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Federal Transit Administration

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1 Federal Transit Administration
2018 Tri-State Transit Conference North Conway, NH Federal Transit Administration Drug and Alcohol Compliance Program Joseph Lofgren, Cahill Swift, LLC Senior Audit Team Leader Room Welcome

2 Overview FTA’s Drug & Alcohol Compliance Auditing Program
Core, Ongoing, and Emerging Issues Compliance Trends 2018 Part 40 (Updated Panel, etc.) MRO Verification Process & Safety Concerns Horizon Overview

3 Audit Program & Current/Emerging Issues

4 The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act
Passed by Congress in 1991 Established FTA’s authority for D&A Directed DOT to Implement testing for all modes Implement strong safeguards Require HHS-approved labs Require split-specimen testing Test in five circumstances

5 MAP-21 (2012) Established the Office of Safety Review
Volunteer Bus Review Program State Safety Oversight Drug and Alcohol Emergency Preparedness

6 Lay of the Land 2017 MIS Data*: 608 Grantees 3320 Entities
311,064 Safety-Sensitive Employees  98,412 Random Drug Tests (32% selection, 1.07% positive rate)  55,240 Random Alcohol Tests (18% selection, 0.30% positive rate)  13,020 Post-Accident Drug Tests (1.57% positive rate) 12,227 Post-Accident Alcohol Tests (0.20% positive rate) *2017 data as of 3/15/2018

7 Safety Sensitive Employment (cy2017)

8 Safety Sensitive Employment (Tri-State, 2017)
Operators: 1,376 Dispatchers: 216 Maintenance: 146 CDL/Other: 5 Armed Security: 0 Ferry: 166 TOTAL: 1,909 Safety Sensitive Employment (Tri-State, 2017)

9 Collection Site Inspections
Audits Collection Site Inspections Newsletter Training Regulatory Guidance Program Components

10 Core Issues Random testing Post-accident testing
Employee training / DER turnover Collection site monitoring

11 Core Issue: Random Testing
Timely & Equitable Selections Immediacy Excusals Deterrent Spread

12 Core Issue: Post-accident Testing
Misunderstanding Thresholds Testing after Discounting Documented Inconsistency Immediacy

13 Core Issue: Training/Turnover
Employees: 1hr Training Supervisor Training (PA/RS) No Continuity Planning Lack of Policy Understanding

14 Core Issue: Collection Site Monitoring
Basic errors Fatal flaws Unclear D.O. protocols No relationship

15 Ongoing Issues Previous-employer checks (§ 40.25) § 40.25(j)
Employee Training 1hr Video Now Available! YouTube: “FTA drug abuse awareness video” eCCF New CCF Ongoing Issues

16 Multi-modal programs USCG/FTA FMCSA/FTA FRA/FTA Ongoing Issues

17 Ongoing Issues Consultants are Service Agents
Federal Register Notice August 8, 2016 (Part 40 definition clarified) D&A Consultants are subject to audits / eligible for P.I.E. May receive NOCA, NOPE Ongoing Issues

18 Ongoing Issues State marijuana laws
Education about firm federal regulations necessary Clarity in training is crucial MRO commitment to Part 40 marijuana prohibitions Ongoing Issues

19 Ongoing Issues Opioid testing implementation
Increased education and clarification from employers needed Additional verification efforts for MROs Opioid safety concerns Ongoing Issues

20 Emerging Issues FTA’s 2017 Random Drug Testing Positive Rate…
Positive rate above 1% threshold (~1.06%) Rate is national aggregate § (c)(2) requires rate increase 25% -> 50% Data validation continues Database closed 9/4 Emerging Issues

21 Coverage Issues Tribal Nation Funding
Audits & technical assistance to new recipients/sub-recipients Many similarities to remote/rural providers Transportation Network Companies

22 Compliance Trends

23 Compliance Trends: Policies
0.02 Alcohol Prohibition FTA’s prohibition is 0.04 Self-referral -> “Substance Abuse Professional,” DOT RTD/FU, etc. Reasonable suspicion for fights, possession

24 Compliance Trends: DAPM/DER
§ 40.25(j) requirements Municipal stovepipes Post-accident testing for unconscious/deceased employee What to do w/ non-DOT CCF

25 Compliance Trends: Required Testing
Pre-employment: Communication Reasonable Suspicion: Documentation Post-accident: Over-testing, delay documentation Random: Spreads, Spreads, Immediacy, and Spreads RTD/FU: Missed tests

26 Compliance Trends: Legal
Coverage: DAPM/DER unaware of covered contractors Policy: Inconsistent with other company/obtaining policies

27 Compliance Trends: Collection Sites
Instructions/Back of CCF Collector completes the CCF out of order (Step 45 instead of… Step 54) Collector dates bottle seals while on CCF Collector does not secure enclosure Collector does not observe employee during initial steps

