we want to be known for:
Tackling hunger and malnutrition Promoting gender balance Preventing waste Three Is the Magic Number There are three corporate responsibility actions for which we want our company to be recognised, these are: Tackling hunger and malnutrition Promoting gender balance And preventing waste These three themes run through all nine Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments and objectives and appear in relation to the targets we have as an employer, as a service provider and as a corporate citizen.

5 THREE IS A MAGIC NUMBER Three levels of impact: Individual Community
Environment Levels of Impact We have three levels of impact – on individuals – on safety, health and wellbeing, on communities, in the places where we operate and on the environment – including consideration for the resources we use to do business. Our impact on the Individual Internally as well as externally, we strive to have people’s safety, health and well-being secured, and everyday life made easier. We want to help people meet their basic needs. Our impact on the Community Among our different stakeholders, we contribute to create positive and rewarding interactions with mutual benefits. We are committed to fostering business practices that are fair, inclusive and sustainable. Our Impact on the Environment In everything we do, we aspire to build a harmonious relationship between individuals, communities and the environment in which we live. We are committed to leaving a healthier planet.

6 THREE IS A MAGIC NUMBER Three roles we have: As an employer
As a service provider As a corporate citizen Our Roles As a global business, we recognise that we have three roles to play in creating a better tomorrow. Our primary role is as the world’s 19th largest employer, employing over 425,000 people that come from diverse backgrounds, we are responsible for our people’s personal well-being and development, as well as contributing to the development of the communities where they work and live. Here in the UK & Ireland that’s a responsibility to 34,000 people, their satisfaction at work, their opportunity to thrive in the work place and ability to realise a good quality of life while they work for Sodexo Our secondary role is as a service provider to clients in three business activities and multiple global market segments with over 75 million consumers served each day, we have a duty to understand and provide for their unique needs, as well as their long-term aspirations. In the UK & Ireland this is in relation to our clients, consumers and our suppliers who work in partnership with us to realize our CR aspirations. Our final role is as a corporate citizen, operating in over 80 countries, and with a history of over 50 years, we have responsibility for conducting a business that brings positive impact to the world, drives progress and respects the resources on which our future depends. The sheer size of the company, the amount of people we reach each day gives us a unique opportunity but also responsibility to stand up on key issues – that’s why our global CEO sits on the UN sustainable goal for food waste prevention. Our role as a corporate citizen is about what we want to be stand up and counted for supporting – gender equality, hunger prevention and waste prevention.

7 OUR ROLE AS AN EMPLOYER As the world’s 19th largest employer, we are responsible for our people’s personal well-being and development, as well as contributing to the development of the communities where they work and live.

8 At Sodexo, we consider quality of life to be a key factor in individual and collective performance. We are convinced that an organisation performs better when it operates in a more human way, promoting both the professional and personal fulfilment of its employees. We think people, given the right environment and tools, are a powerful driving force capable of transforming today’s challenges into a multitude of opportunities. Our Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments articulate our vision to be a company that truly enhances quality of life, evidenced in our internal targets to reach an 80% global employee engagement rate, gender balance within our management teams and a culture of environmental responsibility. Our new targets are stretching and run along the same timetable as our corporate strategy Ambition 2025, making them truly part and parcel of our 2025 vision for the company.

Investors in People - In 2016 we achieved Investors in People silver status across our entire UK and Ireland business, scoring particularly well in areas of leading and inspiring people. In 2017, 14 exceptional sites received Investors in People gold status living the organisation's values and behaviours. IIP said good leadership and people management is consistent across Sodexo, and a 'willingness to invest in the growth and development of its people remains a strikingly positive feature of the organisation’. Women in Management Positions - Gender balance is vital to the success of our business and our research suggests that gender balanced management groups (with 40-60% women) perform better in the workplace than those management groups that do not fit this balance range. These results reinforce Sodexo's long standing conviction that gender balance is a key driver of business performance - one that affects all parts of the business from growth and profit to engagement and retention. Modern Slavery Report - Sodexo is proud to be a company that shares the same principles as those set out in the Modern Slavery Act of We believe in the elimination of all forms of compulsory labour, and ensuring slavery and human trafficking does not take place in any part of our business or supply chain. We are showing our commitment to the cause through a range of actions consistent with our position as a world leader in its respect for human rights both within our business, supply chain and beyond. Gender Pay Gap - In 2017, Sodexo publish a detailed breakdown of pay variances and pledged to rectify discrepancies across its 35,000 UK and Irish employees. We are the first company of its size and scope to report our gender pay gap at this level of detail. As an early adopter of new UK Government legislation reporting on the Gender Pay Gap, we are committed to equalising our gender pay variance. A clear commitment to gender balance has seen Sodexo included in The Times Top 50 Employers for Women for the last five years. WasteLESS Week - Waste is one of our biggest collective challenges. Tackling it is critical to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting land and water and improving livelihoods. We believe that less waste means more quality of life and this is why reducing waste is one of our key Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments. WasteLESS Week is a yearly campaign designed to engage employees, clients and consumers to promote best practice and create a platform to support sustainability. In 2017, 501 of our sites actively participated in WasteLESS Week across the UK and Ireland business helping us to reach our green goals and improve the way we handle waste daily.

As a service provider to clients with millions of consumers being served each day, we have a duty to understand and provide for their unique needs, as well as their long-term aspirations.

11 Each of the Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments is owned by a global team responsible for that area of work, whether that is procurement, HR or Health, Safety and the Environment. Within the UK & Ireland the Better Tomorrow 2025 Steering Group helps create coherence and ownership drawing together subject matter experts from across the business. Fulfilling social interactions within communities contribute to progress and quality of life. This is why Sodexo contributes to the development of local communities. Among our different stakeholders, we strive to create positive and rewarding interactions with mutual benefits. We are committed to fostering business practices that are fair, inclusive and sustainable. Which is why we want to offer healthy lifestyle options to 100% of our consumers every day, why €10 billion of our business value will benefit SMEs, and why we are aiming for an absolute reduction of 34% in our carbon emissions.

Sodexo’s 10 Golden Rules - Consumer demand, legislation and corporate responsibility are combining to shape Sodexo's approach to healthier food and drink. We have multiple initiatives across the business to improve people's quality of life, but ultimately the health and wellbeing demands of ever more discerning consumers are guiding the path towards a multitude of meals once viewed as 'healthy' becoming mainstream. In 2017, we pledged to increase the amount of vegetables in our meals through the Peas Please initiative, organised by think tank The Food Foundation. Sodexo and WWF - Sodexo and WWF are working together in the UK to become leaders in creating healthier food options whilst reducing the environmental impact of our consumption. Together we have created a family of sustainable plant based meals that combine nutrition, sustainability and Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments - these meals taste good, are good for people and for the environment. Hybrid and Electric Vehicles - As part of our Better Tomorrow roadmap, we have made the commitment to reduce all carbon emissions produced by 34% within the UK and Ireland by This includes continually reviewing and improving our approach on the purchase and use of fuel efficient vehicles. We are confident that advances in technology and our close relationships with vehicle manufacturers will see the number of electric vehicles we use significantly increase by 2025, which will help reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. Fruitful Office - As a company serving 1 million meals every day in the UK and Ireland, we pay much attention to the traceability of the products we source and serve. For us sustainability is a given and we understand the importance of building long-term sustainable relationships with our suppliers. We aim for continuous improvement - all our suppliers need to sign our Code of Conduct and through working closely with them we are able to trace the products all the way back to the source.

As a corporate citizen with a history of over 50 years, we have responsibility for conducting a business that brings positive impact to the world, drives progress and respects the resources on which our future depends.

14 Better Tomorrow 2025 provides us with goals and ambitious commitments intrinsically linked to our corporate strategy. It helps us to fulfil client expectations as well as engage our employees, consumers and other stakeholders. Achieving these commitments will also allow us to meet increasing regulatory and legislative requirements that continue to be implemented around the world. A rich and resourceful planet is indispensable for quality of life in the long term. In everything we do, we aspire to build a harmonious relationship between individuals, communities and the environment in which we live. We are committed to leaving a healthier planet. Which is why we plan to reach 100 million beneficiaries with our Stop Hunger activities, and we want all our countries to collaborate on initiatives that improve the quality of life of women, and partner to deliver on the UN food waste goal.

Stop Hunger - Stop Hunger is a worldwide Sodexo initiative active in more than 40 countries. Through Stop Hunger, we donate time, skills and money to tackle hunger, support good nutrition and promote life skills in local communities. As a result of this collaborative effort we raised over £450,000 in FY2017 for charities in the UK & Ireland. Beneficiaries included SSAFA, FareShare and Focus Ireland. Globally, we distributed about 5.7 million meals and collected USD 4.6 million to support the actions of 875 local NGOs. Coffee Growers Fund - We are working with the Fairtrade Foundation to help improve the food security and empowerment of women, Fairtrade coffee producers' and their families in Peru. This growers fund was designed in partnership with the Fairtrade Foundation and CLAC, Fairtrade's network of producers in Central and Latin America, in order to incorporate a range of approaches that address the most relevant issues and support for the cooperative members. This includes technical training to improve coffee quality, installation of solar dryers, small animal farming and creation of kitchen gardens. WasteWatch powered by LeanPath - Our WasteWatch powered by LeanPath is a food waste prevention programme focused on tracking food waste, monitoring performance and taking actions to drive reduction, and communicating success. It captures daily food waste data and measures pre-consumer and post-consumer waste which informs ordering decisions and portion sizes. WasteWatch objectives are to value food as an important resource, reduce food waste and improve profitability at sites.

Here are our nine commitments organised laterally against our roles and vertically against our impact areas. Each commitment relates to one of our roles and one of our impact areas.

17 NINE OBJECTIVES FOR 2025 Here are our nine global objectives, each one is related to the previous commitments.

Here are our local UK and Ireland nine objectives, each one is related to the previous global commitments. Our Better Tomorrow 2025 steering group have set these local targets helping to create coherence and ownership of our global commitments. The steering group draw together subject matter experts from across the business with one aim of improving Quality of Life.

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