28 Compliance Trends: TPAs
Rubber-stamping test results without quality-control on CCFs Blurring line of responsibility by performing some MRO duties (prohibited) Providing inaccurate regulatory guidance to industry

29 Compliance Trends: Medical Review
Weekends off P.O. Box SAP Access

30 Compliance Trends: SAPs
No initial report Self-referral 6x12 Drug “and/or” alcohol

31 2018 Testing Panel

32 2018 Panel: What & When Marijuana | PCP | Cocaine
Amphetamines (AMP/MAMP, MDMA, MDA, MDEA) Opiates (Codeine/Morphine, 6AM) 2017 testing panel Amphetamines (AMP/MAMP) MDMA, MDA (initial analyte), MDEA Codeine/Morphine 6AM Hydrocodone/Hydromorphone Oxycodone/Oxymorphone “iates”->”ioids” Still a “five panel” test Now (1/1/2018) 2018 Panel: What & When *DHHS FR

33 20042011: ER visits for non-medical use of narcotic pain relievers up 153% Opiates/Opioids up 183%* Hydromorphone up 438% Oxycodone up 263% Hydrocodone up 100%+ 2012 Workplace (non-federal) information showed synthetic positives second only to marijuana. 2018 Panel: Why *DHHS FR

34 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes Revised Shy Bladder Process
Discard original suspect specimen if shy bladder D.O. unsuccessful New Fatal Flaws (1) There is no CCF; (2) two separate collections were performed using one CCF; and (3) there was no specimen submitted to the laboratory with the CCF Revised Stat Sums To accord w/ new panels No more blind specimens 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes

35 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes (Continued)
NHTSA-approved ASDs and EBTs will appear on ODAPC’s website Collectors, alcohol testing technicians, MROs, and Substance Abuse Professionals will be required to subscribe to ODAPC's list-serve Unauthorized use of DOT-branded items (such as logos or emblems) on a service agent’s website, publications, etc. = 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes (Continued)

36 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes (Continued)
Only urine specimens can be collected and analyzed at HHS-certified laboratories. Explicit prohibition on the use of DNA testing on DOT drug-testing specimens (§40.153). Substance Abuse Professional certification organizations moved from rule text to ODAPC website. MIS instructions moved to ODAPC’s website. 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes (Continued)

37 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes (Continued)
The term ‘prescription’ has been clarified; Rxs must be “consistent with” Controlled Substances Act MRO has authority to conduct D,L stereoisomer and THC-V testing MRO’s safety-concern timing modified (more to come) 2018 Part 40 – Other Changes (Continued)

38 Safety Concerns

39 MRO Safety Concern: What it is
§ : When must the MRO report results and medical information gathered in the verification process? (a) As the MRO, you must…report drug test results and medical information… if you determine, in your reasonable medical judgment, that: (1) The information is likely to result in the employee being determined to be medically unqualified under an applicable DOT agency regulation; or (2) The information indicates that continued performance by the employee of his or her safety-sensitive function is likely to pose a significant safety risk. (b) The third parties to whom you are authorized to provide information by this section include the employer, a physician or other health care provider responsible for determining the medical qualifications of the employee under an applicable DOT agency safety regulation, a SAP… a DOT agency, or the National Transportation Safety Board…

40 MRO Safety Concern: What it is (continued)
§ : What does the MRO tell the employee at the beginning of the verification interview? (e): You must also advise the employee that, before informing any third party about any medication the employee is using pursuant to a legally valid prescription consistent with the Controlled Substances Act, you will allow 5 business days from the date you report the verified negative result for the employee to have the prescribing physician contact you to determine if the medication can be changed to one that does not make the employee medically unqualified or does not pose a significant safety risk. If, in your reasonable medical judgment, a medical qualification issue or a significant safety risk remains after you communicate with the employee's prescribing physician or after 5 business days, whichever is shorter, you must follow § If, as the MRO, you receive information that eliminates the medical qualification issue or significant safety risk, you must transmit this information to any third party to whom you previously provided information under §

41 MRO Safety Concern: What it isn’t
New! Only the 5-day allowance (prior to employer notification of Rx) is new All other elements essentially obtain

42 MRO Safety Concern Policy Considerations: What was your policy before?
Discuss with counsel, representation

43 MRO Safety Concern FAQs: May not give MRO list of acceptable Rx
Does not extend Rx verification period No… marijuana is not allowed…

44 On the Horizon

45 Upcoming/potential initiatives
Alternate Specimen Methods Oral Fluids Hair Testing Clearinghouse Rate Changes Innovations from You!

46 Technical Assistance Iyon Rosario Volpe D&A Project Office
(202) Volpe D&A Project Office (617) Cahill Swift D&A Team: (617)

